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Spiritdoll 1/4 Smart Mini discussion Part 2

Nov 15, 2014

    1. Thats strange. I haven't had that problem with remy
    2. There was an awful lot of glue left behind that I had to clean out before I reglued it, so I think it was probably some other factor (maybe it was glued in too shortly before she shipped, and the cargo hold temperatures froze the glue before it set completely or something)... I did use the most hardcore glue I have on hand to put it back, so hopefully there'll be no more migrating headplates here!
    3. My other spiritdoll girls headplate didn't fall off but the magnet fell out... then i glued it back in the wrong way = nnnn=

      romy is still undergoing this "mod" im doing. it's taking so much longer than I thought it would, but shes still here.
    4. Oh that's really odd ! I dont remember that being the case with Syd's ! At least it's nothing too important and easily remedied.
      [MENTION=63893]moonbabe[/MENTION] - oooh that's bad luck !
    5. It's true, I'd rather deal with dropped headplates (well, except for the girl whose headplate is apparently legit gold plated *_* please don't let me lose that one, dolly gods!), than some of the other issues around here like dropped magnets and pieces that don't quite fit together. And I haven't had any problems with her little hidden hip cross, just the headplate. (I like that little hidden cross a lot, and taped it off while I was blushing her so it wouldn't get dulled by sealant.)
    6. Do you know I keep meaning to look at Syd's hip cross but have never yet got round to it lol
    7. I've got a few questions and I'm so sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. :sweat

      I have two floating heads (one Luts KD in white skin and one Soom LG in white skin) that I'm looking for bodies for.
      I just stumbled across Spiritdoll and the MSD girl bodies are beautiful!

      First question, does anyone know if the heads from these companies would be a decent fit/color match?

      Secondly, would anyone be willing to show me bust size differences and I am really curious about the single torso vs the jointed torso.

      Thank you in advance!
    8. Just ordered my Liana (NS, jointed, medium). I am so elated--she'll be reshelling a favorite character of mine.

      Anyone have spam to celebrate?
    9. I can't help with resinmatching since I've only put a Doll-leaves head on my spiritdoll body but I can show you bust size comparison. Sorry for the super late reply!

      pic from my flickr
    10. Hello !

      I have a problem with the website :
      I would like to order a doll but I can't choose the shipping method !

      So the price of sending is not calculated and the program refused my payment

      Is it already arrived at you ? What can I do ?

      Thanks a lot for answer :)
    11. You have to choose which zone you're in so they know where to send it and how much to charge.
    12. I am very excited, I have a Snowdrop on layaway from the marketplace but need a bit of advice. I know she needs 12mm eyes and seeing the measurements for her head I presume she takes the smaller 6/7 size wig. Her feet are going to be a problem, just like the Minifee she has tiny feet, does anyone have some advice about shoes and where to buy them.
      I really can't wait until she arrives, I have become rather obsessed since I saw photos of this girl a couple of months ago.
    13. My Snowdrop wears my minifees shoes. There are a few dedicated threads to shoes the fit minifee/unoa and narae feet . I buy mine from Summomo82 and Release rain on Etsy, Paul Zhangby on eBay , nine9style (bunny size) and ttya for realistic sneakers . Hope this helps

      Sydney is wearing shoes in matt O'Neill size from Paul zhangby

      [​IMG]Syd in Cornwall by Sue, on Flickr
    14. Samson - thank you for the info, I will start looking at all the options, I like to have stuff waiting for my new dolls when they arrive.

      Your Sydney is beautiful, I remember seeing her photos when I started researching Snowdrop. I just wish there were more photos of Spiritdolls around.
    15. Thank you, that's so kind of you xx may I ask which resin colour you've chosen ?
    16. She is normal skin with medium bust. I am buying her from the marketplace, so that is how she comes.
    17. Oh yeah you did say :doh be good to have a new face around this thread. ;)
    18. Don't worry :) you had far more important things to notice, like telling me where to get shoes.
      I am very surprised that these dolls aren't more 'popular', they look so beautiful and are a reasonable price as far as BJD's can be reasonable. Although I didn't know about them until about 2 months ago when I sat and did a lot of research into all the different slim MSD that are available and fell in love with her.
    19. Congrats, [MENTION=67272]Nightshade[/MENTION]!

      They really are lovely dolls, and I feel like their price is comparable to many of the other similar-quality ones in my collection (and certainly less than a few of them!). I'm not sure why they tend to be a little less visible than other options, myself; I didn't know of the company at all until I spotted someone's box opening here.

      And I know Snowdrop is their most popular girl around here, but I just love how flexible she is. No two Snowdrops look alike!

      [​IMG]Demure by vicemage, on Flickr
      • x 1
    20. vicemage - Winry is lovely, it is amazing how different these girls all look.