1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Very TINY mini (elfdoll Tiny Bong Sun Hwa)

Mar 30, 2006

    1. I just ordered my first very small, small, small BJD-- elfdoll Tiny. And now questions!

      1. What clothes and shoes will fit these cuties?

      2. I understand that the wigs are actually glued onto caps, so no problem there.

      3. Stringing-- ah! I'm a little freaked! After submitting my order (and not BEFORE, like a smart person), I read up on the maintenance aspects, and stringing sounds very complicated and scary! Any reassurances???

    2. OOOPS!!! No wonder I didn't find anything in the archvies, lol! This should be in the TINY forum-- so sorry!!! Can it be moved?

    3. Congratulations.

      Check out the Tiny Doll Section of the Forum - she's right at home there and all questions are probably already answered there.
    4. Your very tiny mini is so tiny, she is a tiny... XD So this goes in the tiny section, not mini. ^_____^ You'll find lots of people hanging out there who can answer the questions.

      I haven't bought much for my elfdoll, so I'm not an expert on clothes. The wig she comes with will be glued to her headcap, yes. But when you buy a wig from anywhere else, there won't be a headcap attached. You can buy extra headcaps from elfdoll and glue the wigs on yourself tho. My elfdoll needs restringing, but I've been too scared to attempt it, so. ^^ She just kicks. XD

      ETA: I'm sure a mod will move it for you.
    5. If you PM one of the mods, they'll move it for you ...and congratulations! :)

    6. Congratulations Tina!

      I can't wait to see the photos you take of her!!! I know they will be brilliant. :)
    7. Just use advanced search on the Tiny Forum only for elfdoll or elfdoll clothes and you should pull up a bunch of information.

      In summary...

      1. They can wear clothes from Elfdoll ( see clothes at http://www/shop4dollsandbears.com or http://www.dollsandfriends.com ) and the Elfdoll wigs sold at these places (you would need a blank headcap to use wigs, also sold there, unless you plan to destroy the original glued on wig). These shops also sell the Elfdoll accessory hands and feet. Note that you will likely be pre-ordering and and then waiting for the items.

      2. They can wear cute tops, slacks, and skirts made by forum members Margarita:

      and special outfits by Tinybear if she still sews/knits for Elfdoll(?):

      3. They can wear some clothes of Barbie Kelly (aka Shelley,Tommy) but the slacks become capris and generally everything is too short, and tops are loose. But some items are cute. They can wear many of the Kelly shoes also.

      4. They can wear some things for Bratz Babyz, some Dawn/Pippa clothes (with unfitted waist), and similarly some items of tiny Fairytopia Barbies and Sailor Moon dolls, etc.

      There is a stringing tutorial on Elfdoll.com but it is for their large dolls. They have said the Elfdoll tinies are strung similarly except the tinies have their hand and feet tied to the eleastic using a loop of fishing line:


      This tutorial shows how Elfdoll tiny feet are attached (hands work same way):

      If you plan to swap hands or feet a lot, see Rosa's pictures of how she made tiny S-hooks to make this easier:


      I haven't restrung my Elfdolls but I do plan to wire them. Here is a short thread about elastic tension and wiring:


      And welcome to Tiny land!

    8. Everyone-- thank you for the info! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it, lol! Carolyn S-- thank you SO MUCH for the rather detailed info you've provided! It's all of you that makes the forums such a good place to go.

    9. Congratulations sweetie
      my favorite Elf doll you will love her she is adorable :)
    10. Tina, did you order her from Elfdoll? Was it easy? I really like Bong. She has such a sweet expression. Congrats!
    11. Congrats! Those tinies from Elfdoll really are adorable :blush

      pelicandeb: Aw, thanks for mentioning me xD
    12. I have Bong also and LOVE her. I just got her about a month ago and don't see any reason to restring her so I wouldn't worry about that. Also mine stand well though sometimes her legs spring up so it takes me a minute to get her settled. Overall, I think her standing is fine and I adore her. As far as shoes I found quite a few of Tommy shoes fit (Kelly brother). Haven't tried others though the two pair of Kelly shoes I tried did not fit.

      Congratulations, it's so exciting getting new dollies and you'll probably love the size. I do as I can take her with me EVERYWHERE.
    13. Hey Carolyn-thanks for the happy mention!

      Congrats on your elfdoll!

      I think the only Kelly shoes I'v emanaged to have my MindelRe fit is the jelly sandals. All the Tommy shoes fit.

      If you can get your hands on a newer Strawberry shortcake doll, her stuff fits, too, though they just redesigned her again, so I'm not sure if they will fit. They are loose, but not as loose as Kelly/Shelley clothing, and the shoes are a bit big, but will hold on with the socks the dolls come with.

      I've actually used the coated wire that dolls are trussed in their packaging to wire my Lyn's legs. I haven't wired my Min, since she's an older doll, that's when they were using a much thicker elastic to string her legs.

      You'll love how mobile they are!

      Oh, shop around for a largish hardshell eyeglass case. They seems the easiest and safest transport for them. I used one of the pillows in my Lyn's box in one, and there's still enough room for her to lie comfortably and safely.
    14. Wow! Thanks so much for the information! I printed this off to save in my Tiny file! Still waiting for my little Bongie.....sigh....


    15. YAY! I just ordered one of those Bongsunhwa heads :) Does anyone know how long the shipping takes to get to the US?
    16. Are the elf doll tinies still sold somewhere?