1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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The Mini Centaur Thread

Oct 8, 2014

    1. So odd question, has anyone made shoes for their dolls? I thought about making some worbla but I was curious to see how others did their's first!

      Also thank you manabusama. <3 I actually plan on getting another hybrid to be a friend of shorts for him too. (And I think they all do, it's like, a staple of the hobby or something.)
    2. anyone hybrid the impldoll deer body with minifee? I really want to do that so bad but I'm worried it wouldn't work.
    3. I think it could work looking at the measurements but you would have to be willing to mod one of them I think. My MNF Karsh cannot be used normally again for all the mods I had to do on his pelvis piece.
    4. Great Thread. I Have A Soom Adamelli Light Centaur. His Name Is Ai. Now I Would Like To Share The Only Picture Of A Soom MSD Centaur On His Hind Legs.
    5. I'm fine with modding him like that. Honestly I wanted a luts satyros body for him...But I'm maybe having to make do. My ante boy is just not happy on 2 legs.
    6. Ozzy I love how you got him to rear! It gives me hope that they can be made to pose. (I really want a soom centaur to play with so bad!)

      Though Czechmix I say save up for the body you really want but I also love my Luts body because of all the insane poses you can get it in.

      Here's a pic of mine before he got his Karsh half but he can still pull it off, I just haven't taken more photos of it. He sat there too until I picked him up and moved him.
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    7. [MENTION=66083]Czechmix[/MENTION]: I'd suggest waiting what this winter event has in store. I have a feeling there will be another centaur. Could be wrong. But if you really want that satyros body, I'd save and stalk that MP. There have been whole dolls and only centaur bodies popping up every once in a while. I was tempted to get myself another one, but only just barelly resisted.
    8. *drools over that luts posing* Yeah I think you might be right.
    9. Adriel is around here

    10. Oh man Snowy I didn't even think of another release around x-mas. Now I feel kinda of doomed if they do! (Or what if Soom does one? I still want a soomtaur just because reasons. >_>)

      Though your Adriel is lovely paxita. <3 I love the default face-ups on the unicorns heads~
    11. How flexible are centaurs?
    12. Soom Centaurs Are Very Beautiful But Limited To There Flexibility. Very Beautiful Centaurs
    13. My Luts centaur is okay in his range of motion. He does a lot of cool balancing tricks but beyond that he poses just like a normal single jointed BJD.
    14. [MENTION=1994]suppi[/MENTION]: I finally photoshopped my X-mas wish to Luts ;P I totally hope they make it. X-mas or at a later date, but... *grabby hands*

      And I think the Lutstaurs are pretty flexible. Might be able to hold the poses even better with silicone discs in their joints, but so far mine has been very cooperative with me, so no complains.

      Maloki is obviously enjoying himself as well ;)
      [​IMG]Maloki_09 by Wildcard_Snowy, on Flickr
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    15. Snowy He's very nice, what is he?
    16. [MENTION=2459]Chrystika[/MENTION]: He's a Luts Yul elf Satyros :) (light tan & smokey black)
      He was released last year for x-mas.
    17. What is your wishlist? *curious*
    18. :3 A MSD griffin *points at signature* -^///^-
      That was something I wanted nearly since I started the hobby. And Luts would have an easy time making it true, having all the parts already. Well, the Lion parts would have to be enlarged, but...
    19. Omg if they do it I will squeal with delight. That would be just so fantastic!!
    20. [MENTION=1994]suppi[/MENTION]: guess who else >3< I already set a certain amount of money aside that I'm estimating he'd cost. Just so I'm prepared and ready to secure him >3<

      But either way, I'm really curious what they'll throw at us this x-mas.
      Also, I still might have to secure a Berry pegasus (did no one buy one? T^T - share PICS!!!!) after x-mas. *sigh*