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taking out your dolls

Sep 24, 2009

    1. I only take them out if I know I'm meeting up with doll people, or at least they're cool with them.
    2. I take my dolls with me to doctor's appointments... It provides a great way to waste time while waiting ^^ They freak my doctor out, and it's kinda funny to see his reaction.
    3. My doll is on layaway but but when she's here I don't know if I'd take her places like the grocery store, etc. It might be considered a little strange, and I'd be afraid of damage to the doll- perhaps for a photoshoot or when I know I'm going to encounter people who are into dolls. I collect a variety of dolls, and also dollhouse miniatures, and I'm constantly surprised at the amount of people who have negative reactions to dolls, as someone previously mentioned.
    4. Today I took my 4 days old boy Aiden to school xD(get him last friday) the fist two lessions he stayed in his bag(not a bag to transport a doll but he can sit in^^) because of my english exam.....
      after the two lessons we had german and i took him out. Yeah all my classmates stares at me, look at him asked what he is and so on. xD the reactions were more positivis i ever imagine me for this first moment xDD
      my head teacher aksed me if she can took him and held him as a baby..... then asked if i nurse him >_>'' *cought* he looks like a 14 years old boy.....i think that's a bad joke^^'''
      the boys in my class don't understand why i bought a 'thing' like that. When I telled them that i have a second doll and they cost more than 500€ they were really shocked and sad they would prefer to buy a computer and games (i'm not THAT type of game-fan--_--')
      later i put Aiden back in his bag and took him later a second time out....but when i took him out he glares at me like:"why do i have to go in there a second time? I don't wanna!" xDDDD it was soou cutte he looked really pissed off <3
    5. I've only taken mine to 1 Anime convention. and out shopping once, but it was for him. I was looking for jewelry findings to make some necklaces and fabric for some outfits, so i wanted to make sure the scale of the patterns were't too big. But the ladies of Joanns are use to me shopping for Cosplay fabrics. So they were just as interested in him, asking questions were i got him and complementing me on the outfit I had made him.
    6. I pretty much just take Yoru out when we're going to a friend's house or when I'm trying to do shopping for items for him. When con time comes though, you can beat at least one of my boys will be lugged around with me...^_^;
    7. I always have a tiny with me. But, I have carried a doll with me all the time before I got into BJDs-I came into dolls through the book Soul Mate Dolls: Dollmaking As a Healing Art . So, I always saw the purpose of my dolls as companion dolls. A companion doll travels with you, so my dolls go with me everywhere. Usually it is Shriara, my Sleepingelf Mina, but sometimes Amara, my Planetdoll Mini Riz, comes with me. My tinies fit in either my purse or my tote bag. My MSDs stay home unless it is a meet or visit to a dolly friend's house. Although, I did make Nefertari, my Resin Soul Mei, part of a sewing demonstration at a SCA event. I drafted a Renaissance gown to fit her.:)
      I sew by hand whenever I have to wait somewhere. My doll clothes sewing kit fits into a small zippered pencil bag. People always ask what I am working on and I bring out Shriara. Shriara is the best bjd ambassador ever-no one can be afraid of a 5.5 inch doll. I took her in to my local Post Office so they would know why I receive so many foreign packages. My local quilt shop puts tiny scale prints aside for my weekly visits in case they suit her. My doctor's nurse asks to see her new outfits. My students notice if she is missing from her chair in my classroom. Shriara is a part of my daily life.
    8. I don't have my doll yet but I go out wiht my friends and their dolls. It's fun we've gone to the mall, target, and the renaissance fest with them. It's fun. :)
    9. When I get my doll, I'd at least like to take them to friend's houses, rare as that is. I'd love to bring my doll to college, especially on the long days when I'm waiting for my ride or in between classes, but my mom has already forbidden me XD . Probably the same song for bringing it to work too, since I work at my dad's place. Not fair, since another girl that works here has her desk decked out for the holidays with Christmas baubles! I'll probably find a way to sneak her/convince my parents eventually X3 .

      I'd probably just sit her on the desk or carry her in my arms/lap, comfort-toy style, rather than do a whole lot of toying around/posing/playing.

