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TinyBear 10inch Moona/Mina and Bracken discussion part 1

Jun 25, 2008

    1. Oh thank you sweetie
      its lovely to hear that you are enjoying her so much

      I LOVE THIS IS BLYTHE ...But I have 5 Blythe girls too ...there is no hope for me LOL
    2. Sorry for necroing this thread, but I was wondering if anyone out there had a lilac large Moona? I am very interested in this color large Moona, and would love to see some pics. Thanks in advance!:)
    3. Only me ...I have never sold one yet ...she is a pain to photograph ..the resin is such a beautiful colour , it changes whatever colour wig and eyes she has ..from a lilac , grey ,
      I love her ..and mina is gorgeous violet too
    4. I have considered getting Carrie's Blackberry fullset however I was hoping for a dark tan moona. If I decide to resell my Bei I might get that instead...
    5. I can't believe no one has gotten her yet. She is a beauty.
    6. You could be first! I have a pink Big Moona, she is lovely, and I have two other dolls in the lilac resin, I think the combination would be fantastic.
    7. I hope she's there when I get the money in a few days or so.

      stella maris I saw your pink large Moona, Priscilla? She is fabulous! Please post more pics of her.
    8. She is a cracker ..and I LOVE the lilac resin ...
      but I am a sucker for coloured girls ...I had to have a green version of all of them LOL
      and Im a sucker for tans ...Im doing 3 fullsets this week ..for Kellham Hall ...pictures comming soon !
    9. Oh Blackberry is beautiful!

      What I'd want is a dark tan big Mina though. ;) (And perhaps a pink one . . . . and maybe a white one and . . . . *_* )

      Dustbunnie *_*
    10. Thanks, I really really love her. I hope you can get your girl!
    11. Oh, Blackberry is gorgeous!

      Carrie, how limited are the tan and WS Moonas? I love my girl so much, but I also love the tan and WS versions. I usually try not to have more than one of a particular sculpt around here. I'm still debating whether I want to have one or both of them as well, but I wasn't sure whether they would last long enough for me to make my decision. If they do sell out, will you ever order any more?
    12. tinybear, I'm so shocked that I've fallen for the colored resin! Everyone's pictures really capture them in such a way, I don't see how I can resist.

      I can't wait to see your new sets.
    13. Yeah i'm still waiting to see if there will be dark tan ones (I need my Umoja)
    14. I agree, dustbunnie. I want a dark tan large Mina, too.
    15. I'm looking forward to seeing a light tan Mina :aheartbea
    16. me 3 as far as the larger darktan mina goes.
      so add me to the list that are waiting anxiously.
    17. Me too! I think she'd fit Umoja better than Moona!
    18. I think the lilac is exquisite, I'd love to have one. I also want a green girl, so my biggest trouble is always choosing what color to go with. I really love them all.

      My tiny pink Moona is *love*.