1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
    Dismiss Notice
  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
    Dismiss Notice

[UK] ROSADOLL Leeds ABJD Convention: 13th Aug ! REGISTRATIONS OPEN !

Feb 17, 2011

    1. [​IMG]

      ****More upto date information can be found on the website! www.rosadoll.co.uk



      • Syryn has kindly offered to donate clothes for the event.

      If you wish to donate prizes, please contact one of the organisers.
      We now have a twitter for all updates! Rosadollcon
      ROSADOLL - Yorkshire ABJD convention. *subscribe to this thread for more information*


      What is ROSADOLL ABJD Convention?
      ROSADOLL Convention is a large event based in Leeds with a focus on Asian Ball Jointed Dolls.

      This is our first year in running but we have plenty of plans!

      Unlike the usual doll meets throughout the UK this convention will place its focus on having structured events and competitions happening throughout the day for people to attend to and take part in.
      These events will be aimed at people in all stages of the hobby, be you a newcomer wishing for tips and tricks on general care and maintenance to veterans wishing to pass on their knowledge on how to face up a doll.
      There will also be competitions with great prizes to be won and workshops to join in with.
      We offer a friendly and relaxed environment with plenty to do and talk about with the events happening at planned times so you have plenty of time to see all the dolls and make new friends.
      Due to space constraints and the convention being funded by the organisers there will be a small booking fee to cover the costs of the venue, and all the remainder money as well as money raised from the raffles and sponsored sales will go a community chosen charity. This year we have changed our chosen charity to donate money to the Japanese Tsunami relief. To help those devastated by the natural and man-made disasters in Japan recover.
      Our overall aim is to create a large scale convention to celebrate the ABJD hobby that everyone is welcome to.

      The Discussion thread for this event is here!

      There are 50 places in total to fill, check the attendee list to see how many spaces remain!

      We have decided that the registration fee will be £9.

      What you get when you register: All day entry to the event, Refreshments and snacks provided, A goodie bag containing a free gift, a con badge, and event book, a free raffle ticket for the big prize and other extra gifts to be finalised!

      After we have covered the costs of the event all the remaining money will go to the charity along with any donations collected on the day or from the raffles.

      How to Register:

      1. Read the Terms and Conditions below or on the website
      2. Email one of the organisers with the following information:
      Your username on DoA, Your Real Name, Your DOB, Contact email and any extra information we should know such as disabilities or serious allergies.
      3. Send £9 to [email protected] (this is a paypal only address, do not email it)
      4. Check the confirmed list for your name (may take 7 days to be updated)


      These are the Terms and Conditions you must agree to when registering.

      • No refunds after June 1st
      • Any refunds will incur a £2 fee to cover paypal costs.
      • Transferring membership is fine as long as the member it is being transferred to agrees to the T&cs
      • Under 13’s MUST be accompanied by a paying attendee over 16.
      • No under 7s.
      • Rosadoll and its volunteers are not liable in any way for any loss or damage to persons or items while at the event. All belongings are the responsibility of the owner.


      Saturday 13th August. We will open the doors at 9am, starting the event at 9:30 and will shut at 4pm with a break for lunch.


      Education Room, Leeds Museum Discovery Centre, Carlisle Road, Leeds, Ls10 1LB

      About Leeds

      Leeds is situated in the centre of England in West Yorkshire. It has most major roads and train routes going through it and is pretty easy to get to from all across the country weather you are coming from Scotland or London. (There are direct trains from both) There are many local hotels at reasonable prices if staying overnight is an option.
      Train fare varies for each place so be sure to check http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ for train times and information.

      (to be updated with extra information soon)

      There are no buses to the Venue, However meeting will be set up at the station to walk to the area which will set off to the venue at 9am.

      It is about a 15 - 20 minute walk. Taxis are available from outside the station and should not be too expensive if split between people. If people need assistance carrying bags let us know and if we have spare hands we can help!
      If you are walking I advise against wearing inappropriate footwear, and as it is a Saturday in a busy city I advise against carrying dolls in hands and to keep them inside carriers to avoid conflicts with shoppers.
      Parking is available but only for about 5 cars, of which 2 we will likely be taking up. So please let me know if you are coming by car!


      Update: Due to the recent world eventsthe organisers have decided to overrule the charity vote and instead all money raised will go to the British Red Cross : Japanese tsunami relief. We know that come summer the money we raise will be vital to help the country rebuild the communities and lives destroyed. A lot of us in this hobby have friends or family who live in Japan or have been directly affected by the natural disaster ourselves. While the event is running this summer the effects of the devastation will not go away overnight and we believe that donating to the red cross will be necessary still.

