1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Volks Mini Super Dollfie discussion Part 2

May 19, 2014

    1. Hi lavandula,

      She is adorable.

      Use a cleaning sponge on body to get the dirt off. Sometimes dark wigs stain the top of head. A cleaning sponge will help if it bothers you.

      Don't use cleaning sponge on face-up it might remove the paint.
    2. I just thought I would share ^0^
      Last year I was in Japan and I managed to order my second FCS.
      There was a huge problem, since I was staying only for 1,5months and the shipping would be to my friend, but after long time, they agreed to let me have my last FCS...
      [​IMG]F-18 by kalcia, on Flickr
      It's F18 in tan ^^
      • x 2
    3. lavandula, it's done by 3rd_strike ^^ she has magical hands! xD
    4. NY_Kitty: I love that Hewitt! His faceup is fabulous.

      lavandula: Congratulation on your Midori.

      ^kalcia^: Wow. Your F-18 is so beautiful.

      And, a few of my pretties...
      Alice, Ren, and MiChan.

      • x 1
    5. MiChan is an F-21. She is one of my favorites. <3
    6. Alice, my one off Chloe. I did this shot for my FB cover photo.

      Not bad for a cell phone image.

      • x 1
    7. Why is it your cellphone images come out like this and mine are always awful?

      And your girl looks like a mermaid here :)
    8. n/a
      #48 Minerva, Jun 29, 2014
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    9. Hi, :)
      Since Volks still did not come back to me with a resolution for my yellowed body, I decided to keep my Sakura as she is now and did a faceup on her lovely head! :D I love her so much! All she needs now are her proper eyes!

    10. She's really cute with that faceup~! &#9829;
    11. I like this kind of face up as well!

      Volks dolls are so versatile. Each doll usually have multiple types of faceup that look nice.
    12. have you guys seen new SDC in the newest Volks News? :o
      they both are adorable and cute! and the only thing that stops me from trying to get my hands on them is the fact I don't liek SDC bodies ^^;;;

      Pandakeks, ahh, sweet girl <333
    13. No? Can you give us a link?
    14. The new SDCs are both really cute. I feel like Volks has really been producing some lovely girl sculpts as of late, and it feels like they're finally showing renewed interest in the smaller size.


      I finally got my Nagisa back from the faceup artist, and she turned out so cute!
      • x 1
    15. Anyone know around when F-35 and up will actually be available for order? I've decided to make my
      triple Volks order this year sometime, and I want to add F-35 as my third sculpt in this little boy band. Any info would be much appreciated!

      Edit: Nevermind, my proxy just told me he is available, and she will be placing my order this month probably! So excited, I'll actually have boys to share here!

      Also, Kim, I've been wondering where you were! I'm not a fan of Nagisa really, but your girl is so so cute, I love her face up and styling, really spot on!
    16. My cutest bunch of F-12 went out for a big BIG adventure near the river! Hisu (cat ears) and Ponzu (robot ears) enjoyed their time out in the wild. I really want a third F-12, omg!!
      • x 1
    17. Hi Kim,

      Your new face-up is so lovely for Nagisa.

      Hi Giggy,

      I love how you framed your photo with the bridge in background. The costumes and doll poses are so precious. Just like opening up a story book.
    18. n/a
      #59 Minerva, Jul 10, 2014
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    19. Giggy, again, I do not like F-12s, but this thread is full of such great and creative people, your doll styling and scene craft is really wonderful, and it makes me love and want to see more of these two in the future!

      I can't wait until my two new MSD FCS boys can join everyone here, hopefully you all can keep me happy and entertained until that time comes in a couple months, keep sharing!