1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Volks Mini Super Dollfie discussion Part 2

May 19, 2014

    1. I love seeing pictures of events, especially far away ones.

      And thank you all very much; I'm having oodles of fun with her.
    2. Oh my gosh oh my gosh!
      I can't believe I found a MSD Midori on Yahoo Japan for 25000 Yen >w<///
      I told a Doll Shop with Yahoo Japan services to buy it for me, and it's now bought and it's mine!

      The previous owner said that the head plate was missing though, but I doubt it's a fake/ re-cast.
      (At least I hope??)
      Is it just me, or does it seem like the head plates fall off easily?
      I've never owned a Volks MSD before, so I don't know.

      I hope it's only cheap because she said some colour from the wig got transferred onto the head.
      (Or is it not cheap?)
    3. Congratulations Lavandula :) I think you got a nice deal! And I have read really often that headplates are missing/have fallen off, but I'm new to Volks dolls myself though ^_^"

      My MSD kit Sakura arrived today. I love her face! But what dissapointed me, was that her head does not match her body in color at all! I got her directly from Volks but it seems that her Body had yellowed quite heavy but her head seems not :( I also did not get a stringing guide nor a membership card...
    4. Aw, the Peter Pan is so cute! His costume is so lovely and detailed :D

      Thank you ginarolo, I was able to put her together :)

      I didn't know about not getting the membership card from the inernational website, thats a pity... well, if only my (supposed to be new) Body was not yellowed I wouldn't be that sad. I took pictures and wrote to Volks... I hope the color difference will show up properly :(
    5. Pandakeks, I am so sorry. Definitely contact Volks about it.

      I got my shipping notice for my F-20 girl that I ordered on March 15th.
      I can't wait to get her!
    6. If it is come from Yahoo japan, I think it is not a recast so I think you don't have to worry about it :)
    7. Wow congrats on all the new MSD arrivals! I'm glad to see these guys getting some of their popularity back! :)

      I haven't been here in so long! :(
      I'm preparing to move before the new school year starts so I can't keep my dolls out of their boxes. I miss them a lot. :(
      Here is one of my favorite boys, Kairi (Schulze)...so much love! :)
    8. I got a request for a body comparison shot for souldoll N.Line boys and VOlks SDC/MSD boys. It turned out I had a massive comparison shot I did a few months back! It had the souldoll, SDC boy and MSD boy, as well as volks girls and angel region boys (can share clothes with MSD boys).

      From my experience, Volks boys (like Rock) can share clothes with angel region boys and LUTS boys. They will NOT fit souldoll clothes very well. The SD boys have very long legs and narrower hips. SDC boys (like Hansel) might be able to share shirts if they are not super fitted to the SD body, but the pants will be too long and way too tight at the hips.

      I don't have some of these dolls anymore so I'm glad I did such a massive shot. :)

    9. :lol: well doesn't that always happen though? I like MANY of the MSD heads (but I also think that's because there are so many more MSD sculpts out than SDC sculpts (I like most of the SDC sculpts too). :)

      *Also, the souldoll body is the N.Line body!*
    10. My F-29 boy arrived today!

      The weather is nasty, so no real decent pictures yet and he still needs scars and piercings but here is Kei!

    11. Kei!!

      Yes, the lighting was just TERRIBLE today. But photos were a must.

      Mayu, my sunlight F-20

    12. Well, sorry to spam.
      But the one off I was waiting for arrived today.

      Michele (Midi Liz), Alice (Midi Chloe), Jack (Midi Cecile)
      Katsu (F-09), Mayu (F-20), MiChan(F-21)
      • x 1
    13. No please spam away, this thread needs more action (we really need to combine with the midi I think like the other thread does)! Your family is so adorable, and it makes me jealous that I have so many MSD size, but no actual MSD >,<;;;! You obviously had your head in the right place collection wise, though I love my menagerie of Little Gems, I need more Volks in my life…I think I love Katsu and Mayu the most, they both look so gentle and totally adorable.

      I am still perpetually holding my breath for the online FCS, knowing it will probably pop up at any moment now...

      Also guls207, &#8203;I am totally now, and forever will be in love any Schulze, and your boy is no exception. Sheer genius comes in the idea to shrink that sculpt family…now Volks just needs to release it more often or put it in FCS!
    14. My Midori arrived today.
      But her wig hasn't arrived yet :p

      Will post her pics once she has a wig.

      Re CathyM
      F-20 is such a nice sculpt!!
      So as Chloe :D
    15. Artemos, I didn't have a Volks mini for a looooong time. But I have recently turned to the smaller sizes again.
      So my Yos have multiplied, and so have the minis. And only 1 big Volks in the horde at the moment.

      You never know where your collection will go in the future.

      One last bit of spam, and I will quit for a while.
      Jack and Alice look really pretty (and moody) together.

    16. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if I should post this guy here or in the Midi thread since he is an Msd head on a midi body but, my one-off Hewitt just arrived. His name is Alexander. :D

    17. [​IMG]

      Hi people, this is my Midori.
      Her wigs and clothes takes ages to arrive so I photoed her without.

      The colour of her cap is a bit funny though. Is it stained or what?
      She has some dirt on her thighs as well. I'm slightly unhappy with the doll's condition.
    18. Oh, her wig and clothes finally arrived :D
      I still don't know her name yet.

      I also changed her face up a bit. I hope her eyes are going to arrive soon.
