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TY Girlz Clothing fits MSD dolls : D

Jan 5, 2009

    1. Hey! I was in my local toy store yesterday when I came across TY Girlz Dolls. Now this may not be news to you guys out there but I was pretty excited to find out that for 5.00 or less I can buy TY Girlz clothing and the tops and sweaters will fit my 43 cm Serendipity Sharmin! I was pretty pumped! you can get little hoodies and vests and stuff for dirt cheap!

      Has anyone else come across the TY Girlz before? Had any luck with it fitting your dolls?

      Please feel free to post a link if there is a thread like this already

      Let me know~ :D


    2. Sweet! Did you take any pictures?
    3. Ill take some pictures and post them ASAP! :D
    4. Ooo, I'd definately love to see pictures! Does it fit regular MSDs or slim/mature minis?
    5. I can do some measuring and some photos for people. all I know is that most of the clothing fits my sharmin on the top just fine. the pants are a no though... I will post photos asap
    6. ohh wow thanks for sharing!!!
    7. The Ty Girls clothing works pretty well on my Customhouse Little Junior Girl, too. Especially the skirts. I'll see if I can find some time to take pictures.
    8. :)I wonder if they will fit Narsha due to l'v seen some of the outfits and l think there cute.
    9. Just in case anybody needs it, here's a list where you can compare measurements.

      I'm really curious about these clothes! They'd be some nice, cheap alternatives, and the website says there's a ton of stores near me that carry them. Please post some pictures when you can! :)
    10. yeah! I was so happy when I found them! Im even going to try and mod the pants to fit my pipos!

      Btw: Sorry i havent put pictures up yet, my internet at home is currently lacking. Lol

      I will post ASAP!
    11. Alright, I took some REALLY bad pictures for you of some of the TY Girls clothing on my Customhouse Little Junior, Blvd (Icarus head on a girl's body):

      The pants are too short, plus, they don't close properly at the back. They're also very tight around the thighs and mess with her posing. The stripey shirt that is meant to go with this set won't fit over her head without some force. I didn't want to force the stitches, so no photo for you! The shirt that she IS wearing came from an actual Ty Girls doll, and the matching skirt fits well, provided you tear a few stitches at the back so the opening for her hips is wider. I tore the heck out of that skirt trying to get it on, so it's ruined. :( It's also a pretty short skirt. The puffy jacket looks cool, but interferes with her arms. The hood won't go over her head.

      This outfit fits well. The skirt closes nicely around her waist (though I didn't do a good job of it in this picture). The hat is of course, too big, and not in a cute way.


      The pants fit well around the hips and thighs, but again, they don't close at the back. The little tank top is actually a cardigan that's supposed to go over a white, collared shirt. Blvd will be rocking this outfit at the next summer meet! XD

      And here's the white shirt from that set:

      Lastly, here's a picture of my Little Junior beside my Narae:


      Even though her boobs are massive, Blvd is smaller all around the body, and shirts that fit her well didn't work on my Narae at all.

      Sorry the pictures are so terrible, but I hope they get the idea across: Ty Clothing = WIN for Little Juniors! and not so much for Narae.
    12. Thanks for those! Shame it doesn't work for Naraes, but they look so awesome on your Little Junior!
    13. Good luck finidng them, though. My daughter & I got into the TyGirlz this past fall. We found one store that had six of them and they were clearanced, but none of the other stores on the Ty list carried the dolls....and that was a long list for our area. We were told by all the stores that Ty was stopping production on them. I emailed Ty and were told they weren't going to stop production, but they were so popular, it was hard to find them. We never did find the separate clothing items except on ebay.

      Thanks for the tip about the clothing. We have six of the dolls with different outfits so I'll have to try them on our MSDs. I will say, though, that if you ever decided you want to keep the Ty doll, it is difficult to get some of the clothing back on them.
    14. The website claims a ton of Hallmark stores carry them, and you're right: I don't ever remember seeing the girls at Hallmark, just the stuffed animals. Another store is within walking distance, so I thought I'd at least give it a shot. I'll bring along a measuring tape, just in case. I wonder if you can order them directly from the website.

      Fishiestix - Thanks very much for posting pictures! I can't see them right now (work blocks Photobucket), but I'll certainly come back later.
    15. No, you can't order them from the website unfortunately. We were pretty adamant about finding them and we tried every avenue. (DD discovered the website, lol) Do check the stores, though. Like I said we found one store, a party store that had them 50% off. We did find one Hallmark that at first said they didn't have them, but then when we said the Ty Website said they did, the clerk asked the manager, then she brought them out in a cardboard box from the back. They thought the dolls were being discountinued so they didn't even have them out for sale. They weren't clearanced, though and were pretty expensive for what they are.

      I just tried some things on my MSDs (Souldoll & Dim) and I counldn't get the clothes on. I did try them on a vinyl BJD I have a they fit, though tightly. I also tried them on one of my 10" tinies (Creedy) and they fit perfectly.
    16. I've recently bought TyGirlz clothes from the website, straight from the company.

      If you have any thrift stores near you, poke through the dolls--I've found a number of TyGirlz there.

      The clothes fit my 33cm/13" Creedy "Melodi" perfectly.
    17. I just purchased 3 sets of TyGirlz clothing from my local, small-town grocery store--what a surprise! All 3 outfits fit my CH Ange Ai girls perfectly. I'll try to take photos soon.
    18. I bought a Precious Paris doll the other day and Not only did her clothing fit my littlefee girl perfectly... I cut her shoes away from her feet and the boots fit the littlefee, and I cut her hear away from her head, and it fits my littlefee as a wig PERFECTLY
    19. My mom is nuts and mailed me a box with some gifts including 3 TyGirlz outfits. I don't think these clothes will fit your average minis. Little Juniors are that weird inbetween size, so I see why it fits them, but I can't even get them on my Kid Delf!

      They do make for a cute oversized fit on my Bambicrony Kumi, though. ^.~ Picshars!


      The sleeves are the perfect length! But the pant legs are a little too long. A little hemming can fix that (or cuffing if you got jeans, I'm sure)




      You can see how the skirt fits - pretty well! I can JUST fit it over her butt.



      I don't like this dress...it's totally weird on her. It might look cute on a mature slim mini if it fit over their hips, which I doubt it would.


      My favorite outfit! ^_^ With the sandals it looks like she's ready for a walk on the beach. Ciao Bellas are slimmer tinies, so I be these would fit even better on like a Yo-SD or LittleFee!
    20. Never heard of this dolls before, bubt aww how cute their clothes look at your dolls! :whee: