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Universe Doll Discussion

Jun 5, 2017

    1. @Lady Ravenswood

      Nice! I love the outfit! Is that the UniverseDoll body? The legs look so long with the tights!

      The body looks really good with Blanc! What do you plan to do with him?
    2. @americanseamstress

      Yes! It's the Universe Doll body. This one is the 3-part torso version.
      I'm honestly really in love with how the legs look in these tights! I put them on him and was like, oh, well, yes, ok. :love

      I will actually be getting the 2-part torso body too! And I ordered the last two sets of hands that I wasn't able to get before. So I will have allllllllll the beautiful hands. <3

      I still need to try my Venitu's head on this body, but it's strung super tight and I have a bad shoulder so I haven't been able to do it yet. I'm going to let the Universe Doll body sit for a bit and see if that loosens him enough for me to manage.

      Also, have you all seen RUA? I'm so in love with his expression! I can't afford to get him right now though. :pout:
      • x 1
    3. @Lady Ravenswood

      I kinda have that situation too!

      I ordered the 2-part torso body, and then the 3-part came out :doh.

      Luckily, they let me order just the torso pieces, so now I have a 3-part torso doll! Unfortunately, I don't think I was as clear as I should have been about the resin color, so my hip piece is pink white instead of snow white :sweat, so my guy has a...sunburn...in an unfortunate area.

      I plan to dye the doll, so it doesn't matter much (that's why I'd gone with snow white--good base color), but it's pretty funny for now while I try to decide which doll gets the body (can't dye until I know the resin color of the head).

      I look forward to seeing the body with the Venitu head, but don't mess up your shoulder! Two people I know went through PT for 2 different shoulder issues (bone spurs--this one needed surgery too--and frozen shoulder) and it was pretty rough!
    4. @americanseamstress

      Oh! I ordered the 2-part torso and got the 3-part too! Weird! Sadly my body also arrived with some very bad black staining from his paperwork. :...(
      But as I said Universe Doll and Stacy are amazing and I am getting a replacement body, which is so, so kind of them. I literally cried happy tears.

      So that is how Nutcracker is able to keep this body, and my floating head will wait patiently for the 2-part body. And they will share all the beautiful hands.

      Ugh, shoulder injuries are just...booooo. I've been in PT for ages it seems (second time) after I tore my rotator cuff....

      Oh man, I'm sorry about the color mix up on your guy's torso though!! How crazy! :ablink:
      • x 1
    5. @Lady Ravenswood
      I honestly think it was my fault for not using the resin colors that MusenMusen uses (I ordered originally through LegendDoll, which I believe is based in China, and the resin color names on that site and MusenMusen's terminology didn't match--haven't checked recently, so perhaps it's fixed).

      So I'll call it my goof. If I really cared, I could probably exchange it, but since I'm dyeing it, it doesn't actually matter (the hip piece will just go in a yellower dyebath than the rest).

      That's really awesome that they're so willing to help with the black staining! I don't know if you've already managed to get it out, but you might try soaking the piece in 90-99% isopropanol (I've done it to UniverseDoll resin with no problems). Alcohols seem to be able to soak deeper into resin than water, and dye for paper shouldn't like resin very much, so it should dissolve in the alcohol if you can get the alcohol to soak in far enough. (Otherwise, there's always sanding.)
      • x 1
    6. @americanseamstress

      Thank you for the suggestion about the alcohol! :hug:
      I was able to get most of it off with sanding. Yes.......
      There are two faint stains left and perhaps I will fight with them more at a later time, but for now I'm tired. Heh. I just want to enjoy the doll so I'll worry about it later. He's dressed anyway, so I can't see them for now! ;)

      Aw, yeah. It can get really confusing with all the different sites and languages. I keep trying to check back on the Etsy site, like just to confirm. Hehe.

