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Soom CutiePie 12cm Anthros Discussion Part 1

Feb 2, 2013

    1. i've never really liked them either. but my mum just got a little pipos cheese mouse, who is adorable, and she has a nappy choo, and i love him. I feel like my tinys would love a pet bear cub to play with, and this cutiepie is perfect. Just so so cute.
    2. I'm rather surprised these cuties haven't gained much fans over here. I though they were extremely adorable and wonderfully priced because of the X-mas kit! Can't wait for Teddy to come home next year!
    3. I think I will be getting the brown one as a kit since I'd love to paint this little teddy! Though around this time of year there may be other events springing up, and Soom may add other biweekly outfits maybe? So I am waiting. I regretted not getting Pandy but I think I love these bears more. :)
    4. i will get a teddy too. This year i buyed my first anthro, a Pipos Tomo, and since than i got several Anthros. They´re just heartbreaking cute :aheartbea Never though i coud feel like this to them.
      Plus the bear will be my first soom bjd XD i never though to get one of them.. i usually don´t like their dolls. But their Anthro´s are special. And the bear will be my Porthos to Aramis (DF-H TuTu Bunny) and Athos (Pipos Cheesemouse). Now are the three musketeers compleded. Since i started this projekt i wanted Porthos to be a lil bear but could find one.... Next goal is Lord Buckingham which will be a Pipos Chesire yay
    5. My Teddy came yesterday. I ordered the doll as a kit, and I think from this experience I will order strung dolls. I lost a tiny forearm for several hours, then lost a hand s hook. Glad I had the materials and tools to make another, lol. BUT what was noticeable right when I saw the head and cap was how they didn't connect properly, here's a photo. The faceplate sits below where it should everywhere, so gaps on each side and the top edge is noticeable. Does anyone else have this problem? I Q&Ad Soom about it too.
    6. Amanohara, I struggled to string my Teddy as well and ended up using a thicker string. The string Soom provided was just too thin and the bear kept toppling over. I have the same issue with the faceplate not sitting flush with the headcap. I'm curious what Soom replies to you because the more I look at it, the more it bothers me. I am not planning a wig for Teddy, so that gap is rather unsightly.

      In addition to above, I also have a problem with Teddy's tail, which I posted on Soom's Q&A about. It came to me with a hole in it, and the tip looks shaved off. Otherwise, I love the little thing! The resin color and quality is great, especially compared to some other tans I've seen/handled.
    7. Hi Anna, I ended up taking new photos with Teddy strung and sent a second message with more info. I am having problems with their log in and q&a and my last reply can't be accessed. When I first saw the gap I was hoping it was a minor sanding issue but I don't know now. I wonder if it is a mold flaw if you have the same issue. I will wait to hear what Victoria says before I try anything myself. Also Soom's photos had both dolls with no gap issues anywhere on their heads.

      My Teddy's tail has a spot for the magnet, and then it rounds off to a thick tip if that makes any sense, mostly round. Did you get an overzealous sander or a nasty resin bubble? And yes! This doll is SOOO tiny and cute and happy and the brown is lovely, there are a few seam areas that could be better, but they aren't obvious.

      Hopefully I get a reply back soon, either way I am glad I found the time to work on this little one to see if there were any issues before I lost that 7 day Soom grace.

      edit: I didn't get eyes, I thought it odd but were the kits supposed to come with eyes?

      Edit2: Soom has requested me return both the faceplate and headcap to Soom. And they will replace the parts 'quickly' for me. They will reimburse the shipping.
    8. I edited my post a few times, but decided to put the new info here:

      I can't find the Polly and Teddy kit page anywhere on Soom's sote, so I am assuming it said no eyes would come with it. Did anyone get a doll box? I noticed Soom Toad came in a cute pink box.

      I am going to miss Teddy, but the sooner I send out the head, the sooner I get one back, hopefully with no problems.
    9. Anna and Amanohara: I can't say I'm glad I'm not the only one a problem with Teddy, but maybe there is strength in numbers. I have an issue with the face plate not fitting flush, either. Although it bothers me, I have been willing to overlook it. What I do have is an issue with the tail in that the hole for the magnet isn't big enough to take said magnet! I've written Soom and hope they reply with as positive news as they have given Amanohara. Now that I think about it, I may write them about the face plate, as well.

      You think they rushed this one out a little, maybe? Sigh.
    10. And something like that can be too small to get sand paper in to sand, these pieces are so tiny!

      I shipped Teddy's face and head out today. I was surprised how early my shipping notice was, I was expecting a longer wait and wouldn't have minded waiting longer if it meant they inspected things more carefully. Another friend informed me she also received a Teddy and the headcap is a little bit uneven, but there are no gaps like mine.

