1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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The Mini Centaur Thread

Oct 8, 2014

    1. I wanna see the cat taurs! I believe this thread is for msd centaurs(?) and there was also one for yosd centaurs. The soom cats were yosd right?
      But I'd love to see it once you get it. C:
    2. awww ~ i'd love to see your kittytaur too! I'm waiting for one myself (though mine will have a different head than the default ). But they were indeed yo-sized. It shouldn't be too much of a problem though... I think...
    3. For sure want to see the kittytaur
    4. Ooooooo...I don't have a centaur yet but they sure have always captivated me! I am loving this thread and can't wait to see more!:love
    5. Hhh guys... >~< just finished paying of my Berry Pegasus... I hope he's already waiting for me over at FF&D and can be shipped out asap because I don't know how longer I can bear this wait... u.u;;;;
    6. When I first got into the hobby, my original doll plan was to hybrid my Souldoll Jonny onto a centaur body, then make it a deer body to make it a cervitaur. Imagine my surprise when I found impldoll's MSD cervitaur?? True, it seems more elk/reindeer like than the bucks I see out here, but that doesn't make it less attractive. I never did get that body, now I think I'll wait and try my luck waiting for a Satyros to appear.


      Thought I'd mention how much I want that Satyros body. It's perfect. Too bad I wasn't paying attention during its order period, I would have dropped something for it. :/ Time to wait for it, I guess.
    7. [MENTION=66483]ZombiePilot[/MENTION]: Yes, the impls centaurs are nice, but I feel like I should point out that they are shorter than regular MSDs. I purchased two thinking they would be 46 cm, as the 'youth' section advertises and was sorely disappointed. They are lovely, mind you, and pose pretty well, but the size didn't work out for me at all.

      As for Satyros... Stalk the MP. They DO turn up every once in a while. Sometimes - if you are lucky enough - even only the satyros body only, without a different body & head attatched to it's top.
      Glad to hear you have a Souldoll Jonny <3
      Might I ask what body you've put him on? If it's the NL one, I'd like to point out that there will be a lot to mod, as the NL body has quite the broad hips. And a lot of butt. But that's a good thing. Well. usually. :P
    8. [MENTION=58178]Snowy[/MENTION]: Thanks for mentioning that, hmm, height could be a make or break for a good fit!

      I actually have Jonny as a hybrid on an Angel of Dream MSD boy body. I was tired of him being a floating head so I purchased the fastest body that would be a decent match. It's a slim body, with a hip piece which I hope will be easy to mod.

      And butts are a good thing usually. After all, here we are adding bigger horse butts right? Just have to pick which one you like better I guess XD
    9. [MENTION=66483]ZombiePilot[/MENTION]: Oh, that's a pretty good match :D And yepp, that should work out way easier. Now to manage to wait long enough to get that goaty-butt for hybriding ;)
    10. my Berry just cleared customs... //Sobs/ I'm hoping I'll be getting a slip to pick him up tomorrow...
    11. Congratulations! Let us know, please, as soon as your Berry is home!
    12. He made it!! And I didn't even have to pay customs like I was dreading~ ;;w;; I'm so happy right now~ I took a very horrible photo just to document his arrival because although I meant to do a proper box opening I was so excited to have him at home that I completely forgot once I saw that inner box... DX;; he's currently headless so that I can paint his face but I promise to take proper pictures after that's done! I also need to get him some proper clothes...

    13. He looks lovely even blank! :aheartbea I can't wait to see more of him. p3p
    14. He is completely perfect. I love those pegasi.

      Ever have where you've finally paid off a doll and you are just waiting for it to come in. It make me itchy. I finally paid off a satyros butt for my hybrid.

    15. That was me with my first hybrid! Now I'm trying to pay off the last part so I can finish my next one. T_T Its killing me~
    16. I know how you feel.
    17. I keep meaning to take pictures of my Yul Satyros and Satyreese! I switched their bodies so the girl has the black resin and the boy has the caramel one. They fit almost perfectly (the girl actually fits better in the black then she did in the caramel) but I'll have to sand down his front a little so he fits properly.
    18. He looks so beautiful!!! Even blank he looks wonderful, I can't wait to see him all done up :)
    19. Yay for centaur threads! Just found this one~

      I'm almost done with my layaway for the new DC centaur body. (K14, the human torso one, not skeleton) My Dollzone Moon head will be hybridized on there, and I'M SO EXCITED!
      Love all the other centaur photos on here so far. :aheartbea
    20. Ah that DC/DZ hybrid sounds amazing~ I can't wait until you get it and please spam photos of it. p3p

      I am so close, so very, very close to finishing this girl. Than I can unveil her in all of her glory... hopefully.