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Travelling with your dolls: issues/ideas/etc. Part I

Aug 20, 2004

    1. Mirai and Candy were limited, but Volks re-relased them with the new Dollfie Dream Base Body 2 which you can only get at Dolpa 12, I believe.

    2. Yes yes, I know - I want the new Mirai DESPERATELY!!! :crushed
    3. When I travel most airlines let you carry on one carry on bag (like a backpack or duffle bag) and one purse/breifcase/laptop bag type item and I believe the SD bag counts for a purse like item. You can always call or e-mail your airline company.
    4. Score.

      That's a honkin' big purse, though!

      "'Scuse me, coming through!" *whap, whap*
    5. I had no trouble flying with Chin-Seung to Washington, DC. The only thing I had to do was stuff my purse in the bag with him (I don't have a real doll carrying case.. I used a dog carrying case ><; I'm sure he was thrilled)

      And since I'm always cold on planes, I took my shawl/blanket and he was covered and padded with that, so nobody gave me any trouble. On the flight home they even let me keep that in my lap.
    6. Hmmm... but do they fit under the seats? I'd think they would, but airlines are getting really, REALLY picky about carry-ons as well as checked luggage, so it's best to check with each airline. They all seem to have slightly different requirements...
    7. I've seen people carry on guitars and suitcases... you should be fine.
    8. Haha, see, when I flew (yesterday) I had two carry on bags AND I was carrying Alexander (Brynn was in my bookbag, and then I had my massive laptop shoulder bag...my 'purse' ::cough::). I didn't get a problem from anyone. I think if you're even carrying the actual doll, they don't think of them as 'carry on' more like a toy that some scary ass 19 yr old is emotionally attached to XD

      Heh basically, I doubt you'll have any problem ^_^
    9. 'f you are going on united, you should be ok. Coming home from japan, I had a huge shopping bag full of stuff that i put in the overhead, as well as my bag with my cds, books etc, which was also brimming. I think if he goes into the overhead he should be ok.
    10. He might get claustrophobic though. :lol:

      "Attention Passengers: There appears to be a screaming little person in the overhead compartment..."

    11. Thanks all. I'm hoping it won't be a problem since the bag is so narrow. I'm traveling with Japan Airlines and the only phone number listed is in Japan, can't email them either. Last resort i'll let them take the Volks bag and Mez can sit on my lap.
    12. :D That is very funny.
    13. Other passengers will put heavy stuff on top of him.

      Put him under seat...to be safe.
    14. You shouldn't have any problems with taking him as carry-on. I've taken Kamiya with me on two flights so far- once to Texas, once to Japan. The only problems I had were funny looks from airport security/customs when they went to inspect the case :oops: but otherwise, there's no problem with it.
      Where you stow him on the plane probably depends on what sort of carrier you're using. On the Texas trip, I took Kamiya in his violin case, and if I recall correctly, I actually had him stowed in one of the flight attendants little closets because there was no more overhead space and he was fine. On the Japan trip, I had used a large purse to carry him and of course, he went under the seat.
    15. Oh! And Am - have fun in Japan! ^____^

      (Grope a cute little gothic lolita for me, okay? *lol* I'm kidding.... )
    16. Try 800-525-3663, I think their reservation center is in CA. I know they are not very strict on carry-on departing out of Japan but not sure about US.

      Have fun in Japan!
    17. I was worried about the same thing. On the flight to Japan, I had Megumi in my DOD carrier, which I also used as a purse with my wallet, passport, etc. in with him and had no problems. However, on the way back, I had Hana in her box in a big bag that I had also put another big bag of Volks clothes on top off, in addition to Megumi back in the carrier/purse. I never found the time to find another piece of check-through luggage, so I was really worried that they would make me check the big bag. However, I asked at the check in counter and they didn't require me to check it, but said to ask the flight attendants. They didn't have a problem with the big bag either and it fit perfectly in the overhead compartment. I was really happy to be able to hand carry both my kids home.

      Have a great time in Japan! I already can't wait to go back!
    18. Thanks for all the help and advice.
      I've just finished packing and I've been able to use my camera bag as my pocketbook and Mez is in hos Volks bag with my books. I never stick my stuff in the overhead so he'll be under the seat where I'll know he's safe. If there's an empty seat next to me, then he'll just sit there through the flight.
      I'll be on the plane in about 13 hours.
      It should be lots of fun and I'll tell you all about it and take lots of pics.
      Talk with you when I get back in a week.
    19. Have a safe trip! :)
    20. I'm going to be in Nashville on business for several days, starting Tuesday (fly out Tues, fly back Sunday), and I'm trying to decide if I will take Kieran with me. I found out I'll have my own hotel room for this trip (normally we share), so there wouldn't be a coworker roommate to freak out. The main concerns I have are 1) transporting him safely, and 2) would taking him be...a bit much?

      It's not that I sleep with him or anything. It's just that I've not even had him a week and I feel grumpy at leaving him behind. I also just sorta...feel bad about him sitting by himself gathering dust while I'm gone. Is that weird? :oops:

      I guess really my concerns have more to do with other people's reactions. If my coworkers found out I brought him, that could be embarrassing, and I don't want them thinking I'm childish. I also think my best friend would disapprove if she knew.

      Thoughts? Similar experiences?
