1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soom Mech Angel Corvi

Sep 11, 2007

    1. Not yet, but it moved to 'before shipping', so I'm thinking/hoping the notice is imminent.
    2. Are we really the only two people that ordered him? I guess he is pretty specific. Did you get him with the outfit, face-up, etc.? I didn't, but I did throw some clothing on the order so he wouldn't be naked.

      I'm crossing my fingers and hoping he gets here tomorrow. It's usually a three day turn-around from Korea to my address unless something goes wrong.
    3. I think there are a few other people, but apparently they're not reading this thread. lol

      I skipped the outfit and blushing, but I did get the faceup. I also grabbed some clothes when they had their sale. So yeah, no bare Corvi bottoms here. ;)
    4. I really wanted to order him, but I seriously couldn't afford him and it's no good being in debt. :( But I printed his picture and put it in Sforza's pocket as like...a pledge to try to save hard and bring him home. I just hope to be lucky and they will offer him again in the new year.
    5. Nako wanty! Nako wanty!
      and I thought Sabik was a hottie, this guy is really unique and cool. I feel like he could come to life at any moment!
    6. Yeah, I can't paint, can't sew, can't do jack straw, so I got the whole default thing. Don't even have room for them, not sure why I keep buying them?? So far only have Volks Yukinojo, and Elfdoll K. If I like the size of Corvi maybe I'll get Sabik next, but if he's too tall, maybe Hound size. Hmmm.
    7. Yukinojo, K, and Corvi? That sounds like one hot house. XD

      I love Corvi, but unless I could just buy his head, I probably won't ever get one. Norn's managed to win my heart, like I had a feeling he would.
    8. I would love to have the Mir head. I would actually love all of Mir, but I wound up buying Corvi instead. I had been hoping since the Mir special set shipped with two heads, there would be a bunch of heads for sale, and I could give K's body a kind of Jekyll/Hyde thing and switch the Mir and K heads around for pixs, but so far haven't seen any Mir heads being offered.
    9. Well, my boy has cleared customs. Here's hoping he makes a speedy way on the final leg of his trip.
    10. Mine cleared today and claims was delivered at my PO Box, but that post office is so slow, it sometimes takes them a day or two to scan and sort stuff. And I am not known for patience. Plus, according to SOOM his clothes didn't ship until today, so I guess he'll be naked for a week or two. Sigh.
    11. Wow, I luurv this guy. The limbs are a tad spidery, but don't bother me. The anime geek in me totally digs the "black warrior" costume because it reminds me of Gyjo in Saiyuki when he was actually General Kenren in the celestial world.

      Soom sent all the clothes in the box, so I didn't have to wait for the 2nd shipment like I was afraid, plus the included a gift of an extra wig and eyeballs. How rockin good is that?

      Now I am waiting to see if the Vega mecha angel is a must have, or the white skin Sabik!!
    12. Congratulations Laura. When do we get to see pics?
    13. The bald shot in default outfit:


      With default wig:



      Finally in Gift Fur Wig:


      Thanks for looking at my Corvi Spam, hope you enjoy.
    14. Its good to see some Corvis are making it on the boards!
      I think he's way cuter then Sabik, but something about his lips freak me out a bit at certain angles. Granted, it could be the faceup...

      Thanks for the pictures LauraLa! (You should take family pictures, p.s. ;'D). I can't wait to see what everyone else does with their boys (especially Idrisfynn) n______n
    15. I love that nose and his eyes, but the mouth... I'm hoping it's the faceup. They look kinda strange.

      But he's gooooorgeous. <3
    16. :love WHY can't Soom make these mecha's like the Gems on their site? The price not too bad, he is gorgeous.....love the default outfit and default wig.
    17. Pressure!:o I hope I'll have time to work on him soon, but I have a couple of other doll projects lined up that must be taken care of first. My Corvi is going to have the bridge of his nose thinned a bit and the tip slightly reshaped before he's painted. The mouth is perfect and gorgeous and will not be touched, it makes my Willimas and even my Mui look a bit thin lipped! The eyelid shape is a bit odd to me, but I think paint and lashes will take care of that.

      I'm going to go post blank pics of Corvi in the Picture request area, I'll come back and post a link when I'm done.
    18. He's absolutely drool worthy! And I love how luscious his lips are. Ay! Too sexy for a BJD!!! Too sexy!
    19. Here's the [thread=168568]link[/thread] as promised.
      And my favorite faceless photo so far:

    20. Here's my boy. I...am in love. :aheartbea




