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Soom CutiePie 12cm Anthros Discussion Part 1

Feb 2, 2013

    1. Yes, Amanohara, please keep us posted on what you hear re: the Bremen gang! I think they're really cute but after Teddy, I'm really rather discouraged and would probably not jump to buy one without more information.

      My guy is indeed back after a month, but yes, far from perfect. I am also wondering if they are photoshopping all these gaps out, although you have to wonder when you see people's Pandys; those seem to look pretty gapless. I'm attaching a photo of the "fixed" version: not overly fixed in my opinion, but I am going to have to live with it, I guess.


      The more I look at the one at the top of Teddy's head, the more irked I get; you can slip a dime though that! At least I bought the Christmas clothes and he can stay in his hat.
    2. bavarica, I am sorry that your Teddy wasn't fully fixed :( His head looks like my Teddy's, which I never sent back for repair to Soom. I am glad I didn't bother.

      I really adore the new Bremen puppy and kitty, but I'll have to pass if they will arrive with gaps. I wonder why this is an issue. I have Soom Rosettes, who also use faceplates, and they sit perfectly flush with the headbacks.
    3. What a pain! I am frustrated by that bavarica, please consider sending that photo to Soom and say you are hoping they do a better job with the new dolls and you know they can since Pandy has no problems and neither do their dolls that need wigs. :(. I still have no idea how this mold went all wrong on them.
    4. I have not yet sent my Teddy back in for repairs I've been so busy preparing for the Canadian BJD convention Doll North I just haven't had the time to get him packed and out of the post office.

      Oddly enough SOOM sponsored my event this year and they sent us a Mr. Toad. I took the chance to take a couple photos of his head sides knowing this was an ongoing issue for some of us I thought it was worth noting a comparison.



      My staff noted that initially his head was sitting with a gap like Teddy. I picked him up and slid the face plate onto his head back starting with the bottom as SOOM had instructed me with teddy it instantly snapped into the exact right place and he held many poses with absolutely no side of head or top of head gaps.

      I've fiddled with my teddy and the gap on his one side is too huge, I also notice that his face plate is very lose on the bottom, Toad had a much more solid snap when the chin was in place. The little tab under the chin exists on the toad as well but also holds no purpose to posing, I think it's part of the mold removal process.

      I hope they have the mold process sorted out with the new tinies. I may be tempted by the cat since I love the body so much <3
    5. I adore the body too! Reminds me of my little human chubzies! Thanks for the comparison SaturnRose. Maybe I should shoot another Q&A at Soom for side photos of the new heads.
    6. I would love to see SOOM post some side of head/ top of head shots of the new anthros Amanohara . I looked over the naked shots of the new puppy and kitty and the puppy's top of head seam line has definitely been edited out of his shots, I suspect the kitty's seam line was removed in at least one of her nude shots.
    7. I agree with rainbow dash. There is a donkey in the story who was left out by the company. The other three looks cute but somehow it feels incomplete...
    8. Thank you, SaturnRose, for the pics and explanation of how things work with Toad.

      Like you, I have also tried all kinds of ways of reattaching the faceplate on Teddy and it never does come out any better, alas. I do hope they've taken all our issues into account for the Bremen collection-and beyond. Loving that Puppy in white but I just don't dare order him.

      I wrote Victoria a thank you and sent her those pictures I posted above. I thanked her for her help, which was very generous, indeed, but mentioned I think there must be some very grave issue with the mold.

      Does anyone have or know where I can find a clear pic of the top of Pandy's head?

      Sigh. I think it's a sign I should just stick with the 3kg 70CM bruisers ...:pout:
    9. I love the white resin Kitty and Puppy, but is Soom teasing us with their photos? WS isn't an option. I can see sanding head issues if the resin is white.
    10. Double posting to bump up with Soom's reply, I just took out the salutations on both ends:

      Good day !

      Thank you for your message.

      Actually, since we had similar problems with Teddy & Polly in the past, we are planning on checking every single Puppy and Kitty doll before shipping them out.

      So if you decide to order one of them, please do not worry about this. We promise to not let this gap problem happen again.^^

      Also, we do not have any more photos for them... (_ _)

      If you have more questions, please contact us again.
    11. Amanohara, many thanks for sharing this message with us! I am going to admit that it initially made my hair stand on end and I had some very unkind and snarky comments I was about to post. However, I received an answer back from Victoria (bless her, she does work very hard and sincerely for the company she works for!) re: those latest pictures I posted here. Apparently, those pics will be sent on. Let's hope something is done. The customer really shouldn't have to "swallow" an obvious production error, one to which they now freely admit. Maybe we Teddy/Polly people are stuck, but they can make (darned tootin') sure things are retooled for future production?
    12. That's a reassuring reply. I may be willing to risk it and order at least Puppy. Maybe Kitty too. I'll need to sleep on this one!

      Anybody else going for one of the Bremen cuties?
    13. bavarica - I understand how you must be feeling! Considering they promise this, but not only what, 1 week ago? they sent you something I'd be angry to see on the Kitty and Puppy. When I got my Teddy back, I was hoping for perfection because they knew there was a problem and that it needed to really be looked at. I feel meh about the doll, and hope once I work on the blushing/trying to get the resin to match I will fall back in the initial love I had for this little one.

      Anna - considering they know the issue before casting.. I am leaning on getting a Puppy, but I want a white Kitty and don't see it as on option.
    14. Hey, coming here to ask a question on behalf of a friend! Does anybody know how a YOSD sized T-shirt would look on one of this cuties? Maybe it would look like a dress or something?
    15. It will be way too big! My little Teddy fits comfortably into PukiFee/Lati Yellow clothes. The YoSD-sized shirt will fall right off.
    16. I really want one of the kitties-and I also would like a white one! Why would they show such a sweet thing and not let us order them.
    17. Victoria's reply:

      Good day !

      CW Puppy, Kitty and Chici are to be released anytime soon this month.

      Please kindly check our Gem site from time to time.^^

      Best regards


      hmm, I may need to add to order then. So cute, white resin Kitty!

      Edit.. then I realized it's CW - won't it turn yellow? :/ oh well, a yellow kitty is fine ^^;
    18. I ordered a Chici on June 01. I totally fell in love with this little guy XD :aheartbea

      I prefer mine to be honey yellow, but CW skin is cute as well ^-^
    19. Well, I thought there may be a separate release for the donkey, of course it's a rehash of their previous teenie gem one, but at least the story is complete now?

      I'm hoping the Cream White release of the animals will happen during the Bremen release so I can decide and order all at once.
    20. The donkey is a Little Gem, not a Teenie Gem. I think I will get the yellow Chici but it would be nice if they would release the white ones for a better comparison.