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Universe Doll Discussion

Jun 5, 2017

    1. @shirahime
      Do you mean Human De'ath? I have the skull version.
      (And thank you. The doll in my signature is a 5th Motif Venitu, you can check him out in my doll profiles. He's Victor. ^__^)

      I really do wish they had some boring, front and both sides shots of the heads at the end. And blank shots after that would be bliss. Hehe. I really wish all companies would do this, but it's often the exception. Ah well.
    2. @Lady Ravenswood Oh I had forgot there were two versions of him. I was looking specifically at the human De'ath.

      I remember they did that with the De'ath sculpt, they had his promo photos of him dressed and then at the bottom blank photos of his head. However they don't seem to do that for all of them which is strange. I often like the blank photos as when I first started collecting years ago, I got a doll and then realised it was the face up I liked and not the actual sculpt as I didn't like him blank at all. So I am super careful now and need to at least see a blank photo of the head to determine if I like the shape of the features.

      (I love the name Victor. It's very classic. Suits him.)
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    3. sorry for the long silence, my soldier yesterday finally got the body. it's not the final version, need some mods and other stuff, but want to share with you. it's resinsoul 72 cm and it perfectly fits!
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    4. @xatshe WOW your Death is impressive! Very cool design :aeyepop::love

      My human Death got finally a wig i like on him :XD:

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    5. Somehow I stopped receiving notifications!

      @shirahime I have a human De’Ath dyed tan if you still need blank photos. There are a couple photos earlier in this thread as well.

      I love your De’Aths, @xatshe @StillsEve! The camo sweatsuit is really cool, and so it your wig, @StillsEve!
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    6. @xatshe Is that a custom resin color or is it dyed? The black looks great.

      The wig looks good on him @StillsEve ^__^

      Ooh, I forgot that Musen was included in this thread. I just painted my Musen hands last week! ^__^


      I don't know if they are that gory...but I have creeped some people out with them so just in case...
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    7. @Lady Ravenswood

      Those hands look fantastic! I love the light colored pupilless irises!
    8. @americanseamstress
      Ah, thank you! Hehe, I went back and forth so many times on what color to make the eyes.
      • x 1
    9. thank you! last week i sent him to the face-up artist so hopefully he'll be ready soon ^_^

      Human Death has his own charm!

      thank you!

      thanks ^_^ it's custom resin color. Resinsoul can make you any part of any color. very convenient!

      Hands are awesome! as for me it's not gory =D
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    10. @xatshe
      I've seen some really neat resin colors come out of Resinsoul. It's great that they do that!
      And thank you! Hehe, I don't think they are that gory either.
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    11. yup, especially when you can choose solid or even transparent resin. and additional cost just ridiculously small!
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    12. Those Universe Doll jointed hands are wonderful! Anyone have measurements so I can compare them with the Doll Legend 70cm hands? I know the Doll Legend ones are 8.3cm long.
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    13. I was wondering about the size of the jointed hands compared to the non-jointed hands as well. The non-jointed hands have such slender fingers, I'm super curious if the jointed hands are the same! They look amazing. Anyone have them yet?

      Also, I had a quick question for those of you that have the 3-part torso:
      How are you keeping the bottom joint from popping out? Just tons of hot glue sueding? Mine likes to pop out all the time. :sweat
    14. @americanseamstress Oh I didn't see your comment. I don't appear to get notifications for threads. I did manage to find some blank photos of the De'ath head. Thank you!

      @Lady Ravenswood Wow, you did a great job on those hands. I really love the sculpting of them. I am still waiting on jointed hands to arrive. I ordered in July and have still not received them. I don't have any of the normal hands though so I won't be able to compare. for you. I do plan to get their non-jointed hands at some point but it depends if the place I ordered from gets them in as they didn't have the non-jointed ones when I ordered.
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    15. @shirahime
      My notifications can be unreliable as well—no worries!
    16. Hi everyone, I have a question about Universe Doll white resin. I know they have two kinds of white, the "pure white" and "beautiful white" (I'm translating literally from the Chinese characters, as I've seen them given a variety of English names by a variety of different sites/sellers). Based on what I've seen from comparison pics, it seems the pure white is a more of a stark papery white, while the beautiful white is more of a creamy white? Does anyone own either of the whites (or even better, both of them) and can offer their insights?

      I'm asking because I intend to get a Universe Doll body for my Crimson Doll Scott head and I'd like to know what the closest match is. His white resin is very pale, with a pinkish undertone. I am leaning toward the pure white because it seems the beautiful white has a yellowish undertone, but I haven't seen enough pictures to be 100% positive. Any help would be appreciated!

      (I'll post a picture of Scott with other white resins I own later, in case it helps).
      #236 bickazer, Oct 4, 2018
      Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
    17. finally my soldier is ready! it's too dark now, so quick shot of Donovan

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    18. @bickazer

      I think I have both. The reason I "think" I have both is because I didn't explicitly order milky white. I ordered white directly from MusenMusen's representative and it came a different color than the snow white I had ordered previously. I confirmed with the representative that it was a white skin resin, forgetting that there were two.

      Here's a comparison:

      The upper chest, arms, and legs are snow white and I believe the milk white is the other. It is a light pink white skin.


      That's an awesome take on the De'Ath sculpt! It looks like it was made to be your android! Is he on the Souldoll robot body?
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    19. the moment i saw him, i realized that i finally found a perfect shell for my soldier-android ^^
      no, he is like a real robot from the dump (in my universe) consist of different parts: body is resinsoul 72cm, left arm is mechanic ringdoll arm and right hand is from dikadoll 72, cause resinsoul hands is too tender to belong a soldier:kitty1
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    20. @xatshe

      That’s super cool! I love the creativity of multi-company hybrids!
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