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Unoa....additional parts

Apr 17, 2007

    1. Hi, I'm not sure if thhis has been asked yet, but being new to this board, it may have. Being that there are many Unoa fans here, I was wondering if any had thoughts of things they may want for Unoas to be developed?
      This is just a sounding off for parts that wold sit in with the world of Unoa. :)
      I would love to have in the future:

      Medium sized Milk Part

      Drowsey face plate ( Lusis, Sist, B-el, and L-bi ) a modification of the sleeping faces, but with half open (heavy lidded) eyes

      B-el Bully face

      Bullied L-bi plate

      Smirk faceplate (halfway between the default face, and the bully but less mean looking)

      Evangelion clips - re-released but in pink, light blue in addition to white.

      High heeled foot without the heels attatched

      anyone want to add to the list?;)
    2. oh i would love a medium sized milk part! the size difference between the large and the small is quite dramatic.
    3. Drowsey face plate

      IIRC they already released these. :P
    4. Oooo eva clips! red would be nice :lol: bully b-el sounds very cute too
    5. I'd love to see more types of hands, such as trigger happy ones, and just more poses (I love doll hands, especially U-noas!). The medium chest would also be awesome. <3<3
    6. with half-open eyes? I've only seen the "O"/Yawn Lusis and that isn't a drowsy one. Most of us will have to mod the new sleeping faces. I'd actually love to see some 'Dreaming' faceplates so no one would need to open closed eyes!

      I as well, it would be very nice!

      I'd love to see different hands as well, and different shoe soles, maybe platforms or flatter soles?
    7. I too feel like there is a "Large" difference....Ha Ha,....in the sizes of default and LMP. I love both, but sometimes it seems extreme, a nice medium would be perfect on thier slender little bodies. :)

      But saying this, it would be a nice addition. :)
    8. Ooops, didn't know they released them already. For both girls and boys?
      I hope thhey come up again, I'm new to this stuff. :)
    9. Hi!

      I would love to see the return of these clips too! :) RED sounds Fabulous!

      I think a bully faced B-el would be fun. :) His eye and face shape are different enough from sist, that it stand on it's own, and not look like a repeated face. I love him as a Tough Guy!
    10. Hi! Those are the ones I've seen too. I have seen a few modded versions of sleeping, where the artist will open the eyes themselves. The Dreaming faces sound exactly like what I'm thinking of, where the eyes are half open, as if they were caught daydreaming. :) Soooo cute!

      I Love your ideas about the feet/shoes. Platforms would be fun, as well as wedges!

      Yes, I definately would like more hands too like Daggerchans ideas. A trigger happy set would be a blast!
    11. Aren't Unoa hands gorgeous! They are so expressive. I love the idea of Trigger Happy fingers too. I hope more hands are eventually developed.:)
    12. They brought out new parts recently, I'm sure they had drowsy ones... @_@
    13. Nope. >< Only sleeping versions of each unoa, I wish they had made some drowsy versions though..maybe in the future! :)

      I'd like to see some Unoa Gun hands..that come with a little gun! (Kinda like the Kid Delf hands they used to have.)

      I was thinking the other day, that I'd like to mod a faceplate to give a kissy look. With puckered up lips ready to give a kiss! I think it would be a cute idea. :)

      What I'd like most of all..new girl faces! Not just Sist and Lusis..maybe a third girl or something.
    14. I was thinking the other day, that I'd like to mod a faceplate to give a kissy look. With puckered up lips ready to give a kiss! I think it would be a cute idea. :)

      better yet to attached faceplates! to versions of each a eck on the cheek or, a frenchie!
    15. The new dozing Unoa face plates have eye-wells and the resin is very thin where the eyes are. They could be easily modded into a "drowsey" look. In fact, I think that's the whole idea of the sculpt. So Riona is correct for the most part. :) Source: http://denofangels.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1820221&postcount=1223

      As for me, I'd love to see more hands as well. Maybe curled fingers... Like relaxed fists. Does that make sense?

      I also agree with medium sized breasts! I ordered the large ones in the pre-order in the hopes of giving it a breast reduction. :sweat
    16. Yes, I got drowsey and dozey mixed up! My apologies! But as wonton stated, you could mod the drowsey face quite easily!
    17. This is true! However I think the OP meant they wanted actual drowsy plates, ones where you don't have to mod the eyes.. :) Maybe there was a little confusion there.

      Personally, I wish I could have purchased an extra sleeping plate of each..one to keep original and one to mod.. oh well! Hopefully they'll have another pre-order just for parts again.

      Anyway.. I'd love to see some new ear parts as well! Bunny ears, Puppy ears.. maybe some Chobits ears. I wish I could make them myself but alas, I'm no sculpter. If someone wanted to start making things like that and cast them in resin..they'd get a lot of money from me!
    18. I'd love to have - for both boys and girls - a "bloody furious" faceplate (teetch gritting together and mad eyes) , Scream face (open mouth and wideopen eyes), sad face, pouty lips face, LOL face, more hand options and a more muscular chest for the boys. It would also be very cool if they came in more skintone versions. I wouls absolutly love a tan boy with a muscalur chest! Yum! :D
    19. I LOVE the kissy face idea! That would be Brilliant! I do love the idea of trigger happy hands complete with a gun too.

      unoa_im_afreak - I too would love it if these were made into faceplates. The french kiss plate, would be prefection.

      Wonton - Thank you for the info on the eye wells on the dozing plates. Since the wells are thinner, I see your point on being able to mod them easier. I hope it gets pre-made for those of us that don't know how to mod stuff though. I would love a set of hands in the "relaxed fist" sculpt too.LOL!....I love that you will be giving the LMP a breast reduction! Show us when you've completed it!

      Rinoa - Not to worry, I should have been more clear. I meant by Drowsey, was more like a "half opened eyed effect of dozing".

      Kayley - I too wish I had ordered the dozing faceplates, so eventually theywould be modded into drowsey faces. I guess I too will have to wait until the next pre-order comes up. I love your idea of the optional ear parts!! That sounds like fun! I too am not a sculpter but would also love the options made available.

      Shayi - The "Furious" face would be GENIUS!!! I would want one or 2 or 3! LOL! The "Scream" face would be magnificent as well, pout, LOL all of those sound likie wonderful options!

      The 1.5's would look gorgeous in a tan skinton as well. I hope it gets made too.

      WOW! you all have such wonderful ideas!:D
    20. Oh, a wildly laughing face would be too cute. Like an open-mouthed smile and half closed eyes. I'm going to go wild in this thread. I'm a die hard U-noa fan, I've been after these girls since I started this hobby, I've got more than a 1000 pictures saved here and there of just U-noas, and that's only the pictures I found really beautiful... mr. Araki sure does take his time to come out with new things, but when he does he definately delivers.

      I would love to see some new characters too (like Kayley said) But I'm sceptic as to that happening any time soon.

      Mister Arakiiiiiiiiii... make more beautiful dooooooolls.. *also pines for U-nosses and U-noa 2nds and boys* Grah. Addicting, these dolls are worse than drugs, even on the wallet. DX