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Universe Doll Discussion

Jun 5, 2017

    1. Thank you for the advise!
      I am sad to hear that about the body, because the joint looked really good on the pictures. Hmm... well... maybe I will go for the 2 part torso then...
      And thank you for the advise with the color!
    2. I think the three part torso versus single part torso is personal taste. I really like my three part torso, so much that I purchased the parts after already ordering the two part torso (originally all that was sold was two part) and then I sold the two part torso pieces. It does like to pop out occasionally, but I still appreciate the added mobility, particularly side to side. I think it really makes the body hold more natural poses and look more graceful
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    3. yes, i agree. i just told what saw, and unfortunately af for me it pops up all the time, no matter what. you tried to make him stand - BANG! his ass behind. You wanna make him sit, same. Weak or tight string, doesn't matter. less hot glue or more. nah...
      i have 3 different big male bodies, and two of them are three parts and non of them doesn't pop up like this body does.:horror:
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    4. @xatshe


      I find it very well sculpted and even when it does pop out, it does so in a way that looks very natural, more natural perhaps than if it hadn’t with that pose. There are some bodies which perhaps give less control, but fall into natural poses, and this is one. This body is one of the easiest standers I own, second only to a tie between Doll Legend/Doll Family H/Impldoll. Unlike my Dollshe Pose+ body, the lower joint popping out of place does not disrupt the center of gravity as significantly or buckle the legs.

      Since you provided the negatives, I just think it’s important to provide the strengths, as I am very much the opposite: I sorely regretted the two part torso body and kicked myself for not waiting to see if the three part would be released.
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    5. I have both the 2-part and 3-part torso bodies. Both of what is said above is true from my experience as well. The hip joint does pop out all the time, and when it does it looks really dancer-like, like ballet. :lol:

      So it probably is just up to personal preference on weather you want to take the extra time to always be adjusting the extra joint for that extra bit of possible posing.

      My personal preference leans toward the 2-part torso over the 3-part, but I'm getting used to the 3-part torso, so it's not an absolute deal breaker for me. I just laugh now when my doll sticks his butt out...again. Lol.
      @xatshe Thanks so much for the extra info on hot glue sueding+ from your friend. I've been contemplating sueding that joint and I'll have to see if I want to bother now...

      As for the color, my Universe dolls are in normal yellow and I have both old Soom NS and Volks NS and can take a photo early next week if no one can get one before then (I am sick right now and it's too much for me to pull everyone out at the moment). The color is not pale, as said above. :thumbup
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    6. @Lady Ravenswood: thank you! Pictures would be much appreciated!

      Thinking about the torso-choice will surely take up some time, so there is no hurry xD
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    7. unfortunately i can't say that this looks naturally:sweat. and it does the same thing even more often from the back with the same angle. here you can see how easy she hold it. sadly she doesn't have view from the back, couple weeks ago she glued with super glue.

      and as for my friend, she is a very strong woman and i mean it! as a former ballet dancer, she has very strong arms so after she helped me to restring and hot glue for my own boy, i hardly could move that body at all. :roll:

      at first we thought that body does like this because it was too tight in the box, his pose reminded me about flamingo in the water :lol: we tried to make string weaker, doesn't help. we restringed the body, used glue.. yet the waist joint lives his own life. i have experience with a lot of different big male bodies and i personally prefer 3 parts bodies.. but this one, including some other minor issues, looks like a nightmare to me.

      for example one of his hip joint constantly twisting around. the hole on the one joint is slightly different, sorry i don't know how to describe it in english according to the right terms, it's drilled in the different angle. the hole for the hook in the jointed hands wasn't drilled at all. and maybe you remembered, her Ampil head came also without neck stopper for hook, it also wasn't drilled in the head. it goes without saying that my friend is highly disappointing in the company and the body itself.

      yes, it's very good sculpted. but i decided to warn other people what they can expect after 4 months of waiting. i guess it's fair enough
      #287 xatshe, Mar 4, 2019
      Last edited: Mar 4, 2019
    8. I realized that I could take the photo easier with parts than whole dolls. Lol, go go gadget sick brain trying to make it really hard. :doh

      @Lornica Ok so here are two photos, unedited except for adding the words:

      The photos are taken on white computer paper.
      I threw in Dollshe Oriental just for fun since there are several companies that use Dollshe for casting (that hand is quite new).
      The Soom is probably around 2008-9 and the Volks is mellowed. I had some newer, pinker Volks hands that I was gonna add but I can't find them at the moment. :sweat
      Anyway, they are all pretty close in color. Universe Doll is a bit more pink, but also it's pretty new.
      Hope that helps.

