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Nov 12, 2014

    1. I never had the sphinx so I cannot tell for sure, but comparing with the pictures it seems yes

      here are the measurements
      [​IMG] [​IMG]

      KIOMI in resin
      #101 Lino4ka, Jan 18, 2016
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2016
    2. Which sculpt is she
    3. Kiomi :)
      on the official website of Tatyana Triffonova you can see all the sculpts, among them are the newest Kiomi and Mioki.
    4. My girlfriend told me that the sphinx was a 3D computerized sculpt. Has anyone else heard this rumor? Does anyone know if the sphinx is a computer sculpt or a hand sculpt?
    5. There are WIP shots of some of her other work in her Flickr account, so I would be very surprised if that were the case for the sphinx. And she is a porcelain doll artist primarily and the 3D printing doesn't seem to be a thing with them.

      What info does your friend have?

      Not that the method of production would matter for us, but I suspect an established, traditional porcelain doll artist might feel a bit miffed if it were felt they 3D printed their bases.
    6. The rumor supposedly started with a woman in England who has some connection to the doll magazine industry. I have argued and argued against the Triffony stuffs being 3D and supposedly this woman insists that she is "in the know" and that it is. The rumor further states that this England woman got the information from the Triffony artist herself.

      So, I was wondering if anyone could really contact the artist and set that rumor straight. I do not care if the Sphinx is 3D, but I do not believe that it is, and I would just like to know for sure.
      • x 1
    7. Pempek, she is just beautiful. Her face just blows me away. I would love to have her rabbit too but I just don't wish to go thru the shipping again but she is my favorite BJD and the artist is certainly gifted.
    8. Your little lady is so gorgeous Pempek, huge congratulations! Is she painted by the artist?
      I am pleased to say I have recently ordered Mioki and she should be ready in about a month.....I can hardly wait!
    9. Hello to everybody!
    10. I love your girl Lino4ka. What is her name?
    11. Oh, thank you so much! the name given by Tatiana is Kiomi, I named her Ethel :)
    12. It suits her. She is lovely.
    13. Thank you!
    14. #115 Hybris, Mar 13, 2016
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2016
    15. wow stunning!
    16. OMG! How amazing is that? I wonder if she is casting them in resin and whether they might be available as option heads for those with standard bodies. Wow again.

      ETA: Damn, Just read on her Flickr that it is for a porcelain doll. Well, the original Sphinx started as a porcelain doll, so there is still some hope.
    17. Are we allowed to post outside links?
      Sphinx doll bjd

      if so here is her flickr you could send her a private message and ask her or post a message in this post.
    18. She has already said on her Flickr that it is to be porcelain (see my edit). Ah well. Saves my wishlist.
    19. she may release in resin too. I will ask her.
      Posted the question.