1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. kayjay & sistercuervo - Thank you! :D
    2. I hope it's okay to put these simple pix here too - I was asked to do so!
      I'm not done with all the different wig designs and her outfit - I will be crocheting stockings
      and or boots to go with it! Possibly a hat!


    3. yAYfor KingKong boots ...I have a hundred and one pairs of them ...Love them
      they are great on Large Moona ...and on BonBon and Coco
    4. heh, I've a terrible weakness for shoes & boots, especially, so it's great I'll have 2 different girls to enjoy them now. Do we have any ideas when Dennis will be finishing up the July order for you. I have a feeling August is going to be busy around here. I have a feeling all my pre-orders will come in at once ;)
    5. Im just waiting to here back from him now
      he has been away a few days ...before he went he said they were starting to cast ..so I hope it wont be too long
    6. She looks really cute! I didn't know if I would like her "hair" but I do, I think it looks like a really cool headress.
    7. THANKS STELLA!!! I will be making all kinds of DOOS in different styles with different threads and yarns to put in my Etsy shop!
    8. lk;smd;fkgvjn.dm, I am so introuble. i knew I shouldn't have looked on this thread! I am in <3 with this cutie. Perfect size for Blythe clothes (I have tons of that lol). Must.save.money.
    9. LAdy Fern as the Queen of the Witches for Halloween:[​IMG]
    10. you know your girl is haunting ....
      I shall have to dress Cloud or Berry for Halloween ...how cool
    11. Last night I woke up dreaming about a Big Pink Moona. Seemed like a good reason to bump this thread! I want to see more photos of the colored girls, the green looks amazing!
    12. Thought I would share this girl ..she is a new fullset ...Im enjoying myself with these at the momment
      isnt she lovely

    13. I'm holding out for the Dark Tan ones...
    14. Beautiful photos everyone! Green is still on my list for this coming year, my LT girl wants a cousin. I really love this doll, she's so sweet and fun to hold in your hands.
    15. I got to admit ...I love this white one ...this one and the purple Bubbles I liked her too ...to Im a white convert

      ..my light tan girl I adore ...
      the greens are beautiful ...They are so photogenic ...
    16. Waaaaaaaah!!!!!! Carrie says I can have my Pink Girl! So excited, I'm going to buy her cute Ixtee boots!
      I have to say Blackberry is gorgeous too. She almost put me off my pink girl, but I knew that I had to go with my dream girl.
    17. As soon as Christmas is over :hollyberry I'll start to save for a dark tan lager Mina. I want one so so much. :D

      Not that you should stress over getting her done Carrie, not at all.

      *Walks backs and forth impatiently waiting.*

      When will she be done? Hu? Hu?

    18. ooooh coooooool!!! I'm destined to be broke aren't I?
    19. Stella Maris, where do you find the Ixtee boots? I'm so excited to be getting Cherri for Christmas and I've been looking for clothing and shoes for her. I've found so many cute Sugar Mag things, but I haven't found shoes for her yet.