1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Spiritdoll 1/4 Smart Mini discussion Part 2

Nov 15, 2014

    1. Oh no , her face up was done by nomyens.:D
    2. Snowdrop, because that is who I ended up choosing:XD: I can't share photos yet, hopefully she will arrive on Wednesday.:danceIt has been a long wait.
      Laurel is also lovely and if you like the little teeth she looks so cute.
    3. Can you post a pic of her on this post? I would love to see her.

      I would love to see your snowdrop when she arrives as well :)
    4. [​IMG]

      So, here's my Sidney!
      She doesn't have a face-up yet because I'm loving having her in my home too much to ship her head away to somebody - but I will be taking the plunge soon enough!
      She's a bit of a grumpy teenager (probably because of all the time she spends packaged away to keep her away from cats and toddlers) but I know she loves me really.
      [MENTION]spicydays[/MENTION] got me her galaxy clothes, and I bought her some shoes to match a pair I own myself.
      The current eyes are the ones she shipped with, but once I've got her face painted I'll be getting different ones for her.
      I'm sure you'll see many photos over the next few weeks and months, and she should be journeying to Tokyo with me in December!
    5. Welcome Sidney! She's adorable <3
    6. Hi Sidney ! Love your outfit - you look great !
    7. My Snowdrop finally arrived on Friday, I am so happy with her. She is a really lovely sculpt, very delicate and the hands are wonderful.
      I got her secondhand from the marketplace and her first owner did her faceup.
      She doesn't have a name yet but here is her first photo.
      [​IMG]snowdrop by Megan, on Flickr
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    8. So cute! Get ready for me to stalk your flickr =)
    9. Thank you:XD: I am so in love with her, just frustrated with time. I have such a busy week coming up and all I want to do is play and finish her clothes, she is pinned into her dress at the moment.
    10. Oh I know the feeling
    11. Welcome to your lovely girl - shes really beautiful !
    12. Thank you.:XD:
    13. ....oooohhh a new snowdrop!...can't wait to see more pictures of her! :)
    14. Thanks guys :3 Nightshade, that dress looks great on her, perfect with the wig!
    15. I finally painted my Liana today.


      Meet Frances Belkirk. She's a reshell of my very first doll--a dreadfully blunt, fashion-challenged ornithologist.
      I'm so happy to have her back in one piece. She's gone through so many doll forms, and it's good to finally feel like I've nailed it!

      (First time posting on the new forum software....hopefully this works....the picture seems huge and I can't figure out how to resize it...)
      • x 4
    16. Oh wow she is amazing. I love her eyebrows and freckles!

      Her faceup really seems to reflect her character.
    17. [​IMG]Yuuukiiiii:)) by Julia K, on Flickr
      This is my snowdrop Yuki. I got her in march. Still can't get enough. Very nice doll. Makeup from the company, not like I thought. But still really like it.:3nodding:
    18. I have been so in love with snowdrop since I saw her. I really want to get the smart boy body though and the snowdrop face up head for it. I was wondering if that would happen to help more clothes fit? The girl body is so tiny and I'd rather have the boy body :p but then how would I get the cute claw hands? My goodness so many questions