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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. that is so weird ..its only on DOA
      I have just shut down ...started up
      plugged in a key board ..and there are several keys just wont work
      T , C , V and some numbers
      its fine OFF, DOA ..I hvae had to write my message on my Notepad and cut and paste it ?
    2. *_* How odd, sounds like some conflict going on between the comp and DoA
    3. somethings going on ...its just happened to me on Flikr
      Im having to cut and past from NotePad
      its not my day ...2 laptops Fritzing ...me thinks I have to give them some pampering today :D
      Im gonna shut right down for 10 mins then fire up and see what happens
    4. bazaar >>Oh well its working now ...

      Aeilia- she looks stunning , LOVE THOSE tan girls
    5. Weird, I'm glad you got it working again!
    6. Thanks so much ladies for your kind words about my Moona! I think all this admiration is going to her head.

      Stella, she's a real live wire... very perky and curious about everything... And, I think she may be a real little fashionista. The demands have all ready begun.:lol:

      Sistercuervo, the subtle colours and textures of nature do seem to suit these girls so well... and, I love rocks!:lol:

      Blod, I was surprised at the difference the wig makes too... but I really like the look!:D Just for curiousity, I'll have to try a TB wig for her sometime. I'm constantly amazed at how subtly different each individual doll looks.

      MOP, I know I just have to have more in this size. I know all about the twitchy finger... goes to look at boots on Ixtee!:)

      Carrie, thankyou!... I love her to pieces.:aheartbea I hope your comp has recovered from it's sulking.
    7. I love tihs size ..you know I wasnt sure I should go for it when I started making them ..but Im glad I did

      I have spent a lovely few days making clothes ...
      I have been hoarding fabrics .. and Moona is perfect for shareing with Blythe ..(who I am also beginning to get very obsessed with LOL )

      I have also been designing some of the fantasty furniture we were talking about
      Im waiting on a price now for the first peice ..all important bed
      its all leaves and vines ..hope it works out

      and Elly is in at the *Meee* Spa ..Im so exited about that !
      she is getting a new sexy look from Meee
      and I am working on that Bod of hers

      I bought some Kips from Cool Cat on Ebay ..Im going to Blush and Kip her bod whilst her head is away
    8. OMG it sounds perfect!! Can't wait to see! I'm sure my Moona will approve. I was thinking that whichever large boy I get (Bracken or Bramble) he'll sleep in a hammock in his room. But my Moona is too delicate for that and will need a bed! hehe

      Ooo my Ante is off to the Meee spa tomorrow.
    9. Did anyone hear the news about Blythe? In one of the newsletters from a doll shop here in the US, it was stated that AD is stopping production of Blythe. I'm not familiar enough with Blythe to know whether she is made by anyone else, but I do hope this doesn't put a damper on all those wonderful clothes that our Moonas can share with her.
    10. Dont worry sweetie AD only make a very small number of Blythe , these were reproductions of the old dolls ..which are so coverted by the collectors
      AD made in the Us ...and not too popular from what I can understand

      the Takara Blythe are still very much going strong ...so no worries there, there will still be enough Blythe clothes out there for many years to come :)
    11. That is wonderful news Carrie!

      Noel decided to go back to her original wig. Here she is modeling another Sugar Mag outfit

    12. Aeilia, your Moona is charming, I love her unique look. So pretty in that wig!

      gracie, Noel has such a soft, lovely look with that wig.

      I'm enjoying all the Moona pix, I guess I need to take more of my girl now!
    13. Thank you, winternight!:chocoheart I'm having so much fun with her... love Moona in this size.

      gracie, that wig really suits Noel... a very romantic look. Cute outfit too! :DShe looks so knowing.
    14. Noel looks so beautiful. Gracie. I just love her natural good looks and her long flowing locks. :aheartbea
      Furniture? Ooo! You're such a temptress, tinybear! :D I can't wait to see what you're doing. I'd love another peep inside your workshop, just to see all the goodies you're thinking of next. I really loved seeing your interview and the little peep inside the garden house.

    15. Don't worry. Takara Blythes have always been the favorite and they are still going strong. I like the ADGs but I think most of them have been used for custom Blythe dolls. There will be Blythe clothes for everyone for a long time, I think.

      I love Moona and am thrilled you are making a tall Mina too. I have lots of Blythe clothes for both of them to try on when I finally get them home (Drat money!)
    16. Im hopeing to here more about Mina after Easter
      I cant wait to get her ...and Bracken

      its funny I wasnt too much into Blythe untill I made my girls ...now my Blythe collection is growing
      and I LOVE this size Moona too ..I cant wait to see BRACKEN and Mina !

      almost forgot HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE !
    17. lol so you enabled yourself this time!!

      I can't wait to see more of the large Mina as well and I get the feeling with her I'm going to have more than one :doh

      I love the larger Moona size as well, she's one of these dolls that is soooo much nicer in 'person' than she can ever look in photos.
    18. Me too! Trying to be oh so patient! *wriggles*

      Adore this size! She enables my bootaholicism. *lol*
    19. :chocoheartHappy Easter to everyone!:chocoheart

      ...Eager to see the new Mina and Bracken too! I love:aheartbea this size. I think I may actually be able to sew for her.
    20. :truffle:chocoberryOMG ..I have just got in ...I have had a few days away from my work room as Pete is having some time off this week ..and there was an Email off Dennis ...who at this moment I LOVE MORE THEN CHOCOLATE:chocoberry:chocoheart

      Im just having dinner ...Im starved ..and I will try and post the new pictures of Mina and Bracken ....and Bracken is just SO GORGEOUS
      Mina I knew I would love but Bracken has just exceeded my expectations
      Why oh Why has it taken this long to get him done ...Im so happy!