1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Spiritdoll 1/4 Smart Mini discussion Part 2

Nov 15, 2014

    1. #561 Arctic_Fox2004, Jun 27, 2020
      Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
    2. [​IMG]

      Not a brilliant picture but I just got this girl secondhand. She's a Snowdrop in white skin, Breeze version according to her certificate. She came with two sets of hands.

      She's gorgeous.

      Of course, I have plans for her which involve a new faceup but for the time being she's adorable with her default factory faceup.

      I am however not totally sure about her ginormous boobs. I might sand them down a bit, poor girl's back must be killing her lol.
      • x 1
    3. @Arctic_Fox2004, you need to put an image URL in the tags. You've got just a link to your blog, so we can't see it.
    4. Hello everyone! I am going to be ordering Primrose here in a few months and i need to get heel feel and jointed hands for her. Anyone have good resin match sugestions?
    5. Does anyone have a comparison of spiritdoll normal resin vs dollzone pink resin? Thank you.
    6. Would anyone be willing to take some measurements for me of their smart girl body? :sweat
      1) neck length: I need the length from shoulder to the top of the neck, and
      2) if anyone would double check the neck circumference too that'd be so helpful! i know it's 7cm, but I've found listed measurements can be either "just under" or "just over" what's written, and I'm trying to hybrid the smart body with a particularly fussy head so every .1cm counts!

      I really hope it works out haha... i love the look of this body... :eusa_pray i wish it were more popular!
      • x 1
    7. Hello again! So I am about a week away from ordering my girl. I've been hunting for clothes for her, but I seem to be having issues finding pants that would fit. Are the smart size girls usually hard to find clothes for? I plan on spoiling this doll a lot but if its hard to find clothes, I might want to hybrid.
    8. the smart body is kinda hard to shop for, i totally get that!! my girl has a smaller bust, so i've found slim msd tops can fit, but bottoms are ALWAYS regular msd! slim msd bottoms will NOT fit. let me spare you the pain of buying cute etsy clothes made for minifee and then realizing your girl is too thick つ´Д`)つ

      it's not excessively difficult to find regular (not slim) msd stuff, but it's still a little bit of a challenge with how much minifee stuff there is on the market. alice's collections pretty much only sells regular msd size clothes, though! i have some shorts, pants, and skirts from there that fit my girl stella just fine. the shoes made for minifee a line, though, fit great! regular msd shoes are far too big.

      also i don't have any kind of formal commissions, (i just like to sew for free for friends) but i am a seamstress and i do have a spiritdoll smart body! if you want to see any of my work, shoot me a DM and i can always hook you up with whatever you might need and can't find.

      it's a beautiful body though, and poses really nicely! i definitely definitely recommend keeping it.
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    9. That was super helpfull thank you! So what i got is that normal msd stuff should fit her for the most part, minifee tops usually work, but dont bother with minifee bottoms. And stay away from anything slim. Is that right?

      Thank you for the offer! Im actually trying to learn to sew myself. Really struggling with it though. I can make pillows, but i cant make a t shirt to save my life.
      • x 1
    10. yep, you got it! generally that's what has worked for me. best of luck finding cute stuff for your girl!!

      and with sewing, i totally recommend watching lomi's playground as well as working through a few requiemart patterns, since they both get pretty in depth on how garments go together! lomi even teaches you how to draft some of your own patterns, which really helps you understand how patterns work. also, requiemart's dress patterns have fit my spiritdoll pretty consistently, she just has wicked small seam allowances.
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    11. Hi guys. Can i see more of your pyrus? TIA
    12. [​IMG]
      This make-up and wig were temporary. Now he's blank, waiting for a new make-up.
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    13. woah!! what a pretty Pyrus. :love
    14. none of you would happen to also have a universe doll boy that you could throw next to a spiritdoll boy (esp. ginger) for a proportion comparison would you? ;w; i'm mostly interested in head size~
      and if anyone knows if spiritdoll hybrids well with dollzone, i'd love to know! :>