1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Telling Your Parents *For Younger Members*

Sep 5, 2009

    1. I don't think my Mother knows, she is pushing into her 80's and I have my own grown children. I don't think she would approve, but hey, thats the beauty of being an adult I don't have to have her approval.
    2. I had to make all my money on my own. My mom talked to all my relatives, and I actually remember my mom saying something about how relatives can't resist giving money to a younger relative to get a doll XD
      The first person I told about my interest in the dolls was my mom, and then I told my dad and my mom really liked the style of them, but my dad had to learn to understand why I liked them XD
    3. Hmm. I will admit... it was not easy!
      At first I was so nervous about telling my mom... I knew that she was not the most "easy going" person. My dad, however, was so easy! I just said, "Dad, I saw these cool dolls! They're about $700 but I can afford it with no help whatsoever!" He didn't really care, as long as I was happy. And as for my mom... I was actually shaking when I was going to tell her (phobia of an angry mother). So I just told her... she, of course, said no. But I kept bugging her until she said yes. It was funny actually... I turned our conversations around to the doll... for example:
      Mom: "There's nothing on Tv!"
      Me: "Yeah, tell me about it! Y'know... if I had a doll I wouldn't be so bored out of my mind right now!"
      Heh heh heh. It worked.
    4. I was really reluctant to tell my parents, I started with my mom, since she is usually easier to talk to about things concerning money. I started out with a wanted a doll, which surprised her, than was followed by 'how much is it'. At this piont I was eyeing a Luts SSDF Regen, so I said 500 dollars. She went 'oh' and said that was alot of money.
      But they have been really generous about money when it concerns my doll. I got a bunch of doll clothes for christmas and I got his body as an advanced birthday present, even though the body was alittle over $270 dollars and they usually only spend a hundred dollars on birthday presents.

      I've had dolls before, so it wasn't that much of a big deal but be prepared to hear about how much money they are. It will get endlessly annoying and if you get a guy, you will probaley get thousands of 'She's so pretty' or 'That's not a guy' comments. Only my immediate family has seen my doll in person and all of them have commented on how feminine he looks. Those are the only two comments that will plague you for a long time.
    5. Well, im only 16, but i won my money yet.
      And i wish a doll since my 14, and recently i had the oporunity of buy mi first doll, i was save money for one year. and i had a lot of panic about to tell with my parents, but in the momet they are very comprensive, and today they loves, my Eva (this is the name of my doll)!!!
      But already they are very worried and agry with my news buy (wigs, clothes) etc, they think that a doll not need more things!!!
    6. The biggest problem most parents have with BJDs is the cost involved. Use your own money by working a part time job.

      It also helped that the first doll I got was a limited edition i got off the Volks lottery. I showed my mum that I could easily get my money back(plus a bit!) on the second hand market. She hasn't questioned my other buys since.:)

      She doesn't need to know that accessories and regular dolls don't fetch much on second hand markets.
    7. My parents give each of us (their kids) $300 for christmas money, and $300 for birthday money. hey let us go shopping with them for presents and decor(if its our birthday) and deduct it from the $300. Whatever is left, we get in cash. So although my parents weren't totally for it, I used all of it to pay for my Bobobie Mei last christmas. I guess its just a matter of presenting what you want, and having the funds to do it yourself. Now that I have my doll (named Ophelia), my parents are all for letting me get my second doll with my own funds.

      If your parents don't give you any money (allowence, what have you) I suggest saving up yourself, without their knowledge, and when you have the money (keep shipping in mind) Just tell them "Hey, I've been saving up for his long to buy his doll and I was hoping you would let me since I've been so responsible for saving it up by myself.

      Note that I purchased my doll when I was 16.
    8. My mom (who's the only one whose support really matters) has always said that my money is mine to do what I want with. She just wants me to be sure that I want to spend this kind of money on a doll, but she's a parent, so that uncertainty is kind of expected. She doesn't say that as much now though because I've gone so long without buying anything to save up for it, so she sees my dedication.

      I was able to convince my cousin that I wasn't crazy by just showing him the dolls and explaining how they were made. He builds his own RC cars so he can understand expensive hobbies.
    9. I'm a college student, and while I don't live with my mother, she still keeps tabs on my finances and chastises me for frivolous spending, lol. I do live with my aunt and tend to run some things by her, too.

      Recently, when I had just bought my BBB Espree and was breaking the news to my Mum, I showed her the doll I wanted, and other dolls - she loves BJDs, she just doesn't like how much they cost. But by the time she was done looking at the dolls on Denver Doll's site, and I reminded her how I just got straight A's on my midterms, she was okay with the purchase and told me it was fine - as long as I send her pictures when she gets here! XD

      Otherwise, my aunt is of the view that it's my money, so I can spend it how I want to. And I don't communicate with my father, so he has no idea what BJDs even are, lol.
    10. My parents also like BJD though. My mom really loves one girl from Lati but since she's so expensive, she choosed luts instead. And for my dad, he didn't really worried about it at all. So when I asked them, I told them like "She's so beautiful, look!!", "Wow, he's really handsome!!" etc ... And parents will say "So buy him/her"
    11. I've wanted one when I was 13 or 14 years old--but I didn't have a job at that time and there was no way that my parents would give me money to pay for one (birthday/christmas money/etc. usually goes to the bank). So I waited for about 4 or 5 years and I just bought one almost two weeks ago with my own money that I earned.

