1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soom Mech Angel Corvi

Sep 11, 2007

    1. No more pictures yet?
      And that is so cool that soom takes so long a layaway, if at all. They're so cool <3
    2. I know I've been after a white Sabik, but I think I'm going to have to change my plan and get Corvi, Ashly does go through his tan phases. I even have the money. :mwahaha
    3. Dx My Sabik is on his last payment, and I looked at Corvi, and if he isn't PERFECT for the character that Sabik is supposed to be! XD Is how it goes.
    4. He has a Sephiroth type outfit on 0_o;; New photos of him have been put up...he looks NS...
    5. He's such a gorgeous doll! I love the sulky expression, thee more realistic the better imo. The mechas are just a bit too big for me though (to which my bank balance breathes a hearty sigh of relief...)
    6. Gaaahhh! Okay, seriously. And the dual lightsabre-type weapon? My geek side just went into overdrive. Darth Sephiroth.

      And yes, I have come to the conclusion after seeing the rest of the photos that it IS my brother in doll form. I'd just have to slap a shorter wig on him and put in blue eyes.
    7. I love his costume, but more so, his face is perfect. ^-^ I am not 100% sure I can afford him this time around....but he exists. He does.

      *goes to look at bank balance.....can I fudge this a liiiiiittle bit....? Goes to ask for a wages advance....*

      :love He's such a handsome Kureo...I mean Corvi!
    8. He reminds me of a pretty version of Richard Ashcroft- gotta love boys with big noses!!^^
    9. He has the most gorgeous face ever...not pretty, but the epitome of chiseled and utterly handsome. He's perfect.

      MUST HAVE CORVI!!!!!!
    10. Mecha Angel is too big for me, but he's really pretty. I think I actually like him just a bit better than Sabik. :)
    11. Hmm...well I still like my Sabik more but he IS different from most boys out there....and there IS always the 120 day layway option.... XD
    12. Man, it looks like he might not be tan. That leaves me with the same quandry, buy him now in normal skin or wait several months for Soom to release him in white...*_*

      Or buy him now in normal to see how I feel, replace him with white when I can?
    13. i like him a lot! his head mold is wonderful. i like big noses as a rule and the sculpt of his nose is just perfect. congratulations to Soom for another great Mecha Angel!
    14. :love Corvi is so drool worthy it ain't even funny, nose and all, I need that money tree and I would buy him like hotcakes on sausage in a hurry. That outfit is so HOT!!
    15. Yeah were can we get those money-tree seeds? We sure could use them around here couldn't we?
      The choice I have to make is between him & trying the DZ elves on Ebay. *_*

    16. Reminds me of Ringo Star...They sure are having fun with the British Hair Rock bands :)

    17. As I'm lazy & can't remember, can anyone tell me offhand what time it is in the States that Saturday starts for Soom?
    18. With those promo pics of the bluish double sided light saber and imagining a different wig in my head, all I can think of when I look at him is "Soom made Exar Kun!!"

      /ends Star Wars geekery
    19. It looks like the outfit will be sold separately also, which is great if I want to get it for Sabik. I'm not holding my breath though. It's likely to be $300 or so, I think the Cyborg was $280 approx and I just can't justify spending that much money when I can sew.
    20. I was toying around a little, and this is not very skillful, but I smoothed and 'plucked' his eyebrows a little. XD And also lightened his lips and made his eyes blue.
