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Soom CutiePie 12cm Anthros Discussion Part 1

Feb 2, 2013

    1. I think Soom has heard enough from those of us with Teddy and realise it is a mold issue.

      I filmed the following video documenting my issues with my Teddy x-mas kit (same as Amanohara)


      I still do not understand the purpose of the groove under the chin, it looks like it's supposed to help centre the head in different positions somehow?

      Soom has asked me to ship Teddy back in full so they can match his resin. They believe the issue is that the connecting piece at the base of the head as been sanded down too far so the head is not sitting flush.

      I'm looking forward to having him home again, I really appreciate Soom's communication and support during the issue. I feel they are handling it well for those of us who have contacted them.

      Thank you also to Amanohara who encouraged me to get in touch with Soom. I clearly don't look at my dolls critically enough when they come home. I was so caught up in my excitement for new resin I thought the slight gap was due to some out of place putty on my part, but with her alert I played with him more and saw how bad the gap could be at certain angles.

      Can't wait to have him home and paint the replacement. I want to make him into a tiny Tenderheart Care Bear <3
    2. Just dropping by to say hi from my Pandy. I don't really care if they reuse Nappy Choo body, those cuties are just too precious!
    3. bavarica, I'd like to know too - I'm pretty sure there are even a few Pollys out there, wish I had gotten a Polly too -

      SaturnRose, glad I could help! Seeing right through a head from the gap to the other side is not cool at all.

      I was asked to return only the head. But on my request, Victoria said they would compare the head I sent back to make sure the replacement is the same colour. I think maybe after that concern and question I had, they just asked for the entire dolls to be returned. Hopefully my body is ok.

      , your Pandy is lovely!
    4. Super, super cute Pandy, Felixata! It's seeing pictures like this that make me very eager and excited to have my Teddy back, as it shows what a great job Soom can do.

      And I must agree wholeheartedly with SaturnRose: Victoria and Soom have been very helpful and generous with their time on this issue. I hope it's not long until everyone has their dolls back.

      Couldn't agree more, Amanohara: I wish I had ordered a Polly, too! It was actually Polly I had planned to order originally.
    5. Thank you Amanohara and bavarica!
      Oh, and count me in for the "I wish I'd got a Polly" club. Her little face looks so sweet and innocent in cream white skintone. Though I love Soom's brown tan, too...
    6. Oh, that would be me - I got a Polly earlier this month! :D How did I not see this thread sooner?
      Sanded off the majority of those hamster-like chubby cheeks to make her look more like Pandy, gave her most important parts a quick polar bear blushing and now I love her to bits! Didn't really take some photos yet though, I'm pretty bad at this stuff. But I can try to take some simple photos of the headcap if anyone wants to see!

      I'm so sorry your little bears came with such issues - now that you mention it, there's a tiny gap between headcap and faceplate on my Polly. I didn't notice it sooner but it certainly doesn't sit 100% flush, with the headcap being a bit higher. Though it's not as bad as Amanohara's photos... :(

      What I did notice was that the hole in the tail for the magnet wasn't big enough. I had to scrape off a bit of the resin to glue the magnet in. Oh, and the holes in the torso were not fully drilled; there was a flimsy skin of resin that made me feel like an idiot the first time I tried to pry the string through the hole - until I got a toothpick! :lol:
    7. Collie, I assumed it was the same face mold, so Teddy/Polly has more chub? Please share a photo of your Polly when you get a chance, she sounds adorable. I am glad you sorted out some issues she had while putting her together.
    8. I second that "Polly pictures, please" request, Collie!

      I received word on Monday that Teddy is back in the Home Country and is going to be repaired as soon as possible. Since you sent yours back before I did, Amanohara, I would have hoped yours was already back or well on the way back? Please send an update when he/she is!
    9. Glad yours arrived safely, this frustrates me though since I mailed mine out March 28, and still no word. I mailed a doll head to China on the 14th and it arrived today. Soom specifically requested I use the ten dollar airmail. I messaged Soom, also still can't access my other messages on their board. I took a photo of the box and the shipping label before I mailed it out last month and added it to the message.

      Gah I'm really disappointed and upset about this headless doll body and everything. If they had taken more care I would have had this doll a bit later and been enjoying Teddy for weeks.

      Edit: I'm going to remain hopeful though since Victoria said she would contact me once my parts were ready to ship. So hopefully it's there. At this point I don't care what brown the resin is, just that I have a head to put back on my body.
    10. Behold, Polly spam incoming! :)

      First things first, Polly/Teddy and Pandy are definitely not the same sculpt. When they were first released I was frantically comparing, since I really liked Pandy but somehow disliked the new ones.
      Polly/Teddy definitely got more of a smile and more prominent cheeks while Pandy's face looks kind of square, here is a comparison of Soom's official photos.
      Then this is a photo I took for friends after her arrival and before sanding her cheeks. Sadly it's the only photo I got before modding her. :sweat
      And directly after her session with sandpaper. Had to take it in front of her official photo because the change would absolutely not show up if you just compared her first photo and this one. You can see it a little bit but it's more prominent in person.

