1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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SWITCH Discussion ~ Part IX

Apr 27, 2021

    1. Oh, great to know! :D
    2. If its helpful, i ordered the male 65 body and the hd64 girl body in the same order on August 1, 2023. Shipping / tracking started October 10 and was really quick to arrive to me in Canada (though things came in two boxes of course since they dont combine full dolls).

      As for when they offer bodies, i think at the bottom of the listing it says when its available or when it is available for preorder.
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    3. Don't worry, now all their bodies are available at any time! :3nodding:
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    4. Aside from the hd57 body ofc
    5. Also I’m totally new to Switch so I’m just curious but are Mocha Brown girls just…… not a thing that exists?
    6. @misaxlee Nope, not really. For a long time the only girl body was the HD 57 body and as far as I remember that body was never offered in MB with any of the heads. The HD 64 and Labyrinth bodies are new, but when they were first put up you could buy the bodies in MB, but none of the heads that were on sale at the same time were offered in MB. So, you kind of had to have an MB head already.
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    7. Hi everyone! Does anyone know what clothing sizes fit best for the HD 65Boy Attractive Body? I’m interested in purchasing this body, but want to make sure there’s a variety of clothing options to purchase before I do. I’d appreciate any and all helpful info when it comes to sizing for different clothing pieces. Thank you.
    8. SD17, popo68 and 65 cm sized clothes should fit this body well. ^^
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    9. I only ever buy these bodies because they fit everything. Standard SD17 and anything close to it. You will have plenty of options, even for shoes. Just about everything fits for that size range.
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    10. Thank you both so much! So, 70cm sized jackets would probably be too big then?
    11. If it’s a jacket, it’ll probably just look oversized but not gigantic. I think it should be fine if you don’t mind that kind of style. But if you want jeans, shorts etc, those will look too big. I had my 65 cm doll wear 70 cm sized shorts, and they were too big in the waist. I tried to use a belt, but even then it just didn’t look good. The 68 cm jeans fit really well, though, weirdly enough. *_*
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    12. You’ve been so helpful. I appreciate you! Thank you!
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    13. I may have missed this somewhere, but does anyone have a Labyrinth body and a 65HD (Attractive or not, doesn't matter) they would be willing to photo together with and without clothes?
      I don't see the labyrinth around with clothes on much! (Or maybe I do and I just don't know, even as I stalk the Switch website hehe) and would love to see if that 1cm looks like 1cm or if it looks more! ˙ ᵕ ˙
    14. In case anyone else needs this comparison: the Switch 65 and Labyrinth HD64 essentially come to the same height without heads. (Switch 65 in Powder Beige, Labyrinth 64 in Rosy White). The Switch 65 is a *smidge* higher where the shoulder starts and neck ends, but at first glance, I don’t think the 1cm difference is all that noticeable.

      Hope this can help others! (And it’s nice to see the bodies side by side hehe)

      (Imgur link, idk how to put the image in here unfortunately)
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    15. This is awesome, thank you for taking a side-by-side! :D I had been wondering how the Labyrinth body would look alongside the 65cm guys. The two look really complementary next to each other.
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    16. SD17 Volks clothes fit well on Switch body.
      #756 fanni.finn, Apr 6, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 6, 2024
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    17. Been looking into getting a Muhyul as part of my head collection and do y'all think I should do 14/5 or like 12/6 eyes for him? I prefer my eyes slightly smaller than average, so a 14/6 as opposed to 14/7 for context.
    18. I'd say that most switch eyewells fit 14mm, so I'd bet on that. Still haven't gotten my Muhyul though so I can't confirm.
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    19. I only ask bc my Yozo is more of a 14/5 guy to me :)
    20. Just to add to the discussion, I think Muhyul's eyes in the promo photos are 14/5 or 14/6. 12 mm ones might leave empty space in the corners of his eyes.
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