1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Nov 12, 2014

    1. I just ordered in May and shipment to USA - North Carolina is $120.00.
    2. I'm in love with her!I hope one day can order her!
    3. Can anyone tell me her measurements? I've heard she is very thin. Would like to see how she is compared to other dolls her size.... Please...
    4. Oh! Congrats on your order!! Once you enter this topic is hard to leave without thinking on purchasing one hahah.
      The wait should be quicker than three months... I think, unless she told you otherwise. Mine arrived within 1 month only. Still felt like a looong wait :sweat
      I would love to see your pics when she arrives!
      Also [MENTION=19551]MadamMauMau[/MENTION] stunning pics as always, love the lightning :)
    5. Also about this... I don't have her around now, but I took some measures (in cm) a while ago:


      Well, in case it's too small, the neck says 4 cm diameter, the shoulders 7 cm, without the arms it's 3.9 cm, and from the base of the neck to the nipple is 4 cm.
      I didn't do waist, etc. but I guess you can get the idea :)

      PS: Sorry for the double post.
    6. Oh my gosh! Such an artfully sculpted doll! It's so unique, too! Usually, I only like the typical human dolls, but the Sphinx is really, really beautiful!! ^.^
    7. Hybris: thank you so much.
    8. I thought also just this,Oh My gosh!! How could be so breathtaking beautiful!
    9. QUESTION: My Sphinx has shipped but the shipping service is one I have never heard of. The cost of shipping was very high and I wondered if anyone else was familar with Dimex shipping? So far it has been 4 days in Russia and looks as if it might be on it's way to US today - hopefully. It is in Plotnikova, Russia as of noon Russian time. Please let me know if you are familiar with this company. I have been a bit worried as a few have said that their doll arrived broken. For the $125.00 shipping cost one would think this company delivered super fast and carefully. ;)
    10. I guess this thread is not very busy but I will share what is going on as I am worried and the artist has not responded to my email. I understand that the company she used is a British company and I have now written them also. The package left Moscow and instead of heading west to the US went East across Russia and now shows delivery to a small Russian town on the coast. I have checked the tracking number she gave me and it is correct. What else can one do but email the shipping company and the artist?
    11. ...And not worry. That is the other thing you can do. It is up to Tatyana to chase any missing parcels as she is the only one who will be able to claim compensation, but it is probably too early for her to take any action. Give her a couple of days to respond to the email and, if she doesn't, send another. Keep the email simple (English is not her first language), tell her you have not received your package and make a specific request (that she contact the courier?).

      Shipping is that expensive via her chosen company. Seems to be cheaper from other Russian doll companies, so perhaps not the best choice of courier. And it take a while to cross the globe.

