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Volks Mini Super Dollfie discussion Part 2

May 19, 2014

    1. [​IMG]

      Some new blue eyes arrived.
      Midori looks so innocent now.
      I love how this looks. I was worried that I couldn't bond to her. It's a relief that the problem was just eye colour.
      I'm still thinking of whether to give her a new faceup though, especially the eye brows.
    2. Kim your Nagisa is adorable! I love her little dress! I agree with your statement, and I'm hoping that this will be the year I can finally get my hands on a Volks MSD! I've been obsessively checking the news forum and Volks USA website in anticipation of the online FCS. Does anyone know if Volks has plans for a new MSD standard line? I'm loving the new standard SD girls, and find myself quite tempted by them, to but I think I prefer MSD. (Difficult to say for sure as I don't have an SD ( except a poor bodiless DWC 02 head) or MSD at the moment, but I like younger dolls!
    3. Anyone plan on doing the new FCS with the choices they have up now? It's limited, but F-20, is always a favorite, and of course F-06. I think they could have added more options, but honestly, it's at about what I thought it would be, though they really need to be doing SD and SD13 size sculpts to get this thing off the ground, F-01 and F-16 would push this plan forward a lot more quickly than some random MSDs to start with. I suppose that could have been one of the fears going in though, too many orders...but now I'm just hoping they get any orders at all...
    4. Not ordering anything. I already have a Msd F-20 girl. However, I was very tempted by the Msd F-20 boy. I am excited that the price is lower ($363) if you choose no face-up/no eyes. Otherwise coordinated face-up is added $110.
      (Not including shipping.)

      The head molds offered were Msd F-06, Msd F-18, Msd F-19, Msd F-20 and Msd F-24.

    5. Agreed. No wig option, welcoming outfit/shoes, no choice on whether the eyes are glued in or not...

      I should feel lucky that anything is offered at all but as it stands I don't find their options too tempting at the moment.
    6. n/a
      #66 Minerva, Aug 1, 2014
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    7. I admit I am tempted to get an F-18 girl... that was my second choice when I ordered my F-29 boy :)

      But no, I can resist.

      I have Kei (F-29) to keep me busy

    8. I'm actually pretty happy about the way they are offering it now! I already have tons of msd eyes and wigs, and I have no problem sending the head to a favorite faceup artist. So a white skin F-20 is in my future.
    9. I am actually glad they started with MSD. Of course the SD and SD13 are the most popular, but I have often wondered if that is because the line has been so much more developed than the MSD line. I would love to see some new standard MSD like the three SD which they now have. Since I have been pining for F-20 forever, I am going to try to get her this order period, and the lower price for no face-up will certainly help to make that possible! Even though I was pretty set on F-20, it would have been nice to see a few more options at the outset, and I wish they were offering the welcome outfits--I was looking forward to that special part of FCS.

      Any recommendations from experienced MSD owners as to swarrico or regular body?
    10. Regarding the MSD FCS, did anyone else notice when you select no makeup you don't get to select any eyes? :-/ I'm wondering if they did that on purpose or if that was a slip up since eyes are under the "makeup" tab and it greys out everything under that tab when you don't select makeup. If they did that purposely, that's kind of screwy. Two of my friends from Germany have asked me to purchase an F-06 boy and an F-18 girl for them from the new lineup, but they both wanted no makeup. I'm not sure they'll still want them once I tell them it won't let you order eyes without ordering makeup.

      Tami E - It's really just a personal preference. :) I've had both the small bust regular body and the suwaricco body. I personally liked the suwaricco body best simply because I think that style of sitting is so irrestistably cute and it was easier to pivot the legs at the thigh with the suwaricco. However, you will notice that it tends to -want- to sit in that way most of the time, even when trying to have it stand normally. The regular body is a sturdier stander most of the time since it doesn't have the same sort of slits. Though both stand just fine, you will want to make sure if you get a suwaricco that when it is standing, it's legs are positioned properly at the thigh so as not to suddenly collapse.
    11. The eyes are only available if you purchase the makeup (this is explained in one of the crazy long disclaimers you have to agree to in order to get to the order area)
    12. Thank you, eleniel! :) I checked the second page again and you are indeed right! It confused me the first time around since it says they're not available and listed other things that also aren't available (like outfits and wigs) with the standard or coordinate models. I didn't notice the one under it where it says they are only with the makeup option on purpose. Looks like I'll be telling my friends to order the makeup if they are so set on those lovely green eyes. It still works out perfectly for my planned orders, since I'm not overly fond of the eyes and would like a local friend to do their makeup so I can be certain they will look twin-ish.
    13. Haha honestly I had very little interest in MSD before but when the FCS came up I felt like I had to order! I'll be getting a WS F-06 :XD: I think they'll get enough orders. Their reasoning for starting out with MSD was probably so they would not get swamped with as many orders as they would for SD. I DO wish they offered more head molds and unglued eyes but I think what they offer is pretty good.
    14. n/a
      #74 Minerva, Aug 2, 2014
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    15. I guess I will just keep watching and waiting... I was really hoping to finally order my sunlight MSD... or to see them bring back something more anime-like, such as F12... le sigh. Dare to dream!
    16. Do the long legs look weird for girls?
    17. Hi Tami E,

      I used to own the swarrico body. I got it with Msd Toppi. I hated it. My dolls keep slipping even when on a stand.
      On the good side swarrico body used to cost a bit more. But seems to be offered for same price now.

      Hi Maclou,

      Congratulations on your new Msd F-06. Please keep us updated on it's progress.

      Hi Captainkyo,

      The long legs are not that long. It's okay for a girl.
    18. Hey, guys! I have a few quick questions for MSD owners, and I would really appreciate the help.

      -Can the girls wear high-heeled shoes without the need for high-heeled feet?

      -In terms of pose-ability, would you say the MSD body has good range, decent range, or poor range?

      -Would choosing the longer legs over the shorter legs affect the doll's sitting and standing abilities?

      -Do the 6/7-sized or 7/8-sized wigs fit better?
      (I know wig sizes vary by company, but with a head that measures 7 inches, I'm not sure which wig size I should be looking at.)


    19. Hi Selenae ,

      My girls can wear the Dollheart higher heeled shoes without a problem.

      I love Volks Msd. But it doesn't have the range of motion that a Sdc or Sd Midi has. But it is also lower in price that a Midi or SDC.

      I own both long and short leg Msd. I see no difference in stability or standing between the two.

      What head are you getting that is 7 inches? Volks Msd heads come in a variety of sizes.

      My Msd F-13 head is 7 1/4 inches. It fits best in a Volks Yo wig or wig close to 7 inches.
    20. Just ordered my very first FCS girl ! F20 is my choice with the M body, thanks to the feedback given here regarding the Suwaricco body. I love the Suwaricco SD body, and probably would have ordered it for my FCS MSD if I hadn't read the comments regarding the propensity to 'sit' all the time. Thanks to ginarolo and Rikka Mika for that ! I've only seen the midi body that my Chloe and Liz have.