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Soom Mecha Angel Saiph Discussion

Apr 15, 2008

    1. The more I look at Saiph the more I like her. She's really pretty and I'm sure she could look slightly older with a bit darker face up. Oh, how I wish she would have elf ears...

      I have actually asked Soom if they're going to release Dened or Saiph with elf ears. Sadly they said that they haven't got any confirmed plans to do so.:( That's just isn't fair. There's already two male elfs, Sabik elf and Vega ocean elf. But no females.
    2. Does the ocean elf Vega head actually have elf ears, or just the separate(?) finny ones? I couldn't really tell from the pictures. I know I'd really like an elf Vega, so I'm hoping they will do elf female heads (on female bodies) as well. I would have bought the mer-Vega if it was elf-eared -- and on a female body. I really love her face, but I held off on getting her at all specifically because I'm hoping they will do that eventually and that is the kind I would want. (I'd be really overjoyed if they eventually made MA heads one could order separate and the high-heel bare feet they show on the MA female body info page for the girls available, too.)
    3. Vega ocean elf has separate finny ears. I think it show quite clear on some pictures and was mentioned in the text on the site. I would love if Soom would do even a regular elf female with ears like Sabik elf has. But it seems like they're not even planning to do them now. Oh well, just gotta wait and wait.. More time to buy their other dolls while waiting. ;)
    4. Do anybody order her? I'm being tempted to buying her even when she is a really huge doll. I am sad that I don't have the money right now :(
    5. I did. Hopefully, if all goes well, she will arrive in a reasonable time. It's my first ever order, so I don't know what to expect. I will try to get pictures of her when she gets here though.
    6. I'm seriously thinking about her. I'm not sure, she's not limited, I'd rather swap my Sabik to an Elf ear version and I'm getting Beryl and probably the male succubus. I don't know how many dolls I want on layaway at Soom.
    7. I didn't order her but one of my local friends did. :) I'm happy I at least get vicarious ownership.
    8. I have ordered one, can't wait to see her in real !
    9. Ho really? Did you ordered one in normal or white skin?
      I've ordered one in white skin too but can't stop thinking that she's probably too huge.... Do tyou think it's possible to put Saiph h'ad on a Model Doll body or on a SupeGem body?
    10. From what I've heard, Mecha Angel heads are big and odd-looking on smaller bodies. *Whispers* the best solution to the size problem, is to buy many beautiful Mecha Angels, so that they will fit togeter, and thus not seem too big!* Lol :lol: *Vega and Rex on order, elf Sabik and Saiph on wishlist*. Saiph is a sweetie, but I am afraid that I will not be able to get her in some time, due to my long wishlist and the fact that she is not limited... If Elf Sabik shows up soon, I am in trouble though. Need to see what happens to Soom dolls in customs first :(
    11. Thanks for the help ^_~
      Wow! You will get a complete Mecha angel family!
    12. I have ordered her in White, as Beryl. I prefer white skin doll ^^
      I don't think that you could put her head on a model doll body.. I will be strange.
      80cm it is really cool ! I love big doll.
    13. I agree, I like big dolls too. (Don't think I want bigger than Mecha Angel size though). I think they resemble sculptures, and in addition to being interesting characters, they are all the more visible and decorative. Yay! I need more space and a lot more money, lol :love

      Yea, and I like Soom white skin. It has a goregous, creamy colour. My 4 soom dolls are all white skin :) (Only got one home though, rest before shipping). Might be a little crazy and order Sabik in NS someday, but not sure yet.

      Congrats to those getting Saiph, even if I don't get her, I would love to see many pictures with different looks!
    14. My sister is planning to get her, she loves 80 cm so does I , the only one I order so far is Rex ...I am intersted to get Vega mermaid but no money T_T ...

      She will get NS for Saiph her Sabik is WS though...but well!
    15. Last day, I've had my friend's Model Doll in hands: it's a very large doll (but with small head) and the resin is very heavy too. I've tried ti imagine how tall the Saiph could be compared to this doll... and now just can't wait to have finished to pay to get her!
    16. Wow, she's gorgeous. Facially she reminds me a bit of Supia 60, with her long face and long mouth.
    17. I simply adore her. If I didn't have my dream doll on the top of my wish list, I'd buy her in a heart beat. It's so hard to find a girl SD doll that isn't dwarfed by my Sabik and that appeals to me.
    18. I must say, I have recently discovered and simultaneously fallen in love with Saiph (about five minutes ago)! Does anyone know the date when she is supposed to come out?

      The only thing I am worried about, which seems to be a constant question, is her size! She is replacing a Unoa Latea I had planned for her character, with her friend so far being a MNF n_n'''' Its okay concerning her being, but I was just hoping that wouldn't look too strange. But my goodness is she gorgeous!
    19. She was a FFD doll for april~ I'm not sure when she'll be available again. I'm sorry you missed her this time. I got one, couldn't resist. Love at first sight. I was a bit worried about her size too but I just frankly don't care, she's too gorgeous :D
    20. They seem to rotate which are available every few months, from what I've seen. I snatched one up, too. Hopefully she'll ship soon.

      Here's a question for anyone who already owns one of the MA gals: are there any shoes available (at other sites, since Soom does not list any for the MA females) that fit them? What about the male MA boots? Close, not even close... ? I was specifically wondering about the Dollmore Model Doll size shoes, since it looks like some of the male MA shoes are the same as the Dollmore Model Doll male shoes. Any advice in this regard would be amazingly helpful, since I'm not really looking forward to making shoes. Dresses, sure... but shoes are a royal pain.