1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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The Mini Centaur Thread

Oct 8, 2014

    1. I Got Ai (Soom Adamelli) To Stand On His Hind Legs Again. I Really Do Think That After He Gets Re-Strong & Sueded That I Can Get A Great Picture Of Him Looking Amazing.

    2. My Soom Shale Posing for the camera ^.^
    3. I just started layway on a luts satyros... so maybe I'll be able to join this thread soon. I have to pay for the whole doll since the owner wont do splits. I wanted to hybrid the horse butt with my minifee ante boy. :/ I hope I wont have trouble selling the head
    4. I still have a couple payments to make but I'm waiting on a Luts Berry pegasus ;v; I'm really happy there's a little thread for horsebutts though! >u< it's so hard to find any pictures or discussions on them anywhere! I hope I'll be able to share my boy with you eventually too.
    5. [MENTION=66083]Czechmix[/MENTION]: I don't think you'll have troubles selling the head. Well, if you get him around the X-mas season, probably, because I've seen a lot of sales going on around x-mas when doll collectors fall in love with several (limited) dolls at once and decide to sort out their collection to raise money for the new guys...
      [MENTION=58479]Soenatte[/MENTION]: T^T Congrats on your Berry peg. What color combinationd did you take? I'm regretting having to skip out on him...

      On a side note I'll soon have new centaur pics <3
      Had a centaur meet at a small con with friends. 2 x Yul Satyros & 1 x Borytaur <3
      Pics turned out lovely, but I still have to sort through them and upload them. Probabyl this weekend after all.
    6. Finally sent my last payment for my SO Shale in grey skin!! I'm so excited! My familytaurs is complete
    7. [MENTION=58178]Snowy[/MENTION] I got white on white with white parts and black hooves (so generally... lots of white...) I will admit that I considered a tan human half but it wouldn't match Calvaethor's character very well x3; I know that feeling though... I felt horrible for skipping out on Yul Satyros... =/ he's just so perfect... but so pricey secondhand and for good reason. I almost convinced myself to sit out of Berry as well, and up until the very last moment I hadn't decided if I wanted his wings or not, all in all I'm really glad I ordered him though.
    8. [MENTION=54801]paxita[/MENTION]: Congrats! -^^- How long have you been waiting?
      [MENTION=58479]Soenatte[/MENTION]: Aww.... I'm glad you got t least Berry... Can't wait to see him.

      And here is the promised teaser:
      [​IMG]centaur parade by Wildcard_Snowy, on Flickr
      • x 1
    9. I keep forgetting to check this thread! XD Though I'm excited to see the new centaurs I keep reading about. o3o

      Though Snowy I want more photos! My dream is to take a photo of a herd of centaurs. (Or to dress up in Lolita, put all the centaurs on leashes and do a silly photo of a herd of centaurs going for walkies. >_> I have odd goals.)
      • x 1
    10. [MENTION=1994]suppi[/MENTION]: Don't worry, there will be more :) But I only got to sort out BJD, cosplay and Con-pics this morning and have yet to delete doubles and blurred ones and ones that don't look good, then sort them per doll and stuff...

      Yes, we originally hoped that more would take their centaur along, but in the end it was just me and two friends. The others weren't even at the con, so... yeah. I only have two cons that are nearby enough that I dare taking my boy, and one of them is more destinated for cosplay, so... :3
      No herd this time, but at least our trio was finally united -^^-

      Those plans sound fun <3
    11. Snowy thanks!!ordered him, with four layaway payments, mmm I don't know how long he will take to get home.
      Btw, your picture is amazing!! your centaurs are great!!

      My family consists of two centaurs (Berry and Shale grey) and two unicorns (Bory and Shale pink), all boys, and hope I can take them many pics together!!
    12. [MENTION=54801]paxita[/MENTION]: Well... What shipping did you take and from where does he go to where? Usually two weeks should cover most shippings around the world, no?

      And thanks, but only Maloki is mine ;P
      I do hope to add another one this X-mas... if Luts plays along....

      Also, one day I hopefully will be able to get a Berry pegasus. Or Luts will blow my mind with a different kind of doll :3

      Oooh. You certainly are building up a collection of hooves! :D
    13. Here is my minifee/centaur girl hybrid!
      I still have to finish to sculpt the waist piece for a better hybridation and then cast it in white resin, because the regular waist piece of minifee girls don't fit really well in centaur butt (big gaps)

      [​IMG]Having fun with the new hybrid in the house :D by Le Tama, on Flickr
    14. Ah man seeing that girl makes me excited for my own! :D I'm ordering a tan MNF girl to go on the body but I keep having to pause on which head do I want. o3o
    15. [MENTION=15226]Archangel13160[/MENTION]: Wow. That hybrid looks gorgeous! I like it!

      And seeing those slender hooves and limbs... makes me regrett Berry all over again *sigh*
      One day... He WILL be mine >:3
      [MENTION=1994]suppi[/MENTION]: Which ones are in the closer selection? :3

      Aaaaaaaand it is done X.x
      I've finally managed to go through 100+ pics and delete all blurry, doubles and those that simply don't look as good as I thought.
      This ....
      [​IMG]_Maloki-Yule-05 by Wildcard_Snowy, on Flickr

      and more can be found in the album I created: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wildcard_snowy/sets/72157648770522447/
      There are other dolls than centaurs in this as well, but mainly centaurs.
      • x 1
    16. Oh man that looked like it was a lot of fun. q_q I want to have fun centaur adventures too!
    17. Snowy I love your picture!
    18. [MENTION=1994]suppi[/MENTION]: I originally had 110 pics exactly on the camera. Final result was about half XD But so worth it! And totally fun. Perhaps you can do a centaur meet gathering at one of the cons as well? ;3
      [MENTION=2459]Chrystika[/MENTION]: thank you ^^ It was a lot of fun, cause Maloki is the serious, mature one and Yule (my friend's Yul) is... kind of the opposite. Always messing around and making Maloki face-palm XD But Loks likes Yule too much and is rather protective of him :3

      _Maloki-Yule-17 von Wildcard_Snowy auf Flickr
    19. Heya! Just dropping by with some Yul spam. I need to take her out for more shoots sometime but im struggling with how bulky she is as im used to teenie gems, ahhh! any tips to handle her?

      • x 2
    20. [MENTION=51881]Crimson_Falcon[/MENTION]: What do you mean when you say bulky and what is causing you problems? Where to touch / how to pose?

      She is a lovley girl and I like the combination :D