      Hm, I wish I had known that there was a pure white resin tone when I ordered my Musen eye hands (if you can order the eye hands in pure white?). I have them on a Dollzone doll and they are a bit pink in comparison. Nothing terrible, but I bet the pure white would have matched better. They are fantastic though, so I can't really be that broken up about it. I need to blush them still! I'm trying to decide exactly how I want to do the eye part. Mm, choices, choices.
      • x 1
    7. @Lady Ravenswood

      Huh. It looks like the Etsy page doesn't even have the pure white. LegendDoll still calls the pure white "snow white" and the pinky white "white," however, and the Taobao (with Google Translate) has both whites as well.
    8. @americanseamstress

      Yeah, the Etsy page doesn't have the pure white listed on the eye hands so I dunno if it's even a possibility. Hehe, maybe just wishful thinking after I saw it pop up on the doll listings.
      • x 1
    9. Ok, after letting the body sit for a bit I can pull the head S-hook a bit better and so I popped my Venitu head on the Universedoll body!


      Personally...I think it looks pretty funny. XD
      The head looks large compared to the neck width, especially once the body is dressed. But most of all, it sits low on the neck. The adam's apple is totally covered by the chin. So I don't know. Maybe it could work with some modding or a little something under the head to add height?
      • x 1
    10. @Lady Ravenswood

      Darn! It does look like the neck is a bit small, even if you were to add a neck donut. Maybe a wig would help, but the head does look a bit big
    11. Yeah, the neck is really thin for the head hole. Venitu is just made for such a different style of neck on the 5th Motif body. So even though the Universe Doll body has a longer neck, it still just swallows it up completely!

      I laughed out loud once I put the head on. It just looks very odd in person.

      Also, the side view looks almost good here, but it's important to note that the adam's apple hits right about where the edge of the head is, and that the adam's apple scoops back in right above that point...so really the top of the neck is even thinner than what you can see in that photo. :/
      • x 1
    12. @Lady Ravenswood @americanseamstress thank u ^^
      I planning him as a Reaper, but in modern realities. He's using film-camera instead of scythe, and likes to wear coat with a turtleneck :lol: I sent him to make-up on last week and should make the wig and clothes for him.

      By the way, you don't know if hands with eye are limit?
      • x 2
    13. @jack_sea

      I don’t believe I’ve seen the eye hands referred to as limited, but I’m not 100% sure they aren’t.

      What kind of camera? For some reason, your description made me think of a two-lens waist photo camera, like a Rollei, but those aren’t particularly new cameras
    14. @americanseamstress
      Ok, hope I can buy them for the December, thanks

      Never known about this photo camera. But yes, I mean old cameras as like Leica. He's shoot rooms and walls where people died and catching they souls on the film. It's his new ritual when scythe takes a dead man lol
      • x 2
    15. @jack_sea

      That’s awesome! They used to be kinda expensive a couple years ago, but maybe you could find a used toy Leica camera. (I think it was a collaboration with Minox (?)) But it actually worked. Otherwise, I think they have fake ones that are headphone jacks you might be able to cut up.
    16. I love your concept for Death, @jack_sea ^__^
      It sounds like he will be fun to put together. Hehe, there need to be more dolls with turtle necks! I love how they look. I don't see them very much though.

      Hm, yeah. I also do not know about the eye hands...they are amazing though!
    17. Has anyone else found hybrid options for Universedoll milky white resin? i'm considering order a head in that resin color and I wanted to get some body ideas.
    18. @KiwiNinamori
      Hm, my doll is in NS, but I have the eye hands in WS and I'm guessing it's the milky white? So grain of salt...but I can say that it's a pink-white on those hands. I don't have much in my collection that is that color, actually. The closest thing I have is Distant Memory's Peach Yellow, which is just slightly darker than the hands (and a much better match than the doll I actually have them on! :abambi:).

      Also, also, also...have you guys seen Alsop? :D
    19. @KiwiNinamori

      I now wish I hadn't dyed my PygmalionDoll white resin because it might actually have been closest due to its pinkiness.

      Supiadoll white is a very pinky white but you see from the picture that UniverseDoll pinky white (male torso ONLY in the image) is pinker. (I accidentally received a pink white torso instead of a snow white torso, but they're both getting dyed normal skin so it doesn't really matter.)

      The closest undyed resin that I have in intensity is OrDoll white (so Granado white skin will be like this as well--again, my granado white is very slightly dyed).

      However, although it doesn't really show in the picture, OrDoll white is a yellower white (as is Granado) and UniverseDoll pinky white is purely pink (no yellow tone at all).