1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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The Mushroom Peddler Wonderlings Discussion part 1

Aug 3, 2016

    1. This the discussion thread for The Mushroom Peddler Wonderlings created by Sarah Seiter.

      Official Site:
      Welcome to The Mushroom Peddler -

      Etsy Store:
      The Mushroom Peddler by TheMushroomPeddler

      Most Wonderlings are 18.25cm tall and take 16mm eyes.

      Sculpts released so far are:

      Crikey the Crocodile
      Singe the Dragon
      Magic the Unicorn
      Shelly the Turtle
      Hoot the Owl
      Griff the Griffon
      Scratch the Cat
      Rocky the Gargoyle
      Howl the Wolf
      Meow the Cat
      Grin the Cheshire Cat
      Floppy the Lop
      Fluff the Bunny
      Squeak the Rat
      Nibbles the Mouse
      Kitsune the Fox
      Elli the Elephant
      #1 -T2P-, Aug 3, 2016
      Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
    2. Awesome! I have a Magic the Unicorn I can now post about. I have no pictures as I'm still trying eyes and wigs. Plus the blushing I did isn't what I intended so I need to start over. I'm just so thrilled these are on topic now!
    3. I look forward to seeing pictures! I'm hoping more Wonderling owners will come out of the proverbial woodwork and help populate this thread :D
    4. To add to the list up top, there's also Meow the Cat, Grin the Cheshire Cat, Floppy the Lop, Fluff the Bunny, Squeak the Rat, Nibbles the Mouse, Kitsune the Fox, and Elli the Elephant. (I feel like I'm still forgetting someone...)

      I've got several Wonderlings at home, but unfortunately the only one that's in a finished enough state to have gotten photoshoots is Mordiford, my little Singe.

      [​IMG]Mordiford by DoctorFomite, on Flickr
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    5. Thanks for helping out with the sculpt list I edited them in. Boy I was struggling to remember them all, there's been more than I thought! And modified looks awesome, I love that soft pearlescent look on him :)
    6. That Shelly is adorable! You went for naturalistic colours too? When I got my Crikey about four years ago I just sent T.M.P. a photo of a crocodile as reference for the faceup :P

      I'm really glad to see there are other people who like T.M.P too! When I was last on this forum in 2012 there were a few more threads but I guess they got absorbed by the archive. I'm glad the Wonderlings are on-topic! Crikey's the only BJD I have. What made them go off topic?

      Looking at her shop again right now, I'd love a Ribbit! When I originally opened Crikey's box he had two plastic frogs with him that I've unfortunately lost since then; it'd be cute to get him a little froggy friend. But they don't seem to be for sale right now...
    7. I've owned a bunch of these guys over the years, but currently only own Shelly (who is getting a redo) and I have a Magic on the way...so I was wondering if anyone else has Magic they want to post? Mine is coming blank with no tail or mane...So I get to start from total scratch.
    8. VampireAngel13 I have a Magic. I'm still thinking of what to do with mine. I did blush his hooves and finger tips grey, but I think I messed up, so I will have to start over.:sweat
    9. I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing either lol. Mine was just shipped today, so I have a little time to figure it out (we had great weather over the weekend and it's supposed to be snowing by next weekend...so no faceups for a while)...but I'm totally at a loss right now.

      I'm thinking silver or gold on the hooves\fingers\horn. That's as far as I've gotten. Not very far.
    10. @VampireAngel13 Your idea sounds great, I like gold, very pretty! I was pondering this last night, and thought maybe I should completely start over and use iridescent pearl powders on the hooves and horn with a simple face up. I think pure white looks good. Eh, I'm at a loss! I'll eagerly await to see what you do as your dolls are so well done! Too bad about e snow though. We had some yesterday!
    11. Oh definitely! If you can't go shimmery or sparkly on a unicorn, what can you sparkle?? I have pearl powders, metallic pastels...glitter. I used a lot of it on my "human" unicorns (Unoas), and a little shimmer on DollFactory Conie. I think it will look great.

      I just tracked mine...it hasn't actually gone anywhere yet. The notice was just sent to the PO :\
      Story of my life this week.
    12. Magic is here! I love it. The engineering is so much better than the old ones, I'm so impressed. I wish our weather wasn't going to be horrible this weekend... magic may be blank for a while....
    13. Congratulations on getting your Magic! Nice weather? What's that? I hope you get some good weather soon as nothing is more frustrating than having to wait when you are inspired. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do!
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    14. It's lovely to see this thread. I am a big fan of Sarah's work. I don't have a wonderling buy do have an Ivy Impling. I might have to add a Wonderling in too :)
    15. Thank you! lol right? I got one of the other dolls I was waiting on yesterday, and it's the same thing. I really wish I had the weather. But for magic I'm now waiting on other things - I ordered rainbow fur for the mane and tail....so he won't be done regardless.

      i recommend Magic! I used to own the bunnies...fluff and floppy I think? And they were great, but Magic seems so improved by comparison.

      Off topic (both for the thread and DOA) but the teeny ones are adorable too. I have two of those, I love them.
    16. @VampireAngel13 A rainbow mane/tail?! Awesome! Oh, so pretty!

      Mine is so neglected, I have to do something for him...:doh
    17. I got a picture:


      I'm off work today and tomorrow to avoid the hell that is the St. Patrick's Day parade, and my fur came! So I threw together a tail. The fur is more blue than I realized, but I think it's ok! I'm hoping to get more color on him when I do the mane...but he'll need to be blushed first and it's still too cold out, so. None of that. But a start! :D
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    18. Congratulations! The tail is so cute! Seeing yours makes me want to get mine out and clean him up and reblush the hooves in sparkle powder.

      Oh yeah, St Patrick's Day, I'd forgotten. Great you have time off to work on your dolls! Have fun!
    19. I wasn't aware this thread was on here, I have three MP dolls

      This is my modded Crikey: I took off the eyebrow bumps and added eyelids because I wanted her to be a girl and I also gave her the stripes. Next to her is my modded Shelley: I gave her more of a beak nose and gave her eyelids too and did her face up. I hope you like them.

      I also have a MP Rat, but I'm in the process of modding it into a opossum.
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