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Spiritdoll 1/4 Smart Mini discussion Part 2

Nov 15, 2014

    1. ellipses
      thank you! Sorry for late reply. I prefer panjabi dress (a long shirt and shalwar) but sari is also possible)))


      Sydney is as stylish as always) I love when people manage to make a doll look like this. And those shoes are epic!
    2. Oh thank you that's very kind of you to say that xx
    3. I just bought myself a Liana blank head...so excited! I haven't seen too many of them around.

      Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
    4. Does their NS still match Volks? I want to get the boy MSD body for a hybrid.
    5. Rinoa, they have a resin comparison on their FAQ :) they looked pretty close to me.

      I am getting a Pyrus soon, though I haven't ordered him yet. Hubby doesn't trust layaway policies, so I have to save to buy him outright, which should be in about a month if I'm careful about my spending.
    6. Oh that will be great - there arent too many boys on this thread !Really looking forward to seeing him. What resin colour are you going for ? ( Thanks for resurrecting this thread too ;))
    7. Haha no problem. I'm going to get him in Normal Pink with the company faceup :) I really can't wait to order him. I look up his picture every day. Apparently I'm obsessed lol
    8. Yup sounds about right though ;)
    9. Haha glad it's normal lol
    10. Thanks for all the info!! :)
      Your Syd is amazing! I'm definitely adding a snowdrop to my wish list! Could you please spam more picture of her??
      Do the nine9style (bunny size) and ttya fit also minifee?? I have a m-line...which seems to be a bit of pain when it comes to shoes.. maybe I should make some by myself! :P
    11. [MENTION=69998].lilli.[/MENTION], I can offer a different Snowdrop for your spam request. :)

      [​IMG]Sitting pretty by vicemage, on Flickr
    12. Hello everyone.
      Does anyone know if Spirit Doll has high heel feet for 1/4 girls? They seem to be available for 1/3 girls but not for 1/4 girls. Or maybe I just couldn't find them. Maybe someone can help.
    13. No high heel feet yet but their arches are pretty high. I've been able to get my girls to wear and stand in MSD heels so far.
    14. @itzreeseybetch: Thanks for the info. :] Maybe they will release some high heel feet for MSDs in the future.
    15. thanks vicemage !
      can I ask something else? Is she wearing MSD clothes or slim MSD?
    16. Thank you so much, Im so glad you like her ! I dont have any new pics that Ive taken but a friend took this at a recent meet.

      As for clothes - Syd wears mainly slim mini clothes but she rarely wears pants so Im not sure if they fit. She is way taller than my minifee and has a broader butt ! I pretty sure bunny nine clothes wouldnt fit minifee or snowdrop but my daughter has bunny nine shoes that fit minifee feet - never tried them on Syd but Ill keep you updated ;)

      [​IMG]Dolly Day at my house by Jenni, on Flickr
      • x 2
    17. samson

      Oh, she is the most beautiful doll in this thread and you should spam her pictures more! Please please
    18. Oh wow ! And thank you very much x:kitty2 and I'll do my best to take more photos in the future !

      Edit : I cant in all honesty take that compliment as Gaya is equally as lovely as Syd and the paler skin girls have a beauty of their own. But thank you again Ludens XXX
    19. She matches up in proportions to all my other slim minis, so she should be fine in those; so far I've actually only had her in Friends 2B Made clothes, which were plush dolls sold by Build-a-Bear several years ago (they've since been discontinued). I got her to match up with my other mature/slim minis, though, and she fits in quite nicely with them!
    20. Thanks Samson and vicemage!!
      a lot of useful infos! .... I'm really looking forward to buy this girl! ... Now I know which clothes/ shoes to look at :)