      You can see more information here: Red Cross
    2. [​IMG]

      These are the events we will be having throughout the day.


      Raffle Prize:
      Minoru World Junior Fairy Special Sleeping Leila (on the Blossom body)
      Donated by Angeldolls

      We will be holding a charity raffle to raise extra money for the charity donation. All attendees will get a free raffle ticket (including organisers) and this will be drawn at the end of the day by a member of Angeldolls. The Doll that you can win is a Special Sleeping Leila! MSD size, With a custom face up by Iccheayo

      You are able to purchase raffle tickets from today</strong>. You can buy these by sending £1 via Paypal to [email protected] with your name and username.Your name and username will be written on the back of the raffle ticket and I shall email you the number, which I will then give to you on the day. (please send as a personal payment otherwise the donation will be less then £1)[/dcs_p]

      Only <strong>REGISTERED</strong> attendees may purchase raffle tickets.


      Do you have extra doll things laying about that you want to bring to sell but without the hassle of sitting beside it waiting for customers?

      Bring it to the &#8216;Bring & Buy Table&#8217; and we will sell it for you and you can collect your profits at the end of the day.
      The Head of Bring and buy is Nekomalik, Who has run the bring and buy for many major UK anime conventions and DDR:UK. She is trust worthy and dedicated to ensuring everyone&#8217;s items are looked after and sold in perfect condition.
      A small donation to the charity would be appreciated when collecting your profits of the day.

      We will be putting up a form for people to fill in for when they bring in their items. Watch this space for more information.

      These are a list of the Workshops and Demonstrations we will provide at ROSADOLL


      Ran by : Iccheayo
      Website : Viridian House Face ups
      Time: TBA

      Iccheayo from Viridian House has kindly agreed to run the face up demonstration. Caroline, or Iccheayo is, in my opinion, the best UK based Face up artist and one of the best in the hobby. She has painted two of my dolls and the work is top notch so having her give us a workshop on how she paints her dolls is going to be great!
      We will be providing her with a doll head to demonstrate on, and this will later go up for auction/ raffle with the proceeds going to charity.
      So make sure to bring your paints and pastels and follow her examples on your own dolls! (MSC will not be allowed at the venue so ensure that all your spraying is done post con day)

      You can view her face up portfolio >here<

      Extra details to be confirmed closer to the day.



      Ran by : River
      Website : dieux-faux's Gallery
      Time: TBA

      The Photography Demonstration will be ran by River, One of the most popular UK Doll Photographers. Popular for her beautiful dolls and great camera skills she has agreed to run a demonstration on how to take the best photographs of your dolls.
      This workshop will cover the basics, such as the best angles, Lighting, composition and how to work with what you have. To the more advanced.
      All you will need is your camera and a listening ear to find out the best ways to get those top notch photos of your dolls while avoiding the pit falls that a lot of doll owners fall into.


      Stringing Demonstration

      ==If you have a skill or business, be it face ups, blushing, wig creation or modding and would like to organise a demonstration please message one of the organisers and we will add you in.==
    3. [​IMG]
      Enter the competitions to win brilliant prizes! All competition entries will get printed in the event book for people to take away with them!


      Deadline July 31st

      Theme: To fit in with our charity the theme of the art submission must represent 'Hope' and 'help' It doesn't necessarily have to be related to natural disaster. I am thinking along the lines of 'Pray for Japan' art, you can see other peoples ideas here: Pray for Japan Art examples

      • The art will be judged based on idea, relevance to theme and implementation.
      • There must be something that shows that the doll is a BJD, be it joints or general style. Nudity will be allowed as long as it is not realistic or crude. (eg; dolls are not exactly anatomically accurate with regards to private areas) If you want to show off a nude doll, I suggest you just don't draw the genitals (like a ken / Barbie doll)or cover it to be safe. Excessive gore or violence, sex or abuse themed pictures will not be accepted. The focus here is to show hope and not destroy it.
      • You can create this picture digitally or traditionally, but it must be submitted via email or post before July 31st
      • There can be up to 3 entries per person, however you can only win once. You can put your signature or other logo on the picture as the artwork will be judged based on idea, quality and theme relevance.
      • you do not have to be a great artist to win if you have a well expressed idea.