      Breathe and see how it goes.
    12. Thank you for the deep breath of calm..I was not feeling very calm.:doh I just got a note from Tatyana and it looks like she sent me the incorrect tracking number and will send me the correct tracking number on Monday. Apparently she sent two dolls off the same day and one went to Plotnikova Russia with the tracking number she gave me. Hopefully I will have the correct number by Monday and just maybe the doll is already in customs. I hope so...struggling with a very old and ill German Shepherd that we may have to euthanize this coming week. Probably why I was hyperventilating at the thought of a loss doll. Rather silly I guess. Perspective...thank you MadamMauMau!
    13. You are welcome. I know the signs and feelings of irrational, blind panic. Tatyana has it in hand. Forget about it for the minute and deal with stuff at home. More important.
    14. Well, Tatyana had told me the doll would arrive on Tuesday - did not - I had to spend hours finding out who the carrier was once the doll left Dimex. DHL took the package in Germany and told me it would be delivered today. Still no package and when I check DHL tracking it is being held in CINCINNATI! It seems that it sat at the Moscow post for several days, not sure why as it had time to be sent on before the Russian Holiday. I have learned that the shipper (Dimex) that Tatyana uses only ships in eastern Europe so if you are sending something westward it goes to another shipper which Tatyana did not seem to know about or at least did not inform me. Also when it reaches DHL (in Germany) a waybill number is given for tracking. Once I knew that DHL had it - at least I could then track the package. We will see how long it sits i Cincinnati.
    15. It is all a very long, frustrating wait when a doll is on the way. I don't believe it is unusual for another representative to take over the parcel. It happens in the UK, when Parcelforce takes over EMS parcels. Not long now.
    16. I am upset but for these reasons:
      First, had she chosen EMS I would have had tracking - it would have been here in 6 days (unless held up in customs but at least I would know it was there) and the cost would not have been $125.00. (Although EMS has just had a big increase.) Second, if I am paying this amount to have a small item shipped, I expect to have good tracking. The tracking number she gave me the first time was not the correct tracking number. *We can all make mistakes, I understand that. That item was delivered in Russia in 4 days. Second, if she is going to use this expensive Dimex service (that only delivers in Eastern Europe) than she should know that the tracking number will change once it leaves Eastern Europe and she should provide the new tracking number to her customers. I sell on Ebay and if I am sending a package with costly shipping..you had better believe that I am tracking that package from this end too. I had to spend hours finding what happen to the package after it left Moscow. I was never provided with the company that took the package from Dimex or the new waybill tracking number. Also, there is a Dimex shipping located in Charleston SC - also global but has nothing to do with the Russian Dimex. I ended up speaking with the owner of that company - he called me after my email as he was worried one of his shipments went astray. He does not ship to Russia and knew nothing about a shipping company by the same name in Russia.

      I called DHL on Tuesday - package was still in Germany - but they said that it was to be overnight to the US and I should have the package on Wednesday. For some reason the package was held up in Cincinnati, Ohio. This mornings tracking said that they could not give me a delivery date. I once again called them and was told that the package is now in Greensboro, NC and should be delivered today. I must sign for the package or a note will be left where I can pick it up. Our DHL service here is not very good, so I have typed out large notes on the garage door - where DHL usually dumps our packages and another note on the front screened in porch door asking them to please leave the package inside the screened porch as I may be outside with my German Shepherd and would not hear the door bell. DHL - advised me to do this. My last communication with Tatyana was on Tuesday showing the package was in Germany but she did not give me the new tracking number.

      Someone on this thread said their doll arrived broken and they did not think it was packed very well. Tatyana told me the reason she no longer will use EMS was that they broke her dolls. Perhaps the problem with the item being broken may be that she is not packing the dolls well? I am embarrassed to say that I have over 65 resin dolls :roll:- most sent EMS from S. Korea, China and France. I have only had 2 dolls arrive with damage and then only a broken finger and one with a cracked ankle. (That one was strung too tight - not the fault of EMS). Personally, had I realized that she was not using EMS, I may not have ordered the doll in the first place. Amazing doll, very talented artist - poor shipping and communication.
    17. The doll has arrived and other than a damaged box and a small chip on one ear she is beautiful and worth the wait. But she was not packed well. I know because my father taught porcelain doll making and often sold his dolls for shipment. I helped him pack up dolls and learned so much. He would have used baby diapers - one would have gone around those beautiful and ever so thin ears. The hands and feet would have been separately wrapped and then the whole doll would have been wrapped enough that it would not move in the box. Then the doll box would have been put inside a more sturdy box for shipping instead of into a plastic bag for shipping. Photos of this wonderful doll and her shipping box.
      • x 1
    18. She is gorgeous.
    19. yes. she is very gorgeous. that is terrible news about her ear :( .
    20. My box was very damaged too, put into a plastic bag like that instead of another box was not a good choice, I agree. The doll was intact but the risks are high. I just waited without checking trackings and the time she arrived at home without customs or anything it was a wonderful surprise... otherwise I would probably have gone mental.

      Anyway she is home now, and beautiful as always. Sorry about her ear but you don't even notice from the picture :)