      Ah, haha, @xatshe yeah...my Universe Doll is clothed, so I kinda forgot how funny the joint can look without pants on. :XD:
      That doll is wearing white legging sort of pants (that cover the feet too), so the whole outfit and then with the pose is what makes me think of ballet. I don't think my guys have the same leg problem that you described, though I guess that doesn't speak too well for quality control...
      Personally, I really like this body. I love the hands and the sculpting. And it poses well enough for me.
      The first guy doll body I ever had was the old Soom Super Gem and that body always pops it's chest joint, and crosses it's legs, and the elbows were useless, lol, so I try to just be philosophical about each doll's quirks. :lol:

      Ooh, I love the way the Universe Doll slouches. <3
      Also he can sit cross-legged really naturally. He stands pretty easily.
      I do wish the neck was a bit wider.

      All in all, I still really like this body but it does have it's own quirks so it's good to think about those too. :3nodding:
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    9. yeah, i agree, each body has it's own quirks, it's just depends can accept it or not. yet company should take care more about quality control, cause after this discussion i suppose that the reason maybe not because of bad master sculpt, but after casting and cleaning holes etc. maybe they sand to much there and there.. i don't know. yes, default hands are really beautiful!
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    10. @xatshe Hehe, I'm pretty patient with dolls so I could totally see how the popping joint could be a deal breaker. It really does pop out ALL THE TIME. Like you pick him up and it pops out. It has a couple of degrees of pop, or a couple of settings it will sit at? Not sure how to describe it. So like one pop isn't too bad. But full pop is quite broken looking. The doll turns into a sort of cat at that point, just melting in your hands. :XD:
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    11. if it pop out only when you try to make him sit, that's annoying, but acceptable. but like you said it does pop out ALL THE TIME and your comparing with melting cat is quite accurate! when you put the body in sitting position, when you try to make him stand, when you try to redress him, even you if now you touching his elbows etc. and it does with that degree that you can see on my picture. if to be more precise his ass pop out most of the time, not the torso
    12. Ahh, I have stumbled upon this company and fallen for their sculpts! ;-; But I'm kind of struggling to find information on their female body... Was Maegara/Aglaia the only head they made for the three point female body? (I'm looking on Legenddoll and it says 59cm for the overall height, but it doesn't look like any of the other dolls are that size at all...)
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    13. Welcome @Megami-Landing :hug:
      Oooh, I don't know. I haven't seen the girls talked about really! So far I only know of that one female sculpt from the same place as you, but maybe if you double check their Taobao? (I am no good at navigating Taobao at all...) They seem to come out with sculpts very quickly so it seems every time I check on them there is something I hadn't noticed!
    14. I just... slipped... and ordered Tsukimi! He's got such a cute nose and his lil pointy ears!
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    15. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this in but, does anybody have a doll chateau adult body that they could show with a universe doll de'ath head? I love the aesthetics of those two sculpts but I've never been very good with visualising measurements :sweat
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    16. time to bump a bit!

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    17. @xatshe I always love seeing Donovan! :love

      Man, I just learned that those of us who ordered during the sale earlier this year may well have to wait up to seven months.... :( Guess they got overwhelmed by the number of orders? Sigh. I'll just have to settle in for the long haul, then.
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    18. @xatshe Your boy is so incredible! I love seeing photos of him!

      And here is my first real spam of the group. My Musen Rua head finally got a faceup. This is my boy Fable!

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    19. thank you so much!
      yeah, they got a lot of orders, so it will take time..

      thank you!!! oh, i love your boy and his pointy tongue :love