      Submit to : [email protected]
      Judges: Solo-angel, Angeldolls.
      Winners will be announced on the day. First Prize:
      Little Monica, Honey Harmony LuisieGirl Version, white skin With Wig and Faceup. Donated by Angeldolls



      July 31st

      Theme: As with the art competition the photography competition is drawing inspiration from the charity we've chosen to support. The theme of the contest will be 'Coming Together'

      • Photographs will be judged based on idea, relevance to theme, implementation and over all impact.
      • Photos should be submitted digitally to the address below.
      • Files should be submitted as jpegs, the minimum size of which should be 900 pixels at the longest edge and a minimum resolution of 75dpi. Winners may be asked to submit high res files for next years con book so please retain those files.
      • You can get as creative with the theme as you like, take it in any direction you wish as long as the resulting image ties back to it. We've left it purposefully open so people can take it and run with it.
      • BJDs must be the main focus of the image.
      • Nudity is allowed but within a PG13 context, nothing too explicit please. The same goes for gore etc.
      • There can be up to 3 entries per person, however you can only win once. You can put your signature or other logo on the picture as the artwork will be judged based on idea, quality and theme relevance.
      • you do not have to own super expensive equipment to win, the emphasis here is on expressing an idea and creating compelling images rather than megapixel counts.

      submit to : [email protected]
      Judges: Dieux_faux, Angeldolls.
      Winners will be announced on the day.
      First Prize:

      Dollndoll Mo Girl version, White skin with Wig and Faceup. Donated by Angeldolls

      *NEW*Best Dressed Competition

      Deadline Held on the Day

      Theme: There is no theme for the best dressed. Your doll can be wearing whatever they want, the winner will be the one we think is dressed extremely well!

      The best dressed competition will be held within the Fashion Show. So ensure your doll is entered into the fashion show.

      The competition has two catagories: Homemade and Store bought.

      • You can only enter this if your doll is wearing items of clothing that you have made yourself. (with the exception of shoes and small accessories)

      • You can only enter this if all your dolls items are bought from a store/webstore or commissioned.

      • Quality of clothing: Ensure there are no loose threads, uneven arm holes /legs and everything is to doll scale and fits properly.
      • Overall appeal: How well does the outfit look as a whole? If it is meant to be a certain style, e.g. scene, medievil, oriental, Make sure it all fits the theme.
      • You can enter as many of your dolls as you wish but only in one category.

      Judges: To be announced,

      First Prize:
      Blue Fairy, Pocket Fairy Sleeping Chou Male Version, white skin With Faceup on new 18cm Pepper body. Donated by Angeldolls

      Store Bought
      First Prize:
      Dika Doll Animal : Tuan Tuan White skin, no faceup. Donated by Angeldolls


      I am going to put together an event book and itinerary for the meet (so you don't miss a demonstration as they will all be set to happen at a certain time) You will be able to submit art and writings to this event book. Once submissions are open I will set up a section with more details.


      We have decided to add this as a general notice to all that are attending. :) Most of these are obvious, but for those who have never attended this will stop some Faux Paus.

      • The Venue that we are based in is part of a museum. As such it states in our T&Cs that no displays are to be touched or moved. As such we must enforce that no-one touches the displays.If anyone is found posing their dolls against items or moving them we will have to issue a warning, Repeat offenders may be asked to leave. We apologize for being so harsh but damage to the events will incur a very steep fine to the event, those who damaged the item will be asked to contribute if this happens. Of course, this also means we would never be able to hire the venue again. So I must stress this point.

      • Be friendly. If your opinion of someone’s choice of doll or lifestyle is different to yours do not start pressuring them into a debate. We wish for everyone to be welcome to the event and hostility will not be tolerated.

      • Be polite and ensure that you ask the owners of the dolls before you pick them up or move them, while many people will be happy for you to do this some may wish their dolls to remain unhandled.

      • Treat people how you wish to be treated. Do not do anything to another person or doll that you would not appreciate yourself.
      • Refrain from touching the faces of the dolls. Even if you have permission to move the doll touching the faces can cause damage to the paint and sealant. It is safer to just not touch the face at all. If you need hair moving out the way of the face ask the owner to do this as they will understand the risks.

      • Following that, please ensure you keep your hands clean. Grease, oils and liquids can transfer to the clothes and items in the event. Baby wipes will be kept at the event (just remember to never use baby wipes to clean a bit of dirt from a dolls face)

      • Keep an eye on your belongings and items at all times, The venue and the event are not responsible for any items that go missing or get damaged. It is your own responsibility to ensure you keep your belongings safe. We will have security and a cloakroom to assist in this but please keep valuables on your person.

