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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. She's amazing Carrie, no wonder you are so thrilled with her new look!

      *Meee* really knows how to bring out her big beautiful eyes.
    2. She's absolutely gorgeous Carrie!:D... she really captures the soul.
    3. Carrie, Elly is totally beautiful, I want my own Elly now :aheartbea
    4. Ooooo Im getting all exited again Dennis just e.mailed me, The Mina and Bracken Samples are on their way ...I cant wait for those !
    5. Eeee! Samples soon for us to drool over--can't wait. Did he say what colours would be arriving first?
    6. This is so exciting!
      I've just given up telling myself that I don't need a large Bracken.
    7. OMG! I can't wait to see pics!! So excited! :fangirl:
    8. My girl Priscilla went to a meetup today! She was very popular, of course. There was a Blythe person who didn't know about BJDs yet, she came with her friend, I think she liked her size. And style of course!
    9. hyperventilating !
      Im in love ! totally Smitten ...but BOY IS THE LARGE BRACKEN HOT!!!!!
      I shouldnt say that caus he is my boy ...but OMG ...he knocked my socks off !

      Mina is just so beautiful and delicate .....Im just so happy right now ..I have to tidy up ..and now Im taking photos , they will be up later
    10. Oooh, I can't wait to see him Carrie!
    11. Ooh :fangirl:
      I can't wait to see them either!!

      I got new eyes for Whisper from the Hands Craft Eyes GO, 14mm lilac ones. Lovely delicate shade which is in reality more purple than in the picture, I also added white lashes which had to be trimmed and so aren't quite as fine at the ends as they should be.

    12. Joining the queue waiting for Mina pics :aheartbea

      we ll here he is Sex Bomb himself ...I love him ..but he loves himself even more LOL
      [​IMG] THE BOYS BODY IS STUNNING ...but I made him wear trousers ...I cant do a think with Mina and Moona

      his head would also make a great girl too

      and this ...is Mina ...she is such a lady ... I absolutely love her ...she is going to be so versatile ..a little girl or a young woman ...

      there are more pictures on my Flikr ..and I will be spamming more boy spam over the next few days

      he is wearing low rise pants I made ...but he will fit the Bratz or Blythe Jeans ...
      Blythe baseball boots or the Ixtee boots

      he is a little taller than Moona and Mina ..but still has the same foot size , wigs ,eyes etc
      pictures on my Flikr
    14. Wow! You weren't kidding were you Carrie! Braken looks fab and I really, really like Mina. She has such a sweet face.
    15. Wow! They are both gorgeous. Mina is absolutely amazing in this size. I love the outfit with the red lace up boots.
    16. Ooh she is beautiful!! Such a pretty face!

      ..as for Large Bracken...well....he is amazing, especially in that light tan. He looks so..woodsy! Some foliage in his hair wouldn't look at all out of place.
    17. Bracken! What a man! You just know he's got plans, he's a ladies man.
      Mina has such a sweet little face. I love them both very much. This is the light tan, then?
    18. Wow, Carrie! You've done it again!

      Bracken looks like a rock star to me and is it my imagination or does Mina look just a tad "happier" in the large size?

      Now, I really can't wait for my large dark tan Mina....and then maybe I'll have to get light tan too...;)

      BTW, can large Mina share wigs with large Moona?
    19. Blod, Whisper looks amazing... those eyes have so much life! That's a wonderful picture.:D

      Wow Carrie... so exciting! Lg Bracken so gorgeous!:aheartbeaMoona here it totally smitten.:aheartbea
      Mina is so beautiful, and I do think she looks happier. :chocoheart
    20. :aheartbea Wow both have translated into bigger sizes perfectly. Mina is so pretty and Bracken... :aheartbea

      Carrie - is Mina a little less top heavy than Moona?

      Blod - I love your Moona, the colour of the resin is so beautiful and her eyes are perfect :aheartbea