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Spiritdoll 1/4 Smart Mini discussion Part 2

Nov 15, 2014

    1. I wanna keep it a surprise until all the stuff gets here so I can finish her, but its taking a long time ;-;
    2. HaHa! Darn! Can't blame a girl from trying :wiggle
    3. My hubby ordered me a tan Candlenut for Christmas!!! He didn't take production time into account so it is months away from being ready, but still! More tan Smart dolls! *happy dance*
    4. Oh Lucky Duck!!! Congrats Saphariel!!
    5. Well, bollocks. My hubby forgot which doll he had ordered, and I just found out it was not a Smart doll at all. I'm trying not to be an ungrateful shit because there is still a doll, but I really had my hopes up. Can I get some Smart doll spam?
    6. oh thats a right bummer ! Well he did try at least ! I can spam you some tan Snowdrop if that helps

      [​IMG]Sydney by samsonsue62, on Flickr
    7. Sydney looks so gorgeous [MENTION=27564]samson[/MENTION] :D Does anyone know if there are any other bodies that will fit the smart doll heads? Or also colour match to their tan?
    8. Hi there, thinking about getting a Snowdrop here, but I wanted to ask first -- how hard is it to find pants for this girl? It seems she has wider hips than a lot of MSD girls by a centimeter or two... Do most MSD clothes still fit? What about tighter pants, made from denim or something?

      Thanks! (Please quote if you reply :) )
    9. samson
      I looove your girl, she is precious)

      Now I am a happy owner of tan Snowdrop, too) This sculpt is so beautiful, I cannot take my eyes of her! My girl`s name is Gaya. I think she is an Indian princess))) Make up and wig by me. I want to try brown and grey eyes later.
      [​IMG]new girl by anastasia1008, on Flickr
    10. [MENTION=68586]ClarasCraft[/MENTION] Thank you so very much xx

      [MENTION=45032]ludens[/MENTION] Thank you , I love Gaya, she's gorgeous! And I know what you mean about not being able to take your eyes of her. I feel the same about my tan Snowdrop, such a beautiful face !
    11. She's absolutely beautiful =)
    12. What an amazing new girl! congrats! Hope to see lot of pics from her!

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    13. Holy Moly!!! I can't believe how much I've missed in the thread XD

      Oh poo!!! That sucks Saphariel, but the new cutie might be just as good!! At least he was in the right zone, right?

      Sooooo cute Samson, the short hair really suits her... my own little headcannon has her in a 20s flapper dress... just sayin' :D

      Hey Clara, the head will fit Doll-Love bodies and Angel of dream fairly well, though there is a bit of a restriction on left to right movement because the Spiritdoll neck is thinner... sadly I don't have any MNF available to try it out on, but I can check with friends if that's your interest.... is there a specific body type you're looking at??

      As to the tan, I made a sort-of resin comparison some time back...
      [table="align: left"]
      As for matching, I can tell you a quite a bit more caramelly than the red-brown of companies like Soom... the best match I've come across so far has actually been Luts :) Maybe some of tan owners can make a comparison??

      I've had a few issues finding pants yes, so I tend to stick to the stretchier variety, though boy pants fit quite well... so far I've had the best luck with Dollmore for the slimmer girl look.

      Oh she's lovely ludens!! I like her make up style and the back story really suits her... are you thinking of making her a sari??? I'm drooling just thinking of it!!
    14. [MENTION=47888]ellipses[/MENTION] Thanks for the info! :)
      I wasn't too sure about he body at first, though after awhile I found it to be quite unique and unlike any other doll bodies that I would like to own in the future. So I have a feeling that when I hopefully get her sometime in the future I will do so with her original body. ^__^
      Though It would still be interesting to see how she looks on a minifee body :D
    15. Since I finished off her blushing and eyelashes yesterday, and was able to reassemble her today, here's Winry all finished off:

      [​IMG]I'm here for you by vicemage, on Flickr
    16. Wow Vicemage!!! She's lovely :)
    17. Aww she is lovely ! And its good to see this thread alive again !!
    18. ellipses, samson, thanks! :D I had a lot of fun working on her, blushing always shows me all the little details on a doll's body that I always overlook otherwise. It's also a nice way to get familiar with how the body's structured, too. (Plus, it gave me a chance to put her headplate back on, since it fell off not long after I got her.)

      These girls are really nice, natural posers, too.

      [​IMG]Demure by vicemage, on Flickr
      • x 1
    19. Funnily enough Sydney's headplate fell off soon after I got her too. They can't have been glued in very well I guess !