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taking out your dolls

Sep 24, 2009

    1. Well I do take My MSD Dobry with me in public.
      Yes, some people do look at me strangely, but I just ignore it or pretend I know something they don't (if that makes any sense to you)
      Plus, you might actually be surprised how many people sto you to compliment your doll or ask more about it.
    2. I've taken my dolls out in public only a couple times before. A few people have given me weird looks but most people ignore me. Children tend to be more interested than anyone else. I had a couple of drunks make fun of me at a park once but I just ignored them.
    3. I guess that's true, since they're so pretty. :D

      What kind of places do you go with her/him? :)
    4. I do take Lex with me when I go shopping with my mother. People stare from afar, and children stalk you from behind, and I find it a bit amusing >.< Once, we were checking out at the register, and one girl (in her upper teens) was peeking at Lex from behind a magazine rack, and before I knew it, her other three older sisters were staring, too. There are also the people who like to touch. I hadn't yet fixed Lex's bangs so it wouldn't cover his eyes, so people liked to push back his bangs and say "her eyes are pretty" >.<
    5. 1. Do you take your dollies out in public?
      Yes I do! I even did today! I took my girl Minami (volks elena) to the Eden Center, a vietnamese mall/center/thingy, and normally at least one of my resin kids travels in my purse with me wherever I go

      2. Do people look at you weird?
      Yeah Im sure they do, not that I really care much. I normally don't pay attention to other people when Im out in public, so I get commentary from whoever Im with. I have had people ask me about them before though because they like them so much!

      3. If they do, how do you deal with it?
      If its a nasty stare I just ignore them, I don't care what other people think of me. If people ask me questions or comment on how they like them I'll give them a short rundown of what they are and answer the questions they have. If its a bad comment I just smile as sweetly as I can and walk away.
    6. Ah yes, the guys getting mistaken for girls situation. XD I'm glad I'm getting a girl so it doesn't happen to me.

      That makes me think... When you do take them out, how do you carry them?
      Tee hee I'm full of questions. :)
    7. I usually carry Lex in the crook of my arm, and I used to carry him over my shoulder when my arms got tired, but for some reason, now I can't.
    8. Well when I take the smaller ones out its always in my purse. If its one of the bigger ones I normally just carry them and make sure Im up to dealing with carrying something so heavy around lol
    9. i usually bring my catsy with me she so cute and portable haha
    10. i love reading all your comments. i have become pretty convinced to keep my babes at home, tho i do want to do a photo shoot at out local park. it's quite a large park with a lake so i will wait for a nice day and off i will go.
    11. My dolls go around with me all the time :)

      Most frequently I'll take them to school or a friends house with me, but they often tag along if I'm just going shopping or for a walk.

      I have had some comments, but you'd be surprised how many people are interested in them. In fact, a few months ago, I was talking to a young girl in the walmart doll isle (no kelly clothes unfortunately). She was seriously interested, and I wouldnt be surprised if she is saving for one now. She's already into American Girl dolls. Her parents were mortified-- I had denied their hopes and theories that she would grow out of dolls XD
    12. I'm only fifteen and live in a small town, so the thought of getting a reputation as 'the doll girl' is a little scary. But Honestly, before I came to live in Florida, I lived in San Diego, so getting stared at for fashion trends or something like dolls is not all that scary. I take my boy, Chen-wi, everywhere now. :)

      My mom hates when we go shopping because Chen has to get dressed up first and I have tofix his hair andsometimes swapout his eyes with light blue eyes for his dark ones depending on his outfit. I always take him to large gatherings like the other day, I had him at a foot ball game. I had himwith his longer hair and his blue hat, shirt, black jacket,black jeans, and converses. People keptstopping me and asking, 'is that a doll?' 'Is it a girl?' 'Did you make<i>her</i>?' (That always bothers me, that girlthing. He's not wearing girly clothes and he has no chest, so obviously, not a girl.)

