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Volks Dollfie Dream head mold list (help is welcome)

Feb 22, 2008

    1. yummy update Chibi,thank you!^__________^
      I want tp learn about the #5 head as my Kyoko's head don't write anything either...>.<;
      ohh..and of course the ratwunni head mold!^ ^;
    2. Oh man! I love the Excellen Browning head. She has Lips !! ^.^
    3. *so late* After seeing that picture of Ratwuni...I LIKE HER NOW. :D OMG! I want her! *scatters money*
    4. Oh wow, didn't know this was here :O! This clears up my confusion over the confusing numbers stamped in my "type 2 and 3" heads! Thanks!

      I'm really curious about that dreaming head thou, if they eyes are sculpted at all? Also, what number would you call the blank eyeless head that came with the DD1's? Its the same sculpt as the Basic head "1" but with no form of eyes or indentions. I've got mine painted like a sleeping face, an that's what made me so curious about the precious dream head.
    5. Hehe I'm wondering the same things you are :lol:
      I've seen pictures of that dreaming head and the eyes are just painted on, but I haven't seen it without eye paint so I don't know if the eyes are sculpted or not :? I guess I won't know unless I get one of these heads hehe.
      And ouh I know which basic head you are talking about, and I don't know if its numbered what mold it is? maybe its number 0? hehe :sweat
    6. Yeah, I've got the head.. an it has nothing stamped on it other then 2003 VOLKS Inc Japan. But yeah, me an my local freind have just been calling it the "Zeroeth" head or HDD-00 XD
    7. Thanks for compiling this! It's really helpful, and interesting! I forgot about some of these DDs XD

      It's Missingno!!!! ;D
    8. I'm glad I found this thread! :D I went and checked for myself, my Nemu does have a small #4 on the bottom of her head where the neck hole is!
    9. This thread is so interesting.

      However it makes me cringe thinking of how many in that list that I love, I'd have to drop a lot of cash to get all the ones I wan't Dx And then the resin bjd's I want too.......ohhhh dear XD
    10. ria will those 2 be out soon? btw my kiriha is home safely so i have two dd's now ^^
    11. I wish they were resin. If Etheldreda was resin I'd be so buying her. But my luck with minidd is bad
    12. Yes, these MDDs are limited models for next Dolpa (Home Town Dolpa Osaka 5, 3rd August 2008). I heard Volks would release Ayanami and Asuka DDs, too, but it seems they are not sold at this Dolpa (only these MDDs are sold at Dolpa Osaka 5?). When I got a clear info, I will post it here. ^_^
    13. *nearly Dies* Asuka?!?!?! Rei!?!?!? :o Omg~~~~! :D
    14. I really love the Asuka, she's got such a happy face ~

      I wonder if the volks international site will have them for sale later, and if they do, will they be able to send them to the UK? I've tried buying dollfie dreams before but it says they will not sell outside of Japan. Someone told me this was due to license issues.

      But in England, we have Evangelion officially so maybe they will let me buy them?

    15. I hope so. It's cheaper ordering them direct I noticed. If you have to buy them on Ebay it adds a considerable profit margin to the seller and Yahoo! Japan is even more.
    16. Yeah, its a real bummer ;__ ; Both my DD's I had to get from the marketplace here so got a good deal, but they don't come up much here >;
    17. I've added mold # 10 and 23 (I got these heads now ;) )
    18. So, I'm still curious. Does the 10 head have some sort of sculpted eyes or is it all just painted on?