1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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The Mini Centaur Thread

Oct 8, 2014

    1. Hii Snowy, thanks for your kind words, its more that she is so big i don't know what to do with all those legs and stuff xD and im worried she'll fall over and hurt herself or something. im guessing i just need to handle her more? xD
    2. I ordered the Berry Pegasus with white body, black hooves, transparent wings/mane/tail & brown skin. I chose the Elf V2 colorful face up and no body brushing. My last payment is in December.

      I discovered the Luts Centaurs too late to order any of the previous editions. I prefer the non-windblown look on the legs, but I like the windblown mane and tail. The face was the final deciding factor. I liked the Berry face with the colorful face up. And I didn't know if there would be future centaur/pegasus made and I didn't want to miss out on getting one. Hooves and wings! Can't pass them up!

      Thanks for creating a Centaur/Pegasus thread!
    3. Man oh man...everyone's dolls look super cool.

      Posing spam please and thanks
    4. messaged ff&d to ask if my Berry is there yet... >< with a tiny bit of luck I might be able to pay him off sooner >~<
    5. This thread is so much fun<3 Can't wait to see the Berrytaurs!

      My SOOM Hornblendtaur have been shipped :celebrate Can't wait to do a comparison with my KDFtaur :)

      Soenatte hope you hear from them soon :)
    6. When you get hornblend can you spam photos? I wanted to get him but he was too much and I'm trying to keep a limit on how many dolls I have lol.
    7. Yes of course, no problem :)

      Archangel13160 love your hybridtaurs :)

      Snowy Aww they are so cute :chibi
    8. [​IMG]

      hopefully soon I wont be lurking too much anymore. I was crying because I had to give up a satyros earlier due to funds. But I got super lucky and found another seller who was in a lower price range and was willing to sell just the body. I have to trade a head I was rather fond of away, but it's worth it to finally have my dream centaur guy! These are pics of the bottom I'm buying and the top I have now. His name is Atlas Sagittarius the star touched. ^_^
      • x 1
    9. [​IMG]
      DSCN0291 by xkelpiex, on Flickr

      This is my Luts Yul, Laurel. I don't have many pics of her because I want to keep her ina forest setting and it's always way too windy here ;.; Hoping to get some snowy pics soon, though.
    10. I have my Hornblendtaur now, but I was wondering, have anyone tried putting a thin layer of hotglue under the hooves. I'm afraid that when I pose him on my wooden floor he'll slip and fall :sweat

      That's great to hear :) Can't wait to see him soon<3

      If I were her owner I would not want to change her either. That green hair is so pretty on her :)
    11. Oh, I can not wait my centaur. Rather, it would be sent.
    12. Omigosh! Everyone's dolls are gorgeous! :D I'd never seen any msd centaur dolls before. I was wondering, how do these mods work?

      Sorry if this has an obvious answer...I'm still a newb...
    13. Thank you, Manabusama! I am enamored with her, she is truly the most beautiful of my dolls. Once the snow hits (again) but, without all that pesky wind, I'll be doing another photoshoot^^
    14. I love leaving this thread and coming back to read all the new posts. <3

      Manabusama I am so excited for your comparison pictures! o3o

      Czechmix I am so excited to see your boy put together~

      xkelpiex snow pics, please. All of my please. p3p I love centaur snow photos like amg.
    15. I love this thread, seeing what all of you are doing with and planning for centaurs. I just got my Berry and Jamong centaurs in real skin brown and white horse body. I already had a tiny delf unicorn centaur and a Daisy Dayes baby centaur (she's very tiny, very foal-like). Here is a picture; it is terrible lighting, etc. I'll have to learn more about photographing them outdoors.[​IMG]
    16. OMGAWD!!! GUYS!!!
      Luts will be doing a chimera! Another centaur appears! *0*
      The teaser pics ARE EVIL! EVIL! I tell you!
    17. qwinche your little family is so cute! <3 (Also kind of jealous of your daisy dayes baby centaur. p3p So cute!)

      But OMG dat new Luts one!! It was really hoping for the griffon to but omg I can't wait to see the rest of it! I really hope something badass is hiding under that cloak! Please excuse me while I continue to spazz and hoard money like a dragon hoards gold.
    18. Haha, I love everyone's reaction to the teaser Chimera pics. Everyone just flips the heck out xD His face looks quite interesting fir sure, he's just not my style, I guess. But, I am very excited still to see what he looks like in full and what people here will do with him!
      Suppi: I will take snowy pics if you take snowy pics 0 30
    19. Deal! I just need snow first. p_p Snow, please come, plz. I miss you. T_T
    20. Hhhh... I can't wait for the full chimera reveal... I think I might be doomed... OTL Guess I'll be begging FF&D for a goddawefully long layaway if he does do me in... but I need to have a clear picture of his face as well xP