      <3 ali
    10. I don't take my dolls very many places. I've taken them to the park a few times on colder days (since I know there won't be kids with grabby hands), and one time I did take one into NY with me (I did get a lot of people asking me about her, and a couple parents who wanted to know if it was a good child's toy). Besides that there were a couple conventions. I doubt I would ever take them to the grocery store, or to work, I'd just be too worried about grabby hands and people staring at me.
    11. I'm already planning my itinerary for bringing my doll to SDCC, and I asked my brother for a yoga mat bag to carry her around inconspicuously for photoshoots. I'm used to doing "weird" things alone in public so I'm not too worried about getting stared at or the potentially rude comments she might garner...what I AM worreid about is someone stealing her.
    12. I take my Nika to school, and I get a variety of reactions, from "Aw, s/he's so cute!" where I correct the 'she', to "That doll looks creepy." and I answer that one with, "I could insult you but I haven't, so why are you insulting my doll?" Those people usualy just leave me alone after that. There was one boy who always says that Nika's creepy, so one day I just said, "And you're ugly." and walked away. I don't know if he caught the double meaning of "ugly" as in both hidious and being mean, but I don't think that kid's too bright. He annoys me for spite, so I usualy just ignore him.

      I've gotten used to having Nika in my arms when I go to the store or some places, but I also know when it's not proper to have him with me, and leave him home.
    13. Hmm these are interesting to read :) Well I do not have mine yet but I do plan on taking her to class with me every so offten. I mean I am the president of the Anime club, member of the gamers club, LOTR nut and half the campus (students and faculty) hates my friends because we arn't "normal" What more have I got to lose? lol :bellcookie It would be like walking around with them all day. I'm already use to the stares and bring on the comments I've got a million more waiting for you!! P.S. people at my school tend to not say anything bad directly to people of my "ethnic" group. Not sure if that is bad or good...
    14. That would be a big fat no. I have no desire to drag my dolls with me everywhere I go. They're heavy, and I hate carrying them. They all have expensive faceups and clothing that I would not like to see ruined and taking them everywhere is simply inviting trouble.

      I don't really see the purpose of it, either. They're dolls. They do not aid you in shopping or eating or whatever, and are just another large hassle I would have to deal with. The only time they ever leave my apartment is when I am going to a doll meet, and even then they are safely stowed away in their travel bag or suitcase until we reach the destination.
    15. I don't take my dolls out in public. When I go to meets, they stay stowed until I get there. Aside from Dolpa, I really only go to private meetups, rather than ones at coffeeshops, parks, or malls. I wouldn't derive enjoyment from bringing them anyway, it would just be one more thing to carry and worry about.

      In general, I don't like to draw attention to myself or be the center of attention.... and taking a doll out in public is kind of like wearing a sign that says "HEY! LOOK AT ME!"
    16. I have two MSD's and I usually take one, if not both boys, out with me when I go places. Be it out for dinner, shopping at Walmart or Krogers, out to a movie, if I go, generally one of the boys tags along. I do bring my camera, in case the opportunity presents itself for some pictures, but that's not the main purpose. I take them because I like to. I even warn people, invite me out if you like, just be aware that there will probably be a little resin person sitting on my arm when I get there.

      Most people don't seem to mind, they hold him in the car while I drive, want to examine him (carefully!), or want to know where I got it. I've only once stuffed the poor guys in a bag for travel to a doll-meet, and thank god they're MSD's and they ended up fitting in my work bag after I emptied it out, as long as I sat them in with their legs folded to their chests. Mostly I carry them around sitting on my arm, their legs caught between my arm and my body, so they can't be dropped or anything.

      I don't have a purpose, I just like taking them. I don't pay a ton of money for stuff to never let it be seen. I take my expensive laptop places, why not my expensive dolls? People are more interested by the dolls than the lappy anyhow! XD
    17. Agreed.

      I personally have no desire to take my dolls anywhere. I might take pictures outside in my own backyard, but that's about it.
    18. I love my dolls, but I'd have a heart attack if I ever brought one out into public alone (I'm very paranoid about my things). I'd rather keep them safe at home or at a private meet; although I have brought Dhaunnar and past dolls to the Sonnenberg Mansion for meets I have organized. However, since it's during an art show that I organize the meets, the people that are in the gardens at the times of the meets have been art-goers and don't bat an eye at the fact that there are people sitting under a tree in the rock garden with a bunch of gorgeous dolls. I don't take mine out of the carrier until other people have arrived, or if a fellow vendor asks about them.

      It's not that I'm afraid of being stared at or anything (that happens anyway), but I'm more afraid someone will harm my dolls, and I don't really care for the onslaught of attention along with the hassle of having them around at normal times (shopping, movies, eating, etc.).
    19. I'm weary of taking them out in public, because I hate drawing unwanted attention to myself, and I worry about leaving them somewhere, or having them stolen from me. I do occasionally for photographs, but I feel no need to take them out shopping, dining, etc.
    20. I only bring mine to my friends houses and meets. but usually when i bring her to my friends house, i have to take the doll to school with me.......so i wrap her up in a whole bunch of stuff so no one can tell. but so far the only bad looks i got where from family.