      Some of my friends actually know him from my binder. I always have pictures of my photography with me, and a lot has to do with him, so my freind knows him as Len-wang. Argh. I guess I deserve it since I tease him for his accent,but he shouldn't pick on my boy! D: He gets this now gladly. :)
    13. I have taken Marcus out once in public, and yeah, I think I got a few 'weird' looks before. Of course, it was at the park so the majority were kid staring. Of course, I saw a few adults eying me.
      I usually just ignore it. If they're curious, they can look all they want. I don't mind. xD
    14. haha, i can relate when it comes to wearing lolita in public (just today in fact!)
      but I have never taken my doll outside, i'm too careful with him. I don't want the sun or any people touching him. it's a shame though, I'm sure he'd like to go for a walk.
    15. Countdown to topic combustion ...

      Anyway, no, I don't take my dolls out in public.

      But if you do, remember how extremely odd it is to take a giant doll out in public. Remember how odd it is for an adult to be carrying a doll. And remember that people are going to look. If you aren't prepared for that or don't think you can handle being watched and whispered about and possibly laughed at, then don't do it. There is no rule that you have to take a doll out with you if you get one. Although sometimes it seems like there is ...
    16. I only have tiny size dolls ; lati yellow and pukifee.
      So easy to carry them.
      Somebody looks weird at us but I don't care.
      I love all my dolls.
    17. (remember kids, "you" is a general term!)

      I personally find it a bit odd to take your dolls out in public (outside of like dollmeets and such) - I don't mean to offend anyone and I'm definitely not going to judge you or look down on you or whatever if you choose to do so, but I can't seem to figure out a reason to why you would want to tote around your very expensive doll to the grocery store or such and such. I know they're super pretty, and having a little tiny in your purse or whatever to whip out when you're on the go and bored doesn't sound like a bad idea, but why would you need to take your big ol' SD on the go? Personally it seems to me that it would attract more unwanted attention than good (it seems the worst people get is stares, but I HATE getting stared at), and that wouldn't be worth it to me. But that's just me! I'm honestly interested in hearing why people take their dolls out - I love my dolls, but outside is unsafe and scaaary...
    18. Sunnie, I agree with that. Although it's personal whether you never take your dolls out or take them with you wherever you go, I also think you'd have to consider whether the occasion is suitable. Like I would never ever bring dolls to work. Geotechnical engineering is dominated by men by which I mean men men. Anyhow, they wouldn't understand. A backoffice at a large company where the majority of workers is female, a doll or two might be great to have sitting on top of your desk.
      As for school. I think that would only be suitable if you're in a school BJD club or group. If you're the only one carrying cute dolls around, others might pick on you for it. School is often a tough world: you either make sure you're superpopular or stay in the shadows and go unnoticed.
      I often take my boy to anime/fantasy events, doll meets and meeting up with friends who are into the hobby. While travelling, I like to take him out of my bag and take some pics of him looking through the train window. And I am used to people staring. Being a LARPer, I often travel to LARPs all dressed up because that saves luggage.
    19. Outside is neither unsafe nor scary, if you're attentive and aware (that's talking about all of life, not specifically about dolls).

      As for why I may take my dolls out - I don't take them out that often, but when I do I have a reason. Sometimes it's to show one to a friend. Sometimes it's to buy doll accessories and props and I need the doll with me to help me judge scale accurately. Sometimes it's because I'm on the way to somewhere to take photos so the doll is with me already and I'd rather not leave it in the car. I'm taking the Resinsoul tiny to Walt Disney World with me because it'll be FUN - we usually take a stuffed Beanie Baby kiwi that we dress in Disney outfits, but Sapphira will be much more fun and will photograph better. Today I'll be taking one of my SD boys and possibly the Resinsoul tiny to the hardware store with me, most likely. I want stronger wire for the tiny and small S-hooks for the wrists on both of them, if they have them, and I need to know they'll fit not only on the hands but into the arm channels. I could carry a disassembled arm and hand around, I suppose, but to me it's easier and safer (and makes more sense) to just take the whole doll.

      I don't care if others do or do not take their dolls out, I don't see why it's anyone's business. But the implication (a general thing coming from many posters, not anyone in particular) that anyone who does take their doll outside the house is reckless and attention seeking is a bit offensive (and occasionally amusing...). As is the implication that anyone who leaves their doll at home always is gutless and paranoid. There are plenty of reasons to take a doll out and about. There are plenty to leave them at home. What does it matter what someone else does with their own dolls? *_*

      I think I need to make that my signature. "What does it matter what someone else does with their own dolls?" It's my answer to 60% of the General Discussion threads and 95% of the Debate ones. ;)