      Edit: I sent quite a few photos at different angles of how the plate and cap met, I do hope Soom won't ask for you all to ship back your tails 0_o;
    11. Thanks for mentioning that issue with the Q & A earlier, Amanohara, as I'm having the same trouble myself now. I edited (I think!) my last message to Soom to let them know I also have an issue with the fitting of the faceplate.

      I hope you get your repairs/replacements for Teddy very quickly. Please keep us posted!

      Yes, I'd been thinking about sanding that tail hole (that sounds awful!), getting a smaller magnet somehow ... but I am going to leave it up to Soom to do something about it. I completely agree with you: I would have been happy to wait a few weeks longer if it meant the item would reach me more or less as advertised.

      As you can see from my Arrived list, I usually don't deal with this end of the size spectrum for resin, so I'm feeling kinda extra bummed about these problems people are having. I am hoping this isn't the usual scenario for most teenies and smaller!
    12. I think those are the smallest magnets in existence :( ?

      Did you get a kit as well? The face and headcap were together in one bag so you would think they would check to make sure they connected properly.

      Oh wow! I had an EID Akando a while back and sold him, maybe some day I will get a EID or SID in the future. A Soom Cutiepie in their hands would be SO adorable!
      And no these issues shouldn't be happening, if you look at Soom Pandy photos on flickr the headcap and face meet is flawless. No clue what happened here, Christmas? kits?

      Mine essentially fit like this and this, fitting everywhere below where it should and it was loose because it wasn't flush.

      edit: Please be sure you did edit, I can't for some reason. A pop up kept coming up telling me to Please log in even though I was. I ended up barraging their Q&A with extra info and asking them to email me. Just make sure you can access your message to prevent further delays.
    13. Amanohara, thank you very much for the update! The pictures you showed is my Teddy's issue as well, although only on one side. The other side sits perfectly flush. Is that the case for your little bear as well?

      As for Christmas Kits, they never come with boxes and the eyes weren't included as far as I remember. My bear arrived eyeless as well :lol:
    14. Sadly no, this is the other side. There is an odd dent in the headcap as well seen here. Your issue with the one side confuses me, it must for you as well, is there any unsanded gunk? Also I have no other cutiepie head/plate to compare, unsure if you do? (When I first saw the head I assumed and hoped it was only a sanding issue with a few bumps but it wasn't)
      And thanks! I am debating if it's worth the effort if there is another cutiepie kit in the future.
    15. Yes, mine fits (or doesn't fit) that way, too, and I do note a worse fit on one side than the other, as well. I've try to play around with the plate as best I can to simulate a perfect fit and I just can't get one: I don't know how it can be, but it seems like the pieces don't match. (Hey, don't tell me that like some of those hospitals and babies, they've put the wrong face-plates to the wrong heads, i.e. they mixed up the cut pieces?)

      By the way, I got mine not as a kit; I received the eyes and the pink box ...
    16. Ok so this error wasn't picked up even when it was strung and eyes put in. I also was wondering about pieces and if the head cap was to some other doll. (because it didn't really seem to line up with the neck part and gap?) I am thinking it may be a magnet issue, but I don't know. I didn't want to wreck the doll trying to figure any of this out.
      If you have issues with any doll Soom sends and it arrived less than 7 days ago to you, go to the q&a asap with your issue. After those days are up, they will say 'tough'. Anywho, that mold should be the same as Pandy's, right? I can't imagine it wearing out yet. And any updates/modifications I thought were to the body, not head cap.
    17. When I bought a YoSD sized kit in Christmas 2012 it was mentioned that it will not come with a box/cushion. I'm not sure about the eyes, but I think I ordered them separately as well.

      I had problems with several magnet holes on my Pandy and Fieldmouse as well, but as I didn't want to wait any longer I just took a scalpel and made the holes big enough for the magnets to fit.
    18. Victoria has written me back to, yes, ask for pictures of the problems with Teddy. I would post them to their Q&A, but it seems Soom forgot to renew their domain name registration. Hmmm. I suppose this sort of d'oh moment happens even to companies-thought it was only me :lol:

      Biggy: if I weren't a complete klutz with a catalog of botched "repairs" to my name, I would try to enlarge that hole myself. Heck, if it were only larger to take in some sandpaper ... I would rather Soom take care of it, and this may be idealistic of me, but I think it's good that they are signaled that there are problems with their products.
    19. Thank you Biggy for the info!

      I hope your issues get sorted out as well bavarica, What happened to their domain? Was it not up for a short while? There are issues with the Q&A messaging system and I hope they get fixed soon.
    20. For the record, did anyone get a Teddy or Polly that had no issues? Or was the whole run problematic?

      I've just, sadly, sent Teddy back on a long journey home for some retooling. SOOM had one look at my pictures and said "send the whole thing back". Such a shame! Here's hoping everyone gets their doll back the way it should have come to them originally ...