      Prior to ordering, I was doing research for a month. And before I even started researching, I was a bit apprehensive to tell her about my plans on buying a BJD because of the price. I originally wanted a fullset so it went over $400 easily and my mother was slightly angry and started lecturing me on saving money for post secondary and what not. She thought I wanted a Barbie so she was surprised when I told her what I wanted. My brother is really spoiled though, so he gets a lot of things when he "begs" for it; I never really asked anything that expensive before (or permission to buy something of that value).

      It was then a couple of weeks later that I decided that I wasn't going to get a fullset and rather just a blank doll with no face up. So that saved me about almost $100. Hearing this, my mom slightly changed her mind and also considered the fact that I'm graduating this year too--so it'll be my "graduation" present, despite paying all of it by myself haha. I'm also an A student so she also thought it was time that she'd "congratulate" me more properly. Then she learned about how you can change the eyes/wigs/faceup/etc which let her be cool with it.

      My dad doesn't know about it though. But then again I hardly see him so.....
      And I don't think my mother knows about my plans on getting more dolls in the future but, haha...
    12. Yeah i'm 14 and will order my first bjd when i decide on which one i want >_<
      It took me 2 years to convince my parents and to save & research.
      The thing that made my parents change their mind was when i told them that they are 'art dolls' and that my art teahers agreed that it would do alot for my art & photography.

      But they never really said that.. (x
    13. First,I saw their reaction first about my aneki's doll..And the response was great even my mom offered my aneki to sew for her doll clothes and she asked me to look some fabrics to give her..So,I don't think have a problem with them..^_^
    14. they don't know and it'd be nice if they never did
      I'm 21 I work full time and they don't really care what I spend my money on
      as long as I don't go into debt on my credit card and pay the rent
      they probably would raise a few eyebrows (eg cause its dolls and I'm a guy...and not gay)
      guess it wouldn't if I was but I'm not lol
    15. Well, i save up constantly with my money, and last Christmas, i begged and pleaded, and he got me my first doll. I think now he understands, its not a toy, but a hobby. He dosent care that much, i just have to tell him if im saving for a soom md or whatever, hes fine with it, he understands how this is serious. And he made me think for while about choosing a good 2nd doll. So after i clearly stated i wanted a doll, and thats all, he just ignored sorta? He was always asking but anything else? And i would just say, No thankyou, just a dollehthis Christmas. Of course, as i wouldnt say anything else, and knew how serious i was, he got me one. And now, he thinks i am nuts saving up for a Soom MD Teenie Gem, he is fine with it, as Long as he Dosent have to pay ;D
    16. Since I use my own money, I never had to really convince them of anything. Of course I got the "Are you sure, honey?" questions but they've always let me do what I want with my money. Especially since the doll scene has been in my life for a long time, they know I like them and how happy they make me so they don't let it stop me.
    17. Hahah, I know what you mean. I'm nearly 26, live in a different city and my Mother's disapproval still scares me like nothing else.
      ...So she doesnt know I just bought another doll.
    18. Same here I am 28 and I still live with my mom for various reasons one being I am visually impaired and need her help getting to places that the bus can't. But she has no idea I have two dolls and one on the way. I send my doll stuff to a friends house she's really good about getting it to me at work or when I go over to her house. So I never have told her that I now have three. For the reasons u listed above.
    19. hahaha...yeah..I still don't have a credit card yet, so I had to rely on my mom to order Julian for me >.< it took some convincing, but eventually I convinced her, basically telling her: "I have the money. I've worked everything out, what the cost is, converted the cost to Canadian dollars, and will give you the money to use. that way it makes no dent in your own finances because it's money I gave you to go towards my doll." Now i want a second one XD and she's not so keen on it because I'm suppose to be saving money for other things -_- this time I've convinced her by telling her "it's way smaller, and way cheaper than Julian was, so it will make no dent in my savings. As well, its the last one I plan on getting until I am done collage and have payed off all school fees." so now I get to order my cheshire XD of course...she doesn't know the third doll I plan to order during school possibly.....
    20. Told my Mom. I've never had an issue telling my Mom "I want ____." She told me she'd help some, I of course got myself a nifty PT job saved for what felt like ever and then my Mom gave me $100 for X-Mas in 2008 so I could order my boy. My Dad--well...he knows about my doll, I'm not sure he knows how much he or his clothes cost. My Dad hates when I spend money on anything that I don't "need", ie; concerts, dollfie, sunglasses...lol