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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. Here's my gorgeous Priscilla, I can't stop playing with her![​IMG]
      With a couple of her pals, Tigerlilly and Shirley.
    2. OMGosh Stella, your pink Moona is incredible... her wig is just amazing. Great dresses, too.

      Carrie your green girl is haunting me, I hope sometime in the New Year I'll have one as a sister for my light tan Moona.
    3. Thanks Winternight I can't get over how much I love her! She is the best to play with.
    4. Stella Maris: Priscilla is beautiful. I love her eye/wig combo. She is captivating!
    5. wow she looks fab
      love seeing more of the larger girls

      Hapy Christmas everyone ..I ment to post pictures Christmas ever ...but ran out of time
      I finally got myself a green girl back again
      and she arrived just in time ...I try to keep a green girl in stock all times ,she is always popular
    6. Green Moona is lovely too, but I am captivated by my Priscilla. Her color seems to change depended on what she's wearing. In that pink dress she looks almost grey.
    7. I have a little Moona in pink and it's the same for her, the color is amazing, it changes with the light and outfit she wears. Aren't the big Moonas great to hold? And so much fun to dress up. :fangirl:
    8. Such a pretty lady is Priscilla, Stella Maris and of course, I adore your green girl, tinybeartoo. :D She's so delicate in her white gown.
      Priscilla's eyes are amazing! Such a brilliant yellow-green.
    9. Priscilla is beautiful Stella, her eyes are so intense and they compliment her delicate pink resin so well. Beautiful wig she has too!
      I have greenish eyes in my pink BonBon...leafy greens work so well with the pink!
    10. Priscilla got a makeover yesterday. I am happy with it, she is adorable. It was a little alarming however to see how much she resembles Dolly Parton in that Sugar Mag outfit!

    11. Stella Maris, she's so voluptuous! I wish I could see her IRL, her sparkles must be so lovely.
    12. Ha, ha, come on over! You're only what, six or seven hours away! Bring your Dandelion. We have cookies.
      She is really sparkly. I didn't see her that way. I swear. She wanted it. There I go blaming it on the doll again ;).
    13. My father still lives in Jersey, Stella... maybe next time I'm in the old neighborhood I'll give you a shout. Dandelion would love to play with sparkly elves and eat cookies. For that matter so would I. Where did you find Priscilla's eyelashes? What color are they? So cool.
    14. come on over anytime!
      Priscilla's lashes are a light pink and I got them from Leeke. I troll for group orders from like Dollmore and Leeke to get eyelashes.
    15. Just sharing a picture of my favorite girl, Noel. I've been going a little wild with the Sugar Mag outfits. lol!

    16. Ah, Gracie, Noel is beautiful;love her wig. Isn't Sugmag great?! And I love Noel's shoes!
    17. That outfit is stunning on her! I love all the trim.
    18. I LOVE Sugar Mag !
      she looks fab

      Blythe Jeans look amazing on them too
    19. Gracie, have you checked out "This is Blythe"? Doom I tell you. They have great service too. And those cute Ixtee boots and shoes.
    20. Thank you all:) I am glad you enjoyed her pictures.

      Uh, oh. No, Stella Maris, I haven't checked out "This is Bythe" yet. Me thinks I need to do so though.

      I ordered two pairs of IXTEE boots and they are so fab on her. They came so quickly and the company was awesome to work with. I've been neglecting all the other bits of resin around here all because of Noel so I need to hold off getting anything for her until next month. Of course if I see something at IDEX, she will have to have it. SHe is just so sweet. I just love this girl so much! Thank you again Carrie for making her!