1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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That feeling when you realize what doll is your grail

Aug 22, 2017

    1. @Brightfires But I don't wanna!! XD Lmao, I'm just kidding. I actually might just get her now. My heart is telling me to! and to be honest I probably would be OK financially if I did it on layaway. I don't really spend my money on much else besides rent and food anyway, might as well get something I want really bad right? haha. After this though it will be a long time before I get another I hope.

      @Iron_Dog Wow that's quite a wait! haha I'm glad you got him though! Did it turn out there was a lot of staining or anything?

      @Anivyl I actually am not as big a fan of the anime dolls so I understand. It must also be nice to not have a grail, tbh it was a lot easier before I found this doll 'cuz I was going to be totally fine with waiting til I could afford the dolls I wanted to get them...Then this happened hahaha
    2. @HiroKenzan No, there wasn't any staining, which was good. However, due to the sculpt itself which has a TON of little nooks and crannies, I was only able to remove 99% of the paint. I was even removing the paint with toothpicks with a teeny bit of a cotton ball wrapped on the ends and soaked in Windsor & Newton brush cleaner. But, with the paint that does remain, it looks like a shadowing effect to the parts, which was unexpected and is actually pretty cool looking. I'm almost positive that I'm going to go the masochist route and metal leaf his horn parts, which will be a long process but look wickedly awesome when I'm done.
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    3. O: Wow, that sounds really awesome!! Do you post things like that here? I'm gonna follow you cuz I'd love to see the end result!
    4. @HiroKenzan I will more than likely do a project journal for him as I expect it to be a fair sized undertaking. I've metal leafed the arm of one of my other dolls and just doing that took me... about 16 hours of work (metal leafing is very labour intensive when doing fiddly parts) and then I had to leave the parts to sit for 6 weeks while the Mod Podge cured to full hardness before I could re-string. If I really do decide to go ahead with this, poor Mkhai will be in pieces for quite a bit of time *sigh*. I'd like to make him some clothes before taking him apart so I wouldn't be starting this project right away.
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    5. All I can say is just keep saving, and it will come up for you one day. I've been collecting since mankind made their first doll with sticks. Ah, that was a funny day! And, although it may take a while, sometimes years, your doll will show up, and it's important to be ready by saving now :) My grail doll was a Jan Mclean Marigold. I first saw her in a 1992 doll magazine, and at a time when I was in school. She went for $4500. I finally found one many years later, for less than half that cost. Now porcelain dolls aren't at all popular anymore, but my Marigold fills my heart with joy every time I pass by her. Which is another thing. When you get your grail, make sure it is always where you can see/play with it. Enjoy it every day :D Don't leave it packed in a box! (Just my opinion :D)
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    6. I found out my grail was $6000 8D RIIIIIIIIP
    7. What doll is that?! :o
    8. Ahhhh Dollchateau dolls are amazing! Their sculpts are so unique. I really want one but it's hard to choose! :P

      Holy cow what is it??? XD
      #28 Charliewonder, Aug 25, 2017
      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2017
    9. I wrote this on another thread about grail dolls. I have several "grails" I suppose... but if I had to choose one it'll forever be Volks f-35.

      I fell in love with the sculpt when it was brand new 10 years ago. I knew then that she was my grail doll. I was devastated because as a high schooler, Volks dolls prices are basically impossible for my budget, and besides it was a Sato only sculpt back then. She was basically not available in marketplace either. The only way I could have gotten a base doll was via proxy or yahoo! Japan and it would cost me over $1000. Not such a great number for a poor high schooler without any doll financial support from parents lol.

      I think I finally found a head via MB when I was in college, around 2011 if I remember correctly and purchased a body separately. It was a long journey from the day I wanted it till the day I got her and done.

      Tl;dr I was excited and frustrated when I found her to be my grail doll!
      #29 Ebisama, Aug 25, 2017
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
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    10. Dolkus and Sunny's wonderful world both carry BeYours and offer layaway. Maybe you can shop around for good layaway terms?

