1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. sorry about the quality I cant scale down yet
    2. Ooooh i like the face.

      Is her body the same as the Moona body?
    3. I love the look of his hands, especially. Lovely knobbley-fingers, very manly. I like that he's a tiny bit taller than her, too. Mina is just beautiful! great facial sculpt.
    4. :fangirl:

      The Bracken body is looking really good, and I love..love..love the Mina face!!!

      Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's so exciting!!
    5. [​IMG]
      Thumbnail *Click it* of new Mina head, a little darker and more contrasted. She does look really great.
    6. Oooo it's so exciting!!! Thankyou for the pics Carrie! *plots and plans*
    7. Blod, just had to tell you your new Moona is just the prettiest little thing, what a beautiful face-up... Her color is wonderful and I love her hair, too... just great!

      New Bracken and Mina pix, omgosh, I can't wait to see them finished! :fangirl:
    8. LAdy Fern wearing Roxydoll Lucy's outfit: [​IMG] **8click little to see bigger**
    9. Love your green girl
    10. It seems to fit her quite well and looks far far better on Lady Fern!!
    11. She looks fantastic, I love Lady Fern. I have a pic of her I saved where she's wearing pink ballet slippers. So cute! I love her boots with the fur. I obviously have a thing for doll shoes. *lol*
    12. Thanks so much--those are ixtee boots, but the fur I glued on from some Bratz boots.
    13. Sistercuervo, Lady Fern looks fabulous in that outfit!

      We finally had a day here without rain... or snow... so I got some viewable pictures of the new girl. Sorry they're so dark, but no sun - even though it's sort of Spring here. I know it's not very creative... but she'll have to be just Moona, until she tells otherwise. She arrived in this adorable outfit... thanks again Carrie!:aheartbeaI'm really loving her in this size... so many possibilities!



    14. What a cutie Aeilia! I love her style.
    15. Aeilia, your Moona looks so different and sweet in her red wig. Adorable! Love the rocks you've posed her with--great background & contrast with her pretty looks.
    16. She's gorgeous Aeilia !

      I love how these girls looks so different with something as subtle as a different wig shape. She really suits her hair like that.
      Wonderful outfit too!
    17. sistercuervo What a great idea!

      Aeilia Your girl looks so beautiful! I love her colouring and seeing her with those lovely brown eyes and wig, it really suits her. I agree, I am absolutely smitten by this size. Particularly because of all the boots I can buy her! I should have called Simbelmyne Imelda Marcos, my finger got twitchy again when I was looking at Ixtee's ebay listings. Bad me. *lol*

      luv MOP...
    18. lol ...I am an Ixtee junkie LOL
      Im always on look for e nex pair of boos

      LOL sorry my p as jus deided o sop wriing

      no wai is inbeween r and y and no was beween X and B ..

    19. *goes crosseyed reading Carrie's post* *ROFL*

      Okay so your 't' has stopped!