      Aaaand some photos I took today! Most of them are links only though.


      Cute polar bear being cute

      Still being cute

      Showing the fit of the faceplate on one side. Notice that the face sits a bit lower!

      Polar bear says bye-bye!

      Hope that's a bit helpful, she really needs to be restrung with thicker elastic so she can stand without a doll stand - and is in dire need of a dessert name like all my other Anthros! :lol:
    11. Oh, so adorably cute, Collie! She's really, really darling. Okay, now I regret I didn't get a Polly, too:...( And I must say the fit of the head plate on your Polly seems vastly superior to anyone's Teddy. I wonder what happened there?

      Hmmm, if they changed the mold/sculpt, that might account for all the trouble with some of these. However, I agree with what Amanohara is suggesting: if they had taken their time and perhaps checked the doll more thoroughly before mailing it out (mine was completely assembled, on top of that, so they could "mind the gap", in my opinion), we and our bears may not be sitting oceans apart right now ... Well, here's hoping repairs don't fall behind making new dolls in the priority queue.

      (Her colour reminds me of Marzipan but I don't know if that's "dessert enough" for you, Collie!)
    12. Aw, what a cutie! And thanks so much for the comparison Collie, I actually thought their sculpts were the same; now I see they are undoubdtedly different.
      May I suggest a name, too? :) She looks like Pastila or Zefir to me (zefir is, well... a lot like Russian version of marchmallow, but more sweet and sticky).
      Or maybe Meringue?
    13. Collie, she is so sweet!

      I received a reply back from Victoria that my Teddy head was sent back to me on the 25th, pheww was a bit worried there.
    14. Ok, got my Teddy head back today, here are the photos:


      The fit is a lot better than previous, I can work with this. The faceplate isn't my original, but is the same older colour, it matches my body, but the headcap does not. Wasn't keen about that, but with a bit of light sanding it is a closer match. There is a thick line of marbling/discolouration along one side, (didn't realize I took a blurry photo of that side). The edge at the top is still noticeable but possibly not as bad as before? I'll need to look at photos. I like the older resin better, it's a softer brown with a little less yellow, but for those who are getting full replacements, the newer brown is still nice but a bit more shiny.

      I am going to find some kind of kips or (hot glue?) alternative for the neck joint, the head flops too much. And I am going to wire the body. I still think there may be a design flaw in the faceplate, because when the head looks down, the face can pop off from the base. (I want to edit to clarify and say no natural movement would make the face fall off. When the head bends forward, the face and cap separate though the magnet is still strong, but I can push it back together when it is in that position. Here's a photo. When I am finished working on this little cutie, I will be adding putty/tack to the base of the face and cap area just in case.
    15. AHA: he's shipping as of this morning. I await the results with glee.


      Popping in very late to say I have no real news on my end and it's getting slightly irritating; Teddy in S. Korea a month now. I will be informed once he ships back, is what I'm being told. Do repairs queue up behind orders? Or are they re-carving the mold for me? :doh Anyone else have better luck?

      I'm glad your Teddy is back, Amanohara! What have you done with him/her since you last posted? Did you do the hot gluing in the end?

      I'm not in a very positive mood about the situation and can easily launch into a diatribe. For now, suffice it to say that it sucks that the item was first received in less than perfect condition, and it's not reassuring to hear that the repair was less than 100%, either.
    16. Here's hoping your repair is perfect bavarica! Any word yet? tbh I haven't worked on mine.. need to glue and such. AND now I've fallen in love with the new Puppy and Kitty. I messaged Soom to ask about the fit of their head plates because of the Teddy issues.
    17. Would you mind sharing their response? I adore puppy and kitty and I'm seriously considering ordering them, but not if they'll come with the same issues as Teddy.
    18. Will do! I am really wondering if they are photoshopping the tops of the heads as smooth. Notice how there is a head gap in the side view photo of the Kitty?
    19. Huh, I didn't notice that initially, good catch! I don't plan to put wigs on either of them, so the only way to hide the gaps would be to make them wear hats. Hats are cute and all, but I'd like them to look good without anything as well. As it is, I am thinking of getting my Teddy a bonnet of some sort to hide the gap.
    20. Heeeey wasn't there a donkey in the Bremen story too? My luck I guess since I can resist all the other animals but I have a soft spot for hoofer anthros, heheh.