      • Please keep your antics family friendly. Try to avoid overly sexual themes or positions when posing dolls. As this is a 7+ event it may be inappropriate for the other guests.
      • We will be holding lunch time at a designated time. Because of this we would like people to refrain from eating inside the room while events and demonstrations are happening. This is to keep the room tidy and safe while events are going on. Snacks and drinks will be provided for people to enjoy until dinner.
    4. ---------------------------


      The Organisers of this event are:

      Solo-angel has been in the hobby for about 6 years now andis one of the co-orgonisers of the Bi-monthly Yorkshire meets and the Doncaster Doll Photography Meet.

      River has been in the hobby for about 4 years and is one of the best doll photographers to date; she is one of the organisers of the bi-monthly Yorkshire meets and the Doncaster Doll photography Meet.


      If you need a contact address or cannot find an email, It should be listed here.

      If you wish to submit any questions, suggestions or anything else related to the doll meet. Please contact the organizers on the following emails:

      [email protected] : Will email solo who is currently dealing with behind the scenes events and venue stuff. Email her here if you wish to suggest an event, Venue or suggestions for a demonstration.

      [email protected] : Will email River who is currently dealing with liaison and advertising. If you wish to be involved with running an event or demonstration or have a general question about the meet, please contact her on this email.

      To offer a donation, you can email either.

      To submit Entries for:

      The Competitions: [email protected]

      The paypal address for registrations is: [email protected] (this is paypal only, not an active email address)

      The reason we have emails for contact is to stop any issues with the DOA PM system as well as providing a instant notification service.
      Please understand that we have other commitments and may not be able to reply ASAP but all emails will be read and considered.

      ~Thank you <3


      There are Currently 40 Places Avaliable.


      Solo-angel - organiser
      River - organiser/ Photography Guest
      Iccheayo - Face up Guest
      Nekomalik - Assistant / B&B
      SarahRachael -Angeldolls Guest
      Xynsta - Angeldolls Guest

      Miss L
      Mrs Lovett


      Yu Qiao Mao
      Radiomurders +1
      Hime nao
      Claytonwinter (+1)
      Peppermint Pink
      Deni +1
      Yokorose (+1)
      Yu Qiao Mao
    5. EDIT: I have changed the title of the thread to Leeds Charity Doll convention.
      I have used convention as it better describes what we are doing as there will be plenty of things going on and I wish it to be seen as more then just a 'meet' which tend to fall into the basic gathering of people with no set structure of things to do.

      I hope everyone is ok with this. :)
    6. I have updated the main post with more information:

      A contact section with emails and who to contact, a brief introduction to the event book and the deadline for voting a charity is this Friday.


      How to contact us!

      If you wish to submit any questions, suggestions or anything else related to the doll meet. Please contact the organizers on the following emails:

      [email protected] : Will email solo who is currently dealing with behind the scenes events and venue stuff. Email her here if you wish to suggest an event, Venue or suggestions for a demonstration.

      [email protected] : Will email River who is currently dealing with liaison and advertising. If you wish to be involved with running an event or demonstration or have a general question about the meet, please contact her on this email.

      To offer a donation, you can email either.
      The reason we have emails for contact is to stop any issues with the DOA PM system as well as providing a instant notification service.

      Please understand that we have other commitments and may not be able to reply ASAP but all emails will be read and considered.
    7. [​IMG]

      Update: due to the recent world eventsthe organisers have decided to overrule the charity vote and instead all money raised will go to the Japanese tsunami relief. We know that come summer the money we raise will be vital to help the country rebuild the communities and lives destroyed.

      We hope that everyone agrees with this change and will continue to support the event.
    8. *UPDATE*

      Information on the first competition to be announced is up.
      We also now have a name! ROSADOLL Yorkshire ABJD Convention. The logo will be up later today :D


      Art Competition

      Deadline July 31st

      Theme: To fit in with our charity the theme of the art submission must represent 'Hope' and 'help' It doesn't necessarily have to be related to natural disaster. I am thinking along the lines of 'Pray for Japan' art, you can see other peoples ideas here: Pray for Japan Art examples

      • The art will be judged based on idea, relevance to theme and implementation.
      • There must be something that shows that the doll is a BJD, be it joints or general style. Nudity will be allowed as long as it is not realistic or crude. (eg; dolls are not exactly anatomically accurate with regards to private areas) If you want to show off a nude doll, I suggest you just don't draw the genitals (like a ken / Barbie doll)or cover it to be safe. Excessive gore or violence, sex or abuse themed pictures will not be accepted. The focus here is to show hope and not destroy it.
      • You can create this picture digitally or traditionally, but it must be submitted via email or post before July 31st
      • There can be up to 3 entries per person, however you can only win once. You can put your signature or other logo on teh picture as the artwork will be judged based on idea, quality and theme relevance.
      • you do not have to be a great artist to win if you have a well expressed idea.

