1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Spiritdoll 1/4 Smart Mini discussion Part 2

Nov 15, 2014

    1. Yes, you are right) Snowdrop is such a cute sculpt that every doll in this thread is beautiful in its own way, and thank you for calling Gaya lovely) But I mean that Sidney is a doll with personality, she has a gorgeous profeccional make up and an outstanding style (the way you dress her and her cute short wig), the combination of if it all, of her skintone, eye and wig colour IS PERFECT! It is pure joy for me to see her every time. I think every doll owner should try and achieve the same end with his\her doll :love
    2. Oh thank you so much, you've really made my day.
    3. I've always adored Spiritdoll sculpts (those bodies are simply gorgeous) but only now started looking at MSDs for real... do any of you have SD dolls and happen to have some pictures showing a Spiritdoll Smart girl/boy with an SD doll? Or have any ideas where to find such a picture? I'm really curious how they compare. I've read the old thread (& flickr etc) but didn't find anything~
    4. My Snowdrop has now been shipped! She's my very first BJD.

      She is going to be called Sidney too, but I had the name for her before I ever saw the sculpt.

      I am really very excited!
    5. Ooh how exciting !!! Do you have plans for her ? Eye colour wig her style ?? I'm afraid I'm gonna want details ! It's good to see this thread moving and new blood here too :wiggle
    6. Congratulations, [MENTION=70047]astromayhem[/MENTION]! I can't wait to see what you do with her; it's so much fun to see all the different ways Snowdrop can look. She's such a versatile (and lovely!) sculpt!
    7. I totally agree !

      [​IMG]Sydney by Sue, on Flickr
      • x 1
    8. Dangit Samson I"m trying to get over wanting a tan Snowdrop and you and Sydney come in here waving all that pretty in my face xD
    9. Sorry.........not sorry :wiggle
    10. ...ahhh..I really want one too :(

      Samson and Vicemage...your pictures are killing me too..

      Hopefully I'll get one for Xmas..or if there is an event before?? anyone knows anything about when they do any discount???

      Have you ordered your snowdrop directly from their website?? Can you share your experience?
    11. I don't really know much about events, [MENTION=69998].lilli.[/MENTION]; I did order Winry straight from their site, though, and have no complaints! I think she was a fairly quick shipper, though I generally tend to forget how fast or slow most dolls ship to me. :sweat I know I wasn't patient enough to wait and see if an event was going to come up, though.
    12. Sorry I bought Sydney second hand, so I'm no help !
    13. Thanks!
      ..my only concern about buying from their site are custom fees.. last time I bought a pair of eyes (not from them)..I payed more for shipping and customs than for the eyes themself... :(
    14. My snowdrop (tan skin, no faceup) just came in today! I ordered her direct from the website on 19th of June so she came well under the expected time frame of 2-3 months.

      I don't know anything about their event periods really, but I had a great experience ordering through the website. Easy to pay, shipping notice was sent and everything went smoothly.

      The only thing I would say is that the send the WEIRDEST eyes as the free gift/default eyes. The ones they sent me are yellow with white pupils :?. So I would make sure you have some eyes for her of your own.
    15. Can wait to see her pictures!!! :D
      ..yellow and white pupils???... *_* can't really imagine how they look like...
    16. I bought my snowdrop direct as well as an extra body and it was easy and quick. I can't wait to get my tan girl <3
    17. Thank you so much! I wasn't sure if that was an old comparison or not. :sweat

      But... Normal Pink skin? They only have Normal, White and Tan listed on their site! So how are people getting the Yellow/Pink version of normal?
    18. I need opinions on these two dolls, I am in love with both but can't decide which one to get. If you know what they both look like, Please tell me which you prefer. Thanks
    19. Snowdrop.. But that's because I have one :wiggle
    20. she is very cute. did you do her face up?