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taking out your dolls

Sep 24, 2009

    1. There's alot of factors that contribute to why I don't bring Zophiel out (unless it's to a meet, a friend's house, or otherwise in his carrier) He's heavy to carry for too long, He's completely decked out in white (including a HZ bjd outfit I'd hate to see dirtied) and I'm really just afraid of him getting dirty or damaged.

      Too much money went into him to risk him at the mall or shopping. Plus.. he's just so darn big that there's practically no way to get around people noticing him. Not that I mind- it's just when I'm out shopping or doing errands.. I generally want to get out, get them done, and come back home.
    2. I'd like to take a doll out with me (when I finally get one) but I don't really go anywhere. There's nowhere to put a doll at my work, and since I'm the first thing people see when they enter the building, my boss probably wouldn't like it much either. I will probably end up bringing them in for my manager sometimes though.
    3. I dont take my dolls out and I hardly attend public meet ups unless they are at a friend's house. I entertain a lot and when I have guests over they often ask to visit my doll room, but I don't bring them out unless someone specifically asks to handle them. ~Gus

    4. Same here! My friends and I already get looked down upon just for being teenagers, so I don't want to add to that. >.< I have brought my doll to a coffee shop once and showed her off to my friends because I had just got her, but that's about it, other than AWA and a family trip to New York (where I didn't take any pictures of her after all :sweat) .
    5. always!!
      well, rarely when im in my hometown :sweat i dont want ppl of my school to see it.
      i brought aiden to staples and the restaurant once but i made my mom hold him. ppl really thought it was hers XD
    6. I've taken mine out to meet-ups, conventions, and photo-shoots. The farthest I've ever taken one was to Alabama to visit my sister. I live in Michigan, so this was a pretty long drive. It was worth it though. I snapped some amazing photos of her, and I was dying to show her to my sister (who is in love with them now too). I got a lot of stares at the meet-ups (of course, there were a lot of us too, so large numbers of dolls will attract stares). Also, a lot of "evil eyes". Some people will never approve of anything you do, you know?

      I'd like to start taking them out more just for fun, but I'm terribly self-conscious about it. I know it's stupid and all, but I still feel weird when people stare at me. Even if I'm doing something I love. It's like I wish I could say "Yeah, I know I'm weird and I'm an adult who carries a doll around. You've all made this abundantly clear! Stop staring. And no, I'm not doing this for attention". I don't know why, but I feel worse when people stare in confusion than when they give me the stink eye! When they give me obvious disapproving looks, my rebellious side kicks in and is like "Whateva'! You're not my real mom!" Regular stares make me think "Omg, what are they thinking? They must think I'm a crazy lady who is desperate to have a baby so she's lost it and has resorted to carrying dolls with her!".
    7. I've only taken mine to a public place once- the local library where I met a fellow DoA member who helped me restring my doll. And I got a lot of weird looks.

      But that's not as bad as taking my doll to my in-laws. They're pretty vocal about how weird they think it is.
    8. I used to take Melody to work with me all the time. The kids would see her on the counter and be amazed. But I haven't taken her anywhere with me lately. Whenever I get a tiny I'll prolly start lugging that around with me for company and stuff. ^^
    9. I have always wanted to, I like having my dolls around me as much as possible, and I think it would only make me bond more with them! However, like you, I have lacked the courage. I let my dolls live in my dorm with me, and even that allows for many strange and judgmental looks in my direction, and as much as I know I shouldnt care, it bothers me. Its easier to show people who already know you, that way they cant make some separate judgement about your personality, based on one hobby (I don't do very well with criticisms). I truly do envy the people who have the guts to bring their dolls out! I think I would be more willing to do it if I were with a group of other doll carriers/fans.
    10. I've only taken a doll out in public once for a meetup at an art museum. It was a very interesting day and we got a lot of stares, but a lot of genuinely interested people asking questions as well, including some of the museum employees. :) As soon as I broke off from the group to leave though, it seems I became a weird kid with a doll. But when we were together people thought we were a club or something! xD I've also had my dolls at a couple of anime conventions, but those don't really count imo because everything is a little off-color there!