      My grail dolls were dolls I missed out on ordering for whatever reason (weren't released in the US, didn't see them when they were first released, didn't appreciate them until I saw owner's photos) but I eventually tracked them down. I don't have any dolls I'm searching for at the moment, which is too bad, I kinda I miss the chase.
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    11. @DarkMerchant oh noooo RIP hardcore Dx I hope maybe someday it's still possible for you to get it! Dx oh god that'd be devastating lol.

      Thanks everyone else! I know I will get her someday whether it is now or later~ TBH it might be sooner than later though LOL we'll see.
    12. My grail doll is Loong Soul YingLong. When I first saw him I fell in love and I still love him just as much now but unfortunately my pocketbook did not share my feelings then and still does not now.
    13. I just bought my grail Friday and am still kind of riding the high :XD: She's the Feeple60 Lunnula.
    14. My grail would have to be Crobidoll Yuri Nameless. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll ever be able to own him given he was a limited but a girl can dream. *sigh* I keep wishing that I had gotten in the hobby sooner but I feel like if I did I would own a lot more. XD So I'm not sure if I should be happy or not. Haha.
    15. Update: I totes ordered my grail baby last Friday and I'm super excited to get her <3

      @Vehngence I kinda feel the same way lol! And I'm sure you'll get him someday...Just keep looking at the marketplace once you get access!! :D

      @astromecha Me too!! WOOT!! *dancing* congrats to you!
      #35 HiroKenzan, Sep 12, 2017
      Last edited: Sep 13, 2017
    16. Congrats on ordering your grail girl!

      is my grail. Well, his head is my grail. Or should that be 'was' now, seeing how I've obtained him?

      Ever since I joined the hobby five years ago and first saw Saint, I knew I wanted him. I just never thought I would get one of my own. Dollshe dolls aren't cheap, and my wage wasn't exactly great, so I reluctantly resigned to the fate that I would not have him. It was difficult, but I resisted. Back then.

      Then, last year I created a character for a story I had to do for an online writing course and he developed into a special one to me. When I returned to the hobby this year, I saw Saint's potential to shell that character, so I knew I had to stop at nothing to get him home. I found a head with a spare faceplate for $200 shipped on the marketplace and his body is brand new from Resinsoul. His head has been here a couple of months now, his body came in the other day, but he's already my favourite. He just needs a little work to pose better and some blushing, as well as his actual outfit. (He's presently sitting in a t-shirt from my first doll's wardrobe and a pair of little white boxers.) Then, he'll be perfect.
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    17. Mine is Venitu from DollShe and it's discontinued so I can't manage the feeling LOL
    18. I fell in love with Iplehouse Claude the second I saw him for the first time. I decided that someday I'll have him. Then it happened. I saw there was an Iplehouse Claude F.I.D size doll and they just few days earlier ended selling him. That's the perfect size for me. Now I know what my grail doll is, but I don't know if I ever will be able to get him.
    19. @HiroKenzan Oh I'm sure I'll probably be scouring the marketplace when I get access. I have faith when the right time comes I'll have him. ^-^
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    20. @Dolly Wardrobe Oh man that suuucks! I'm sure she would eventually come on the secondhand market but..yeah I can't imagine what I'd do if I fell in love with a doll that was discontinued. That happened to my friend too - She doesn't own any BJDs yet, but she loooooves snails and loves to own them as pets, so when she found out about Doll Chateau Larry she really wanted one but sadly he was an event doll of theirs a while ago :C luckily he seems to pop up fairly often though.

      @ivorysand Omg congrats, I saw him pop up in doll profiles and he's really handsome! :D Glad you finally got him! <3 And thanks for the congratulations!! I'm really happy :D

      @Vehngence That's the ticket! :D I hope you find him someday!!

      @Emma DD White Have faith! I'm sure you could have him someday~~~
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