1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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taking out your dolls

Sep 24, 2009

    1. i really enjoy reading all your comments. i think every so often of taking akando out with me except he weighs a ton!
    2. I took Delilah to the library a while ago, but we went into the Indiana Room, which nobody goes into, so of course we didn't get stared at.
    3. I take my doll to school but I kep him safe in my locker till my photo class were every one goes cray for taking photos of him.
    4. Rarely.

      When I do I usually get stared at... or called the freaky doll girl. I have brought my doll to the occasional meet up when I was able to attend them, I've brought them to the mall, and to target... and I even stuffed one of my msd's into a carry on and brought her to california with me. But for a usual outing? No. I'm very conservative about my dolls appearances. I've been in the hobby since 2006 and it's taken me until now, to start introducing my small town to my dolls. In the future? I'm planning on bringing them almost everywhere. But for now, I'm content with taking things one step at a time and introducing the world to my dolls as slowly as possible.

    5. Hehe~
      I take all my dolls with me everywhere~!
      Not all at once but one or two at a time :]
    6. I take any of my little guys with me when I go fabric shopping for clothes to make them. Having them right there is good to compare print sizes and such against. The attendants in the store like to play around with them while I'm busy, so it's like dolly-babysitting. Other then that, I've had a few wierd looks when I'm on the trams. I find it amusing :)
    7. so far, I've played it safe and only taken them to Anime cons. no one looks at you like you're weird there lol :lol:
    8. as the only one among my friends who's interested with BJD, i won't dare to bring it out :(

      it'll be in my room till someone finally accepts it.
    9. My boy stays at home. It's just not practical to carry him around. That and I'm paranoid about him getting dirty/broken/stolen. I've taken him to a meet and would do it again, but not on a daily basis.
    10. The last time I went out, was to the park for a photo shoot with Marcus. There were a lot of kids, so yeah, I got a few curious stares. I even had my brother tag along to make sure the kids weren't going to run up and snatch my dollie away. xD

      But I did have this one girl who wanted to see him. She didn't really ask anything, she just looked at him. So yes, I have gotten plenty of stares. Not so many questions though.
    11. My bjd's or going to anime cons or meet-ups. The first times when I didn't had a suit case or a bag and was carrying them in my arms, manny people were staring at me. I find it really annoying the face there giving me. But I have now a suit case and taking them saver with me. If I have to stand in the bus and and carrying a doll would be difficultXD
    12. I used to take my boys to Hastings (Our local book store) all the time. But I stopped after one of the workers there started getting all gushy over my boy Folken. :| At one point I was letting her hold him and she started passing him around to her friends, didn't even ask me.

      So for the most part they stay home now, except when we go to anime conventions. :)
    13. Sometimes one gets to ride next to the cereal boxes and milk cartons when we go food shopping- I also take them when I travel but they stay in their carry cases for that. Only other time they go out is if I take them to my grandma's house or something.
    14. My MNF is pretty light and easy to carry around so if I think there's going to be a good photo oppertunity then I'll carry Dizzy along. If I'm just going to the store or something I don't really bother because my boyfriend would make fun of me for acting like a "creepy doll girl" XD and I'd be afraid of her getting too dirty since shopping carts aren't too sanitary and stores around here are pretty crowded.
    15. I take mine to meets, friends and relatives' houses and to DragonCon, but I have also taken one out shopping a few times. Kids usually look but don't say anything, and most adults do the "I'm looking but don't want you to know I'm looking" thing and ignore the doll. Except cashiers, who are talking to me anyway, they usually ask. Once an older man working at a store was just fascinated and asked all sorts of questions, and that was nice. It's much easier to judge scale on things if the doll is with me. I'll take one of my tinies to Walt Disney World with me, but she'll probably stay mostly in the bag except when out for photos.
    16. Ive taken my dolls out only twice. Once i took a doll i no longer own to the bookstore where me and my friend sat and read, her doll and my doll sat next to us lol.

      And the other time was when i brought my main boy Kael to work to show my coworkers. Im all for taking them out with intention to photograph, but id put them in a carrier, im not the person who would just walk around with a doll in my arms everywhere i go.
    17. I heard in Japan dolfies were really popular because people, mostly teen+ girls carried them around. And dressed like their dolls. Like lolita and goth dolls,To the point where it became a fad. Still might be? I think it's kind of cool. I'd love to live in a town where everyone has one. -keeps on dreaming.-

      I went to an anime con years ago, and someone had bjd's. Way before I knew what they were. And I was staring. It wasn't a wtf stare though. It was more of an "I'm in awe and curious about those but too shy to ask about them" stare. So I bet a lot of people staring are thinking just that. I was staring because I wanted to know about them.

      I'm considering it, but I'm kind of shy to begin with. I'd probably turn bright red if flocks of people started asking me a ton of questions...

      But in the end it boils down to what you feel like doing. If you can shrug off all the curious stares, and don't really care what people think of you, then go ahead! Just be ready to answer questions or tell people about them. It's sure to be a fun, and interesting adventure for you and your doll! In the end it's mostly just curiosity, or confusion. Though there are some people that will over step their bounds. I hate how set in their ways people can be. Why judge someone for being themselves? Who cares what someone thinks of you. If they think your crazy let them. It doesn't actually make you crazy. So

      Sorry for the epic rant. ^^;
    18. ok ahead of time if this offends anyone i am sorry, VERY sorry!

      So, i'm 18 and about to order my first doll on Friday ((yay!!!)) but my mom thinks the dolls are controlling my free time and becoming an unhealthy obsession :| so the "deal" is when Phoebe is ordered I have to give up most of my time on DoA and all my doll sites :x:...(. When Phoebe arrives home, i am allowed to take her out ONLY to doll meets and anime conventions. She doesn't want me to take her out because she has a fear that people will look at me like i am a mentally challenged person ((at that point i'm like WTF))

      So for me looks like my dolls will be cooped up at home ((even though i'm 18 and should be able to control what i do)) until i move out. so yeah i'm kinda bummed.

      ((sorry for the long rant))
    19. I prefer to blend in with "normal" people in public, so I leave my dolls at home unless I am attending a meetup or other doll event. I take them there in their carriers. Things that are tolerated and looked on as amusing for those who are young are viewed in very negative ways when a woman of a certain age does them. Not very fair, really, but that's the way it is where I live.

    20. That sucks that your mom has those restrictions on you! Mine thinks I'm mental for spending so much, be she generally isn't mean about it, more like jesting.

      I hope you'll still post a lot on DOA! Your topics and replies are always fun to read. I just got my first yesterday! What doll/s are you getting on friday?