      Judges: will be people who are a part of the art community and a winner will be selected before the event.
      Prize: Prizes will be announced once we get them. All prizes will be equal.
      Submit to : [email protected]
    9. I have updated the attendees list, added the new competition, and the main few posts have been moved around as I exceeded the text limit! haha, I am glad I reserved extra posts!

      I am also here to announce a NEW guest, I am very excited to have her doing the demonstration as she is the one person who I really hoped would come along!

      Events / demonstrations:

      Face up Demonstration

      Ran by : Iccheayo
      Website : Viridian House Face ups
      Time: TBA

      Iccheayo from Viridian House has kindly agreed to run the face up demonstration. Caroline, or Iccheayo is, in my opinion, the best UK based Face up artist and one of the best in the hobby. She has painted two of my dolls and the work is top notch so having her give us a workshop on how she paints her dolls is going to be great!
      We will be providing her with a doll head to demonstrate on, and this will later go up for auction/ raffle with the proceeds going to charity.
      So make sure to bring your paints and pastels and follow her examples on your own dolls! (MSC will not be allowed at the venue so ensure that all your spraying is done post con day)

      You can view her face up portfolio >here<

      Extra details to be confirmed closer to the day.
    10. Hoy, Just to say, Please don't remove yourself from the list. The date is yet to be confirmed. So please do not start planning your journey or checking times out. We are just aiming for that weekend. It depends entirely on the venue.

      I just wanted to clear this up so people don't start booking days off work or getting travel tickets :)
    11. Any objections to my younger sister coming along? She's very interested in the dolls, and would like to attend. Thought I'd ask, to make sure. She's house-trained, and knows from my ways not to touch the dolls!
    12. It will entirely depend on her age. I know that 16+ will be OK in all the venues I have looked at so far but Toddlers and below will likely be a no as we don't have the facilities, and to be honest, it would put too many people off with the idea of having a young child present.

      If she is over 7 I see no problem, although you will have to be the responsible party if any problems arise.

      :) I will add this question to the main page in case anyone else inquires.
    13. I would have been interested in this but i see quite a lot of issues with attending:

      1. You don't seem very organized, i mean you don't even have a venue sorted. The information is scattered within the thread and is not nicely put of the first page.

      2. You changed the charity, what is to stop you doing it again?

      3. You haven't got a price set! Again with the not seeming organized.

      4. You don't even have a set date, so how can people go, oh yeah i can attend this when you don't have a planned date? Surely it was better to get these things sorted then post on here so people knew where they stood.

      5. the contest seems out of date, cause honestly by the time Aurgust comes around i should imagine that Japan is on it's feet and the messages bout praying for them won't be as touching. It is a nice sentiment, but i think it would be too late.

      6. You don't have many companies? I know it is early days, but you have only just got two to agree. I should imagine you would get more if things where more organized.

      7. I am not sure who is fully organizing this? There are people listed, but other people who have commented have seemed to have a big say to what is happening and have commented a lot.

      8. seriously if you don't get yourselves sorted this will be a mess, and i don't want to waste all the money to get there to go to event that i just see as a big disaster. Honestly i think this event needs someone to pray for it.

      I know you mean well, but that isn't going to get things sorted it is just a good start.
    14. For those who find it easier, and so that we can gather advertising outside of DoA we now have a Blog set up : http://rosadolluk.blogspot.com/

      This is pretty much a copy of what is in this thread, but by the looks of it we may run out of space here as I've already exceeded the text limit in one post! haha.

      This will be updated to a fancier version / actual website later in the month.

      All pages of the first thread have been updated with lots of extra information :D Please go have a gander ^_^
    16. [​IMG]

      We have a new sponser, Angels-cave are kindly donating a OOAK outfit for the event. We will update with information once we have it!

      Id also like to remind people that we have a website now: http://rosadolluk.blogspot.com/ I have updated this with all the images and information and it will be updated as often as this forum is for those who don't often use DoA.


      and finally, Thank you to everyone who has registered today!
    17. Since the threads have been shuffled around a lot and moved I just wanted to put this here in case it gets missed in the first post, we now have a separate discussion thread here.