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Soom Mech Angel Corvi

Sep 11, 2007

    1. wish they would just sell the head.. Sabik is so big, would love to have other heads that fit his body. And that Sabik does look good on SD 17 body, but then not many heads don't look good on that bod!
    2. The more I look @ him the more I dislike his nose, lips & especially the chin. I've never really cared for "butt chins". Guess I just like Sabik's smoother features more than Corvi's.

    3. I wish that would happen to me. XD The more I look at Corvi the more I fall in love. I love that big roman nose, his pouty lips, and his cheeks. Sabik's jaw and mouth have always been kinda iffy for me.

      Silly Jeane, buying on impulse because of a sabik with a funny arm, and then along comes Corvi, who is perfect. XD

      Who knows, maybe someone'll get a Corvi and wanna trade me.
    4. Hmm, Corvi does nothing for me. He reminds me of a crow. :| I am curious about the Mecha female though.
    5. I really don't know about Corvi, I think his wig is putting me off a lot. I like big noses and strong chin especially with tall men - I'm describing my hubby in fact, but that wig just doesn't look good to me. I'm waiting to see owner's pictures first. That's the only way I'll make up my mind.
    6. there's something about him that's putting me off too, but I'm not sure what it is...probably his faceup. XD;

      I'll wait for owner pictures as well to see how he looks. :D
    7. I didn't like Sabik's default wig either (the streaked one not fur) and he looks much different without it...probably Corvi is the same!
    8. I love his faceup. His lips are so pouty, and those huge eyebrows are made of win. Argh, Soom. XD You slay me.

      I don't think I've been so hit by a case of Dolly-grabbyhands since Elfdoll released the first pictures of K. XD
    9. Hehe, he reminds me of Sephiroth with a lightsaber you can touch O_o His eye shape is a little wierd, but he's handsome.

      Sorry Corvi but I like my Sabik better :aheartbea
    10. Well, I bought him yesterday so owner pics will be forthcoming. I ordered him blank, no eyes, no wig. I think I'm going to have St. James reshape the tip of his nose a little to better suit my character. I have some of those pale blue Volks metalic eyes and the Amakusa wig waiting here for him.
    11. He's got very different facial features from your average 'feminine beauty' type BJD male. I like his strong features, his heavy lided eyes and square jaw especially. :3

      It's good to have a few typically 'manly macho' men available, I like that companies are catering to this too... :]
    12. I just put the man on a 120 day layaway. Hoping to pay him off sooner than that, but that should give me plenty of time.

      I went ahead and got the faceup. There's one or two things I don't love, but overall I like the look of it.

      It sounds like the poor guy is not very popular, but I loved him the moment I saw him. :aheartbea
    13. I can't wait to see owner pictures of him. Hopefully there'll be another release of him and I can scoop him up then!
    14. I actually didn't like Corvi at first but he's been growing on me. I'm glad he's going to be a Mecha.

      The price doesn't seem bad at all.
    15. Ooh men that look like men!! I could love Soom for this reason alone. :D I'm iffy about Corvi's face up though. I can't wait to see user pics! I think I might buy the outfit separately for my Sabik too. :)
    16. I want him, but....I am rather poor...oh, I don't know. I have put him in the cart and then not and then back and then not.....:...( I don't KNOW!!!

      (but the dilemma is purely financial; I love him. :fangirl: )
    17. Has anyone that ordered him gotten a shipping notice yet? I know they said they would ship Oct 5-10?
    18. No shipping notice here. I ordered him within minutes of his release and I orderde him blank, so I'd think I'd get one as soon as they can pack him. I'll write to them later if I don't get anything by the end of today. I'll be away this weekend and I'd love to have him arrive before then.
    19. I believe I ordered the 16th. Initially put him on layaway, but then I had a bonus come in so I paid him off a few days later. So I wouldn't be surprised if mine's a few days behind yours. I'm just trying to figure out if they've sent any of them out yet, y'know? lol :sweat
    20. mosaicwolf- I got my shipping notice this morning, I'm assuming you did too?