1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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The Mini Centaur Thread

Oct 8, 2014

    1. @Azure Agape She's so cute! I love her wig, it suits her very well. And nice job on the faceup!

      I keep forgetting to post this guy here, I received him back in July:


      He's a KDF45 centaur from Luts' summer event. His head is the Yul satyresse.
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    2. @BlackSheep Thank you! Your boy is adorable. I love the the head you picked on that body.congrats on the new arrival!
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    3. This paint job is sooooo cute
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    4. Thanks a ton!
    5. I got lucky with the marketplace and scored myself a Luts Yul centaur! Been working on doing some edits to him to match what I want. Current addition: Pearl-ex. Lots and lots of Pearl-ex.

      [​IMG]pearlex by Cryptic Cryptid, on Flickr

      I think the most drastic change was removing those long lashes, though. You can see his eyes now!
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    6. #707 alicatvenus, Sep 12, 2023
      Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
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    7. Congrats on your new herd member, @alicatvenus!

      I just found and bought one of my grail dolls, a Fairyland FairyLine Centaur body and a pair of wings, along with the wing connector and a unicorn horn! :dance:cheer:celebrate Of course, as you can tell by the pics, he is a WIP. I'd love to get a tan human body for him and make him into a black unicorn, but after getting just his horsey parts, I'm pretty broke. :sweat

      Winged Centaur no human body
      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      I'm finding out that this pattern is called "Overo," and my partner, who used to ride, is helping me learn about horse patterns. Its quite interesting.

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    8. @Ryuichi Sakuma 13 Congrats on your find! He'll be really impressive when you're finished with him. At least you got the hard part out of the way for him? Sewing, face up detailing, blushing-it all pales in comparison to the hurdle of getting the dang animal half.
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    9. @Ryuichi Sakuma 13
      Thank you kindly!

      Congratulations! That's a hard to find bod!
      They're gonna look amazing with the Overo pattern you've got planned :3nodding:
    10. Thank you! I hope he'll turn out great. Sewing I can do, but faceupping and blushing him will be done by someone else.

      I lucked out and found that DDE had a few centaur bodies in stock. :dance

      I think that he looks great with the overo pattern. He's not going to have much white on him, since his wings are white, but I'm thinking he'll also have some black possibly dyed onto the wings as well. I'm not sure if overo is a kind of pinto, but I was thinking pinto when I got the wings in a different resin color than his body. He's going to be a fun one to create, that's for sure!

      Decisions, decisions....:evilplot::XD:

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    11. Wow! Congrats! :ablink: Any plans for what you’ll do with him?
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    12. The hubby recommended something to accent the lovely crimson resin, not cover it up too much.

      So, I'm debating runes on the hooves and maybe some celtic themes/tattoos.
      Any ideas?
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    13. Prism got a new dye color on her lower half, so it was “take your centaur to work” day. I happen to work at a horse barn so she had plenty to do and none of it was helpful. Prism decided to lounge around on the trot poles for a while


      @alicatvenus- That sounds like a cool idea!
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