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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. I am glad to hear the driver was okay and you weren't involved. I witnessed an accident when I was 5 and it was a man walking across the road and he was hit by a car. I still will never forget what I saw. I hope you are able to relax a bit. What a way to start the day!

      Bracken is awesome! Thank you for creating him in the larger size. Do you think he might come out as a full set at some point on etsy? (Fingers crossed). I liked getting Noel as a full set and thought a nice set for Braken would be cool.
    2. I will make a point of it

      Any ideas , outfits you would like to see Bracken and Mina in ?..and Moona , lets go the whole hog ..she says happy danceing because she has stock again !LOL

      suggestions !
    3. Im taking pictures today of the tan Moona next to the tan Lati , to show you thie difference in tans
    4. You're the best Carrie! *hugs* I just bought a heap of material today. Some nice felt for my little elves to make waistcoats and jackets..perhaps a bodice or two. Some lovely patterned material for the girls' dresses. I'm just looking up how to make a ruffle skirt for my lati Belle. I even bought some nice brown striped fabric to make my Bracken a waistcoat. hehe

      Carrie I know just how I want my Mina, do you want me to email you?

      luv MOP...
    5. I know she is my girl design and all that ...but ...I adore this girl ..she is the light tan ...with Lati light tan resin
      Lati has a yellower tone ...Bobobie light tan is a beautiful creamy caramel colour

      in the UK we have Caramac ...its just like that ,YUMMY!
    6. and just gotta share Elly ...these are *meee*s picture of her ...isnt she just awesome!
      I Cant wait to get her back
    7. You have one beeeautiful girl coming to you!
    8. Wow! Carrie, she's gorgeous!:aheartbea
    9. :( It's horrid witnessing an accident, I saw some young lads reverse over an old woman as they had the back window shelf so piled high with junk they didn't see her walk behind the car. Luckily in a way for the poor old woman there was a policeman who happened to be in shouting distance of me and the woman he was walking along talking to at the time was an off duty nurse.

      Caramac is exactly the what I thought of too when I first saw the Bobobie tan!

      She's beautiful Carrie, utterly beautiful. *Meee* has done an amazing job of her face, so soft looking with an ethereal glow about her. Wow!
    10. tinybear, your Elly looks wonderful with her *Meee* faceup. she is a very beautiful girl.
    11. Thankyou so much Carrie, you're a sweetheart :aheartbea

      I think they look fabulous together!! It sets my mind at rest, I'll definitely have the light tan Bracken then please as well as the dark tan Mina. My white Moona and light tan Bracken will be the parents to my Lati white tan Belle. So I'm thinking white plus light tan = lati tan. Seems plausible to me! hehe

      Elly looks spectacular! What a beauty. I love Tiffany's work, it's incredible. She got my heads today in the post (1 Pullip and my Ante heads) and got my Pullip head done. Totally amazing. :aheartbea

      I'm so excited to get Bracken and Mina. Got my new Ixtee boots in the mail today. Veddy nice!
    12. Ooooo, Elly's lovely, tinybear... she looks so soft and romantic. :)

      And I love the Moona in your photo with the Lati tan, her dress is so cute on her. Reminds me of Snow White or a fairy tale.
    13. That's it! the different faceup brought out Moona's womanly, romantic side. I just love the way she looks (actually I love her both ways, she is great).
    14. Carrie, your Elly is adorable!

      Ahh, I love the light tan Moona. Did you embellish her face up or is that the basic from Bobobie? She is just so pretty in her outfit. I simply love that picture of her.

      Thank you for asking about what we would like to see for Braken. I guess I would like to see something sort of Victorian with the vest, jacket, etc. I haven't really gotten into Steampunk, but I sort of envision him in something similiar to that style. Or, for something totally different, a pirate might be cute. I'll have to think more on it.
    15. OMGosh. I go away from here for a couple of days and look what happens! I tried to read the News thread carefully, Carrie, are you saying that the Red will not be available for Large Mina?
    16. Oh wow Carrie she's just too adorable. :aheartbea :aheartbea

      My first thought when I saw her was: That looks like Dolly Parton. :lol:

    17. Wow Carrie, I can hardly believe Elly is the same sculpt, she is amazing - Tiffany's faceups are beautiful :aheartbea

      I am still waiting to see large Mina in light tan, all faceup'd and dressed, I think she will be gorgeous
    18. LOL
      Im back ..had a few lovely days away fro Petes Birthday ..the big 50 ...it was lovely
      and the weather Oh My its glorious !

      MOP e.mail me ..
    19. Okay I will *tries to remember why* hehe