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Strange things and habits you associate with BJDs?

Sep 19, 2021

    1. Sounds, colours, smells, foods even? I expect there'll be obvious ones like resin smell and the feeling of the doll's material. For me, it's the song "Voracity" by Myth & Roid. Also, hot chocolate.

      It's become a habit of mine to wake up early in quarantine and go through Facebook, DOA, /jp/'s doll general, and doll websites with a mug of hot chocolate, my elderly teddy bear cuddled up to me and that song playing. I'm autistic, so I tend to pick a song and replay it for hours at a time.

      Nothing better to do in lockdown, I guess! And it's totally fixed my sleep schedule.
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    2. Perhaps for me it is just seeing clothing in the stores or online and thinking, man I wish I could have that in doll size.
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    3. I associate St. Louis, the city, with dolls because I went to my first and only BJD Con there! I can't drive through without thinking about that con and all the fun I had. Opry Mills Mall in Nashville does too because that's where I went to my first doll meet.

      I associate certain songs with certain groups of dolls because I roleplay my doll characters online with my sister and a friend and sometimes a song will be important to the RP. Those stick with me.

      Same! Though it goes both ways, I'd like some of my dolls' outfits for myself too!
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    4. Yes! I need a magic "shrinky expando ray". Make the people sized stuff fit dolls, and make the doll stuff fit me. :)
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    5. Money. Just that.
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    6. If I pass by a place where the lighting is just right, sometimes I think "oh it would be nice to take photos of my dolls here." But otherwise, I guess I associate fall with them. I tend to take them out in the fall for photos. But I also associate fall with comfort and Halloween so take that with a grain of salt haha!
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    7. There are two parks I associate with dolls, because they're where I would host my annual spring picnic (two, because we moved and had to find one closer to us lol). I also associate a Chinese buffet with them cause I'd host meets there a lot, too.

      I associate the Japanese band, Buck-Tick, with dolls because I have a Minimee of the vocalist and that doll is how I met one of my best friends (she saw him on here and messaged me).

      A lot of times when I see small toys/furniture in stores I'll wonder if they'd work for any of my dolls. Usually not, though, because I have mostly big boys lmao.

      I also associate Christmas with them, because we try to do a family Christmas photo with all of the dolls in the house (which is a lot lol). Have missed some years, though still associate the holiday with dolls.

      And, finally, I associate some friends with certain dolls of mine cause they have their favorites lol
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    8. I actually made a database of human clothing I want in doll size. I used airtable to do it, with different sections for different types of clothing. It's organised by length, colour, style, brand, and whether I own it yet, and I'm thinking of adding a year column as well.
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    9. Gothic horror movies and icons. My introduction to BJDs was Evangeline Ghastly, who's very Elvira and Morticia Addams-esque. Now I associate all similar Gothic media/icons with BJDs.

      Also, Alice in Wonderland. BJDs capture the same reality-bending artistic surrealism that AiW has, so I really associate it with dolls.

      (I do also associate the Queen's Gambit with BJDs, but that's just because I really want a doll that looks like the main character, Beth, so it hardly counts lol.)
      #9 mohnblumendolls, Sep 20, 2021
      Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
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    10. Wheelchairs make me think of Vish and his facemask
      Clothing definitely makes me think of how cute my dolls would be in them
      Same thing with bedroom sets I always picture them in a diorama
      Also when I'm winding down to bed since usually that's when my mind does the mos realistic and unrealistict doll related planning
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    11. I've come to associate Terri's Christmas chocolate oranges with Leon, my Puki Puki Pukisha as a did a photo story of him unwrapping one several years ago. And I now associate one of my Real Puki with the music of Alison Krause and Union Station, since I've listened to the two albums I have of that music many times while working on her still in progress dollhouse. My doll is a tiny Halloween obsessed witch, so the association with Blue Grass/Country music is pretty funny.
    12. I used to associate packages in the mail with dolls. And I still feel a little bit excited to see a new cardboard box even if it’s the groceries.
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