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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. Here's Solstice again on her new Unicorn, Moonlight :aheartbea

    2. Oh, what a stunning pair! They look made for one another.
    3. How fabulous! Solstice and her unicorn are perfect. How about Moonlight for her unicorn?
    4. Moonlight is fantastic, Thankyou for the suggestion :D
    5. great picture they are both very pretty:D:D
    6. Thats a fabulous picture kayjay. Where ever did you find Moonlight. He is just perfect for her
    7. Someone directed me on here in another thread to an ebay seller. I was thinking he would be an ok size for my Kai and tiny Moona, but he was rather larger than I expected, and luckily Solstice fits on him fine. My hubby's face was a picture though when he came into dinner to find a unicorn in the dining room :lol:

      Here's the link http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Secret-Doo...THICAL_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ8QQftidZ2QQtZkm

      The only 'iffy' thing I thought was that it is real fur, goat's fur. I'm not sure if the goat was killed or combed (I'm hoping the latter). I avoided rabbit fur as I have pet rabbits and couldn't contemplate having a dead rabbit in the house (double standards I know ;))
    8. Oh Solstice and Moonlight are beautiful, kayjay!:D
    9. kayjay, your girl (and her steed ) are so sweet!
      If it is any comfort, goats at least are used in an environmental fashion, meaning practically no waste, which to my mind is respectful of the animal and the environment.
      OoO. You have bunnies. I may be PMing you.
    10. That horse looks like the perfect scale for Moona! Wonderful, just adoreable! Gosh, I think large Moona is next on my hope wish... along with elfdolll... LOL I'm actually getting close to where I have every tiny I love (except Elfdoll becuase there are so many to choose from!) its weird, but I have my houses / room boxes that I'm working on, so I'll keep busy here :)

      Ah, but all my Bratz clothing... and Moona, yummmmmy
    11. Thanks Stelle for that info, I can't be too hypocritical as I eat meat - but I can understand it offending someone who is vegetarian or vegan

      Ingie - I love my large Moona and the freckles etc give her a totally different look to my small Moona. I'm after all the elfdoll tinies I can get in time - and like you I have a plan for homes for them all :) I also want Bracken and a Puki and Momo for a start lol!!
    13. LOL, I am German by heritage, and I've had hasenpfeffer many times, especially at my uncle's where he raised them for food. But we've had a pet rabbit for years now, and I couldn't ever eat it again, LOL.

      I married a Texan, and hunting is big in his family (you can imagine, we're Californians now, and... well... it's not something people regard highly here in California) However, if you think about it, hunters keep the wild population down (reducing horrible starvation, which kills more animals than necessary if populations aren't kept under control) and in his family, as I would hope in most, the animals are all eaten. We often have a freezer full of game sent to us from the last hunt :) And we eat it.

      Another thing, in case anyone is interested... The wild mustang population is so overpopulated, only so many people can afford to save them by taking them in as pets. Horses are incredibly expensive to keep! So the USA is stuck as to what to do with them. So many good hearted people have made it illegal to slaughter them for food (dog food or whatever), so what happens? They get inhumanely packed into cargo train cars and trucks then shipped to Canada or Mexico where they can be slaughtered. This causes extra suffering and starvation, before they are slaughtered. I would prefer it if the animals were slaughtered here in the states, with minimum confinement and discomfort, or better still, hunted, where there is no fear or confinement. At least that way our laws of humane treatment can be enforced.

      Just a thought, though I know it's just my opinion, it's something to think about in case we ever have the opportunity to make a difference.?

      Totally off topic, sorry
    14. I agree with you 100% Carrie.
    15. :)The Bratz patterns!!!! Amazing. I never knew that Bratz patterns existed and now I was able to buy some too. More outfits for my sweet Blythies and now also for my 1/6 bjds to be. Thanks for posting it, I had a heck of a time bringing it up for sales in the USA (not the most savvy computer user), but I did and now I will have extra clothes for all the girls that are more grownup (Skipper patterns are great, but she is not particularly elegant, hey she's only about 13, right?). Anyway, Tinybear, you are the best, thanks for posting the Bratz on ebay:D
    16. Love seeing everyone else's Moona! They are all so pretty. :D

      I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase one of these lovelies a few weeks ago, so I thought I'd share a picture of my Rowena. :)

    17. :love Rowena's lovely, and I love her name :)
    18. Absolutely amazing K!
    19. Rowena is awfully pretty! I hope you'll post lots of pictures of her. What beautiful eyes she has.
      Got a package from King Kong of the Blythe boots & shoes. My Secretdoll Binu is able to wear them. I think they're going to be pretty big for Big Moona.
    20. They fit well on PpoPpo, and Kaye says that Sage can wear them. Seems to bode well for big Moona, but Carrie can certainly answer that question as we know she has both dolls and shoes in question!