      I'm pretty self conscious about being involved in the hobby so I don't thing I'd really want to bring them about on daily activities with me, though I do want to take photos of them outside of my house sometime and haven't really had the courage to do that yet. :sweat
    11. when i started this thread i was really anxious to take my dolls out and show them off. but as time has passed, i have thought it better to leave them at home where they are relatively safer and not under someone's scrutiny...impartial or not.
      however, i would like to take them out occasionally for photo shoots. so far, i have only done so in my front yard.
      there is a river and a canal nearby, and if the temperature ever rises above freezing and the wind stops blowing, i want to take some pix....alas, spring seems years away...
    12. I haven't done much yet, I've been to two meetups so far, both in houses, but at one we spent an hour in the front yard taking pictures in the snow whit their neighbors staring, it was fun! I've taken him to relatives houses before and once to school to show my friend who is now obsessed. One trip to a local hot springs I brought Tobi along for pictures and when we were in a restaurant he was in his carrier and I left his hand sticking out for fun. This young girl was staring so intently at it I'm sure she was thoroughly creeped out. I've also brought my floating head to dinner to show my grandmother (who of course thought he was a girl) and the waitress tried not to notice the head sitting comfortably on the table. ^_^

      When my other friend (Masquerade on here) gets her SD boy we'll take our two to the mall, anime cons and wherever else we can think of, there's definitely strength in numbers. XD
    13. People are very closed minded and have a hard time accepting anything that is different. I am taking my my new (and first) bjd, an Apollo Bobobie with me to college. I am a bit afraid of what people will say, but in the end, I do not care. I probably wont take him with me to the cafeteria though because I cant carry him and my food at the same time.
    14. I very seldom take my dolls out. I naturally take them to doll meets, but otherwise very very seldom. I've taken a couple of them to the woods to take photos and I took my El hybrid to night school, since I wanted to show him to my colleagues. Two of my colleagues :) (male and female) carried him around and one of the girls was over enthusiastic about him.
    15. I often bring them on long car trips, but I've never carried them around in public. I've often pushed my daughter's baby dolls in shopping carts though.
    16. In theory I wouldn't mind. In practice, I only have two arms and must carry my own "luggage". Oh and there's lots of sun (UV!) and heat. Also, unless I have a spotter with me, I wouldn't even want to separate myself greater than arm's length from my girls even to take a photo if people are anywhere nearby. My snatch and grab fear may be paranoia, but it only needs to happen once and my girls are OOAK to me.

      As far as attracting stares, it's never really bothered me. Personally, I cared a lot more about being "ashamed" when I was a teenager but I think I have grown out of it. Perhaps some never do. Still, it seems to me that there's a certain type of person that enjoys attracting attention, so for them taking out a BJD could be a fairly effortless way to get their fix. No harm in that really!

      (Would really like to see more owner/doll wardrobe coordination IRL.)
    17. I just took my new doll to school with me today. XD
      And I went to Walmart with my cousin and friends once, and we had one of her MSDs. People glanced, but never really asked questions.
    18. Unless it's a meet-up, I don't take mine out in public hardly at all. The most I've done is take them out for a photoshoot in a fairly deserted park. Although, Halloween 2008, I owned two BBB Sprites, and I brought them into work dressed as "Liberated House Elves" because the theme at work was Hogwarts and I made them into a miniature display. But I felt safe because I knew no one would mess with them. One of my coworkers really liked them.

      Other than that, I wouldn't take them with me anywhere unless it was for a meet, or unless I was with a couple of friends for a large photo-shoot. Heck, I don't hardly take them with me to conventions unless I'm with other people specifically for a meet-up at the con. I would spend a lot of time worrying if the resin would crack or break, fingers snapping off, people trying to yank them. Especially at the more crowded conventions like Dragon*Con. It's pretty much safety in numbers for me!

      As for not doing it because I'm ashamed, my mindset is that I'm a fully grown adult and I'll do what I please within the limits of the law. I mean, I spend weekends dressed up as video game characters and half the time, I'm dressed as a male, so I hardly think a doll would make me blush. But I haven't ever felt the need or even the want to bring them grocery shopping with me or to the movies. I have brought them to show relatives who have asked to see them, but that's about it.
    19. I've taken Kori to JoAnnes, Mc Donalds, outside walking, parks, meet-ups, and car rides. I love having him with me x3

      In fact, today is his first outing to Barnes & Noble! I'm sitting here in the cafe as we speak, typing up my Final Essay for my poetry class xD;;; (or I should be doing that at least) Although he's sitting in my bag next to me atm since I can't be concentrating on my laptop and keeping an eye on him at the same time ^^

      I don't know what it is...I just like knowing he's with me...and nosy/curious people are easy to deal with by staying polite and holding him close so they know its NOT okay to just start touching him without permission.

      At least, that's what its like for me in my experience ^^
    20. i am sad to admit that i would be embarrassed to take my boy outside with me. tried once but utterly failed. normally i don't care what people think, but i'm actually really shy and self-conscious. if i had someone else to come with me with a doll of their own as well, i'd probably feel much better about it, to be honest. :( maybe someday.