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They get dirty doing meet-ups (About dolly respect)

Nov 5, 2007

    1. It would depend, for me. If there were things like coloured smudges from art rub-off or scuff marks and such I'd be a little disgruntled, and if there were signs that they were undressing/messing with the appearance I'd be downright pissed, but if it were just some light dirt from being passed around, touched by and posed by untold numbers of people then it wouldn't be that big of a deal. A little cleaning and they'd be just fine. Honestly I'd probably scrub them down whether there were any signs of dirt or not after letting a bunch of people handle them, but I'm a little germaphobic.
    2. I swear to god, if I ever take my boys to meets, I let people touch them and hold them, but not without extremely close supervision. I'll be pretty quick to remind them of doll handling etiquette, too, at the risk of sounding like a snob.
      As much as it wouldn't be a big deal to just give my doll a light clean afterwards, I shouldn't really have to. People should just be clean and courteous, that should go without saying.
      I just don't believe in being inconsiderate with other people's possessions, especially with how much they can cost and how much care and effort goes into them. I've always been very nervous and careful touching and handling other people's dolls, and even my own, I really can't understand for the life of me how some people can be so thoughtless and careless.

      Like honestly, what is the meaning of that kind of ignorance? Someone please tell me. lmao
    3. I would guess that anytime you take your dolls out, some kinda dirt will get on them.
      Accidents happen. That why people carry pieces of Magic Erasers!
      But that doesn't mean people shouldn't be more careful when handling dolls.

      Anytime Ive been to a meetup, I'll hold my doll and let others look. Some people even put their dolls on stands on tables. If someone asks to hold my doll, and I see they are experienced with dolls and take good care of their own, I'll allow them to hold him - but not out of my sight.

      If I am uncomfortable with others holding him, I'll just politely say so.
      Other doll owners understand how expensive they are and that we worry about them.
      And you should never do something uncomfortable because you're afraid of offending people.
      (Unless you're an explorer in the Amazon, meeting tribes. You eat what they offer with a smile! lol)
    4. One of my friends got my boy dirty before...It's just annoying is all....I definitely think that a person should respect another doll collector enough to make sure their hands are clean before touching another persons doll. Not everyone cares, but not everyone doesn't care​ either.
    5. How would you feel like it:

      If your doll had gotten dirty during a meet-up where other people had handled it more than you?

      Well, that's the risk I take. Next time, I'll know to either not let as many people handle my doll, or make sure that they clean their hands before giving it to them. I might want to take around a pack of wet wipes if I'm not sure their hands are going to be perfectly clean. I think my dolls are going to get dirty no matter what; whether I handle them, or just let them sit on my shelf, I think they're going to get dirty. One of my dolls has some stains on her head and I have no idea how they got there...:sweat

      Maybe even gotten some stains that's hard to remove or even bruises/scratches?
      Then I make a mental note to not take my doll with me next time. If people can't be more careful with other people's dolls, then why should I be taking the same risk a second time?

      Do you handle another dolls as if it where your own when at a meet-up?
      I'd like to think I'd be even more careful. I don't want to do anything to damage someone else's doll.
    6. I just flat out simply do not touch other peoples' dolls. If I want to see their face a little better because its wig is obscuring it, I simply ask the owner. If I want to photograph the doll, I let the owner pose it/hold it/etc.

      That being said, I don't mind other people holding mine so much, but I WILL CONSTANTLY BE WATCHING YOU. O_O I come with you if you want to show my doll to so-and-so. I don't let just anyone hold my doll either... I watch them carefully and see how they treat other things.
    7. I'd be upset!
      I always dress my doll in clothes that are very covering, in case of dirt. Also, I never let her out of my sight at meets. I'm always aware of who are handling her and how.
      So far I've only been to small meets with people who respect that my doll is not their property and handle her as such.
      But then, I'm not very fond of meets really, just because of the fear of someone else might have an accident with my doll.
    8. Doll people should know what to do when handling others dolls and when its someone who isnt familiar with dolls I always say 'be careful, dont drop it and its heavier than you think'!
      I have had things broken accidently by someone in the past, Im glad on those occassions that the people were honest and said 'sorry but Ive done this' so then you can fix it together. People who do things and then try and hide it I dont like, but if someone genuinely doesnt know they have damaged something then these things happen. Its a case by case situation. Ive had my dolls handled by very heavy handed people, most things are fixable with dolls. If a friend of mine knocked the face up or snapped a finger these are things I can replace easily, but I would be peed off if they took a big chip by dropping it.
    9. This has been very interesting to read....

      Like some of the people here I have my 'handout' dolls and my 'no touchie' dolls. I have a MNF Ruth and I hand him out all the time. People seem to like him and I've done his faceup myself, so he's the one that I don't mind if he got a little dirty or his faceup got chipped...both are minor to me since I can fix them myself.

      My MSD DZ HID though is another matter....he's got a company faceup and I would be very upset if it got damaged as it's not easily replaceable. He usually stays close and if someone really wants to see him and hold him I kinda give them the once over to make sure they know about handling a doll and not to touch his face before giving him over.

      I take different dolls out all the time to meets and conventions and though I would like to think that everyone would be careful with other peoples dolls, I know this isn't really realistic. Also, accidents happen no matter how careful anyone is. There's of course accidents and preventable accidents...

      I personally, unless I know the person well tend to just look and not touch. Heck, I even ask my best friend to touch her dolls alot of the time! If I want to look at them more closely, I ask politely. I wouldn't be offended if anyone said no. People have different mindsets when it comes to this hobby. I can't just look at a person and read their mind, so I ask...it's always better to ask for permission then beg for forgiveness.

      I've had two incidents in public that have made me go O_O. One was with the DZ HID when I had him out and this woman that kinda knows me was talking to me and then suddenly grabbed his head and wrenched his head up so she could look at it while I was holding him without any warning. My heart went in my throat, and I quickly stammered out that his face was painted and shouldn't be touched. She didn't even appologize or anything. I assured myself he was fine but this was someone that I didn't ever think would touch a doll let alone grab him like she did.

      Another time I was at a convention and sitting on a couch reading a manga. I had my MNF Ruth next to me sitting on the arm feet in towards me and this young teenage boy thought he would be funny by coming quickly up by the side of me, yanking his arm up and waving at me while going 'Hi' in a funny voice. I quickly took my MNF away sitting him in my lap and said "That's probably not the smartest thing to do with a 300$ doll." He turned quite pale, apoligized and moved away very quickly. I find it amusing